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Healer; Heal Thy Self

Posted on Sat Jul 2nd, 2011 @ 6:39am by Captain Claudia Drake &
Edited on on Sat Jul 2nd, 2011 @ 6:49am

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: Following Previous

Claudia walked into the sickbay and looked around, her eyes instantly locked onto a younger man, he walked with the familiar gait of a Surgeon. It was not something she could put down to scientific evidence, but there was always a difference between the 3 types of medical doctors. You could always tell the difference between a physician, a surgeon and a psychiatrist by the way they walked.

"Ah excuse me...Doctor...or do you follow the good old Commonwealth tradition of Surgeons being Mister?" she asked with a smile, her cut-glass English accent unusual in the somewhat busy room.

Having just entered his office, Connor spun around, caught off guard momentarily by her question, and her accent. One corner of his mouth raised, and there was curiosity and interest in his eyes, "Though not as customary as it once was, I use to...but not since I left Down-under."

"Well then Mister McKinney, we will have to start to make a change to that." she smiled, "I suspect you are quite excited about being on Starbase gives you a chance to slice and dice many new and exotic new species." she moved to lean against the desk.

Connor made a wry face, set his PADD on his desk, and tilting his head downwards, looked the woman over. "That's a loutish way of describing what I do...", and slightly indicating with a hand for her to move off the desk, "and you are?"

"You old sawbones are all the same" she said with a mischievous glint in her eye, "I am Professor Claudia Drake" she said with a smile and offered her hand, "A pleasure to meet you again Mister McKinney, last time I met you, you were just a Cadet under-going the qualified officers commissioning course that I over-saw."

His brows scrunching together, Connor slowly shook her hand, "I'm...not remembering you...", and rubbing his hand down his mouth, he looked away, sitting in his seat, disturbed to discover another puzzle piece missing from his life. Looking back to her, he indicated to another chair, "Please have a seat, Professor."

Claudia took a seat, "Thank you." she said with a polite smile, "Well I must say, it is interesting to meet someone serving in the Fleet who doesn't recall me..." she paused "'s probably the first time in 80 years it has happened" she smiled, "I feel almost 200 again." she laughed slightly, "Are you okay Mister McKinney?"

"I'm fine..." he answered, in the process of standing up again, "Can I get you a bevvie, Professor?"

"No thank you Mister McKinney," she smiled, "I just dropped by to introduce myself to the medical staff, "it is customary for physicians to let the stations own staff that they are on-board, just in case I need to prescribe drugs...."

Still troubled by the fact he had some Academy time missing from his memory, Connor ordered a water, and gave her a sideways glance as he grabbed his glass, "You're a physician, Professor?"

"Amongst many other things" she said with a small smile, "In 400 years you pick up a lot of qualifications" she smiled again and looked at the man, "I first qualified in medicine in the late 2060's as a general physician and surgeon, and then specialized in pathology. I then did a return to medicine course in 2301, and have been practicing as a private Psychiatrist for most of the years since then, along-side my Starfleet duties of course." she smiled.

She was beginning to pique his interest, and that was clearly evident in his expression as he sat back down. He narrowed his eyes at her, "Are you El-Aurian?", he asked.

Claudia nodded solemnly, "What gave me away?" she asked with a slight wink.

"Just a guess, " he smiled, "Now..what Drugs would need prescribing, Professor?"

"I don't know yet, it depends on what my patients present with. I don't foresee the need to, but I would like to be prepared just in case. I don't want to be in a situation where a client needs some night sedation and have the replicator refuse my request."

Connor shifted in his seat, leaning forward, "Professor, if you plan on continuing your practice on the station, although you are not assigned to the medical dept, I'll have to run this by both our Chief Counselor, LtCmdr Robin Swift, and Doc Kona."

Claudia looked at the man, "The last time I checked Mister McKinney this was a Federation installation and bound by Federation law." she stared at him, "I think you are somewhat confused, I am a fully licensed and endorsed medical practitioner, I came here as a courtesy to inform the medical staff I may deem it appropriate see my patients on the station. I do not need permission from you, or your senior medical staff."

Connor's brows came together, he was not happy with her choice of words, "Believe what you will, Professor. I will not waste my time debating this with you..." and he stood up, "I have patients to attend too", and raised both eyebrows at her, "I suggest you do not attend to yours until you have received prior consent from Cmdr. Swift."

Claudia looked at him, "You will leave when you are dismissed Lieutenant." she stared at him, her voice controlled and emotionless, "I have done more than my part by informing you. As I said I am licensed to practice medicine, no-one on this base is qualified to remove that right - only the Federation Medical Council is." she stood up, "I suggest you pass on my polite notification to your superiors and explain to them that if they have any issues they are to address them to me directly, or to the FMC." she looked at him, "Now you are dismissed Lieutenant."

"No, ma'am!", Connor sliced out an indicative hand, "You will not order me around in 'this' Sickbay, nor give me permission on how I will do my job or when I will see to my patients, have a bonza day!" and he stormed away.

Claudia smiled as she watched the man storm out, "And they say the firey ones don't exist any more" she took one look around the office before casually strolling out, whistling a jaunty tune, her right hand feeling the device hidden in her pocket.

A JP By;

Lt. Connor McKinney
ACMO/Chief Surgeon
Starbase 900


Professor Claudia Drake
Busy-Body Extraordinaire


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