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Anticipation Is Everything

Posted on Fri Oct 26th, 2012 @ 6:11pm by Suresh & Commander Sakkath

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Suresh's Office

Suresh left Sayla’s quarters with a spring in his step that hadn’t been there two hours earlier. Darwin was one step closer to being out of his life - his life because getting Darwin out of Seyla’s life meant the danger to his own was minimized. But even better, he’d found her once again. And the kicker? She wasn’t dead. Seyla was right. He’d been played. The sight of her smile in the picture had all but overwhelmed him, and it had taken a strong dose of will not to let it show on his face. Seyla would have pounced on it in an instant, asked questions, put it together. Perhaps would have waited till he left and informed Darwin.

Anger warred with obsession as he continued along the corridor. Mixed in with it was anticipation. He might just get everything he wanted....finally. All in one package. He’d have Isha back and he’d also have his revenge on the one who killed her....herself. A smile lit his face suddenly and one of his men passing bay actually stopped and turned, watching Suresh with a puzzled expression on his face. Anytime he saw that smile, he knew something was up. There was trouble in the wind.

Suresh passed on, stopping at a comm terminal to summon Lazan. He had some plans to make.

Lazan ran a hand through his shoulder length hair as he observed the call from his employer... or rather, one of his employers. A smirk pulled at the sides of his lips. It had been some time since Suresh seemed coherent enough to actually run his empire... perhaps this summons would be a return to business as usual. Truthfully, for all the perks, Lazan was tiring of running things on his own. So much simpler to reap rewards from association with another.

Smoothing his jacket and checking his tie in the mirror, he made his way quickly to Suresh’s office, sounding the chime as a courtesy before entering.

“Come in,” Suresh called. He then went back to his terminal issuing orders in his old, commanding way. The person on the other end was busy agreeing and making notes. When the doors slid open, Suresh looked up, smiling. “Hello Lazan.”

“Suresh,” Lazan replied with a nod of his head, deeper than he would for most. “How may I be of service?”

“A moment.” He gave one last set of directions to be passed on to one of the other men, then closed the channel. “Please, have a seat.” He indicated a padd on the coffee table. “Updates for you as well as what’s coming up over the next two weeks, including one run that has to be made to dispose of something.”

Doing as instructed, Lazan took a seat and lifted the PADD. Taking a few moments to look over it’s contents, mentally noting what would require his personal attention and what could be delegated, he then slid it into his jacket, turning his gaze to Suresh. He was not called for something so routine, and so he waited.

“The item to be disposed of is a someone. She calls herself Jade, and was a holdover from the last shipment. I intended to pass her along to Tog, but he’s off the station on business. So, once the transport arrives in eight days, she will be gone, much to Seyla’s relief. If you are in my quarters between now and then you will see her. Make sure you lock the door as usual when you leave, we can’t have her wandering off and running her mouth.” Suresh smiled and it was obvious now that something far beyond normal, mundane business brewed within him.

“Simple enough,” Lazan affirmed, “though you seem unusually pleased at the prospect of being rid of your little gift. Perhaps Seyla could teach her a few new tricks, bring her up to snuff?” he mused, his lips pressed together in a tight smirk.

“I considered it but she still wears a collar and all we need is one word in the wrong ear. Be warned, she may not speak if you answer, unless you tell her I have given my permission. My good mood has little to do with her, however. It concerns the fact that I’m getting back to business, and the possibility of reclaiming something lost.” Suresh’s smile widened. “It’s been an enlightening afternoon.”

“Well, if I can be of assistance in your reclamation I am, as ever, at your service,” Lazan said, more than a little curious as to what piece of property could drive Suresh to such a pleasant mood from his more recent lows. Something big, no doubt... and such things were generally just what helped to put him in the good graces of those up above. He would have to ask some discreet questions, were Suresh not presently forthcoming.

“I need a new ship, new to me. Small and fast. I’d prefer external docking, upper level. can you do it?”

Retrieving the PADD from his jacket, Lazan entered a few notes. “It shouldn’t be a problem. I imagine Nine has more than a few contacts, but I’m not sure how swiftly I could make it happen without making some inquiries. How much are you willing to part with for the purchase?”

“Whatever it takes to get it here by tomorrow,” Suresh answered. “And stocked.”

Carte blanche. The idea almost made Lazan frown, but he was too well practiced in this game of espionage. Add to that the fact that it was a rush job and he was positively seething that he was in the dark.

The thought occurred to him to put Hawke on alert, but without even an inkling as to why that seemed useless. And so, he simply stood.

"I had best start making calls, then," he said with a casual smile. "I am not in the business of disappointing."

“You never have before Lazan.” Suresh smiled up at him, much more relaxed than he’d been in a while. “And I appreciate your patience in the past few days. It’s been a difficult time but things are beginning to work out just fine.”

Once Lazan had departed, Suresh turned back to the terminal. He pressed it and opened an image recently lifted from Seyla’s terminal while she dozed in the afterglow. Looking back at Suresh was the picture of Admiral Hawke and his daughter, and he studied it intently for several minutes. A slow smile spread across Suresh’s face.

“Things are working out just fine......”

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