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Much Ado About Nothing

Posted on Tue Jun 28th, 2011 @ 7:04am by Captain Claudia Drake & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Main Science Lab
Timeline: Following Previous

Claudia walked into the main science lab and took a deep breath, they still smelled the same. You could go anywhere in the galaxy and a lab would always smell the same. Over the centuries the smell had changed ever-so-slightly, but it was still the same smell.

She walked over to a young man hunched over a terminal, his eyes focused on whatever was occurring on his screen, "I've told you countless times before, slouching is bad for your back Cadet Leroy." she said, using her best Academy Professor voice, "Oh my mistake...Lieutenant Leroy." she smiled as she walked towards him.

"That would be Lt. Commander in reality" responded Patrick looking up from the monitor with a smile "But I think that for some strange mechanism of our minds the title 'Professor' outranks even Rear Admiral for all days of our life." He paused then straightening his uniform "Welcome to this humble temple of knowledge, Dean." He said waving a hand to indicate the lab surrounding them. "From the moment I've seen you at the Senior staff meeting I wondered when my time would have come. Just like at the Academy when I was sitting with cadets and you were browsing the PADD registry for interrogation. This time without all that tension though, what may I do for you?"

Claudia smiled, "I hope you remember my Lecture on the use of rank as a mechanism of social control; it is just a figment of our collective imaginations." she said as she looked at her former student, "How is the life of the Chief Scientist on one of the Federation's most advanced and important Stations? Keeping you busy I hope?"

"Busy to say the least. The department here is four times those found on starships and the requests are tenfold. I'm trying to cut out some time to develop a study of the plasma storms of the nebula near the safe passage. That is really an interesting feature of this region of space." He then regarded the professor "But something tells me you're not here for mere scientific speculation, are you?"

"Can't I just drop in without everyone thinking I have an ulterior motive?" she said in mock shock, "What is it about the crew on this station thinking the worst of me?" she laughed slightly, "I just happened to be passing and thought I would drop in." she said resolutely, "But if you would rather I left.." she said making a slow move for the door.

"Not at all. I appreciate the visit, it somewhat reminds me of old times. I was just curious... Just to pass by to any old cadet of yours could be a profession in itself by now." Patrick responded hinting at the long career time of the Dean.

"It is quite a job, I sat down with a friend and we worked out that there are only 18 people serving in Starfleet who did not under-go their Academy training during my tenure" she smiled, "It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy...and old inside" she let out a laugh, "Do you have any exciting research missions coming know scanning a new planet etcetera?"

"Well, not a new planet but a study on the very peculiar qualities of this stone..." Responded Patrick touching a command on the LCARS console. A panel in the wall hissed open to show a glimmering crystal.

"It seems innocuous standing there behind the force field but I can assure you it has caused quite the ruckus back on the Berkeley. Somehow, when bombarded by Theta wave emissions, the crystal suddenly linked the minds of many a crewmember, telepaths being the most affected. It's a mystery how this happened"

"My research suggested that the Iconians used similar devices to allow them to communicate over vast distances, far more effective with direct neural connectivity." she mused to herself, "What is the next step in your study?"

"Now I'm putting the mineral through a series of tests with the help of the Chief Ops and Chef Intel being them both telepaths. I'm sure we can be surprised with the findings. Maybe you want to be informed if something interesting comes up?"

Claudia nodded, "Please do..." she said as she looked around the lab, "I am needed elsewhere." she said with a sudden change in her voice. She gave the young officer a polite nod and left the room.

Patrick cocked his head staring at the closed doors "Maybe I've said something wrong?"

The unanswered question still lingering in his mind he shrugged and returned to the monitor to check on his previous work.


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