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Using Your Resources

Posted on Wed Dec 5th, 2012 @ 6:16am by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Sakkath & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Alternate Dimension SB900

“Mike, we thought you were lost to us!” An enthusiastic Moresi, along with several others whose faces Darwin recognized, greeted him as he walked towards Sakkath.

He smiled in response and started to shake his head and say that he wasn’t who they thought he was. Just as he opened his mouth, someone clapped him on the back and someone else shouted, “Commander Darwin, good to see you!”

Commander? Darwin’s brows rose; he could get used to that.

"The Lieutenant Commander appears to have lost one of his pips," Sakkath commented. "He also appears to have violated replicator rations in fabricating an unsoiled uniform. I expect a better eye for detail from my Security officers, Mr. Moresi, please do try to remember that." Sakkath found sarcasm surprisingly useful since abandoning the effort of emotional control. "Lieutenant, I assume you've come to recover your colleagues. Then do so and begone, I cannot afford additional mouths to feed."

“I believe that may be easier said than done, Commander Sakkath,” Rick said. “Unfortunately, it seems that our Lieutenant Darwin fell through the rabbit hole, so to speak, in the same manner as Commander Hawke and I. It appears that they are working on a rescue but so far have been unsuccessful.”

Sakkath frowned. "Well, then at the very least it appears that I have another able, well-fed body," he said, deriving everything to its basest useful parts. "I have been reticent to avail myself of your efforts until now... but with computer control, I do need to expand Starfleet's influence on the station."

The Vulcan seemed torn, even as he considered the situation before him.

Darwin spoke up, “Don’t not use us simply because we are from another dimension, Commander Sakkath. Send me out with some of your people, let them think I’m this place’s Darwin, like the others here did - it sounds like I’m a face they can rally behind. We can help secure more decks.” He couldn’t read Sakkath - not unusual, since he couldn’t read the other reality’s Sakkath either. It was that unemotional, logical face that stumped him.

Trying to convince Sakkath he’d be of use, he added, “From what I understand right now, you’re holding this area securely. Within these confines, we have the sensor and transporter facilities that would allow us to locate and transport other live bodies into this area. If we do that a few at a time, we could eliminate the Archadians’ control of other areas of the Station.”

“It’s a good idea,” Li commented. “”It would also allow us remove those remaining Archadians as they are found. It may mean the difference between total collapse and holding out until assistance arrives.”

"It is a good idea," Sakkath relented. "Very well. I have no desire to lie to my people, but if you have even half the charisma of my Darwin, you may indeed be able to rally support. Imz--"

Sakkath stopped himself midbreath before pausing and clearing his throat. "Commander Hawke, I would appreciate your assistance in coordinating transports," he recovered. "And Admiral, I suppose your station in even another universe defers to you a choice of action. You may proceed as you see fit, though the psychological impact on the Archadian insurgents is worth considering."

Sakkath’s slip didn’t go unnoticed by Li. In the awkward moment of silence, she opened her mouth to speak, to cover for him, but as he continued, and addressed Ricky, she fell silent to let Ricky answer.

"I may have rank on my collar that looks like it's from here," Rick replied, "but this is not my station and I won't presume to be 'in charge' simply because I am a copy of your own Wegener. However, me walking and talking when they thought they'd cut the head off of 900's command structure is definitely a plus. If nothing else, it will derail some of the morale that they cling to." He paused then asked, "Commander, do we know if they are cut off from any further support from below? If so, we now have the advantage with replicators and computer access. We can also jam any outgoing communications from them to the planet, in case they try to raise an alarm."

“I can monitor that, yes,” Li answered, then turned to Sakkath. “I should have something for you regarding a message to the Fleet within the hour as well. Suresh is handling that and so far is our best hope.”

“The Admiral and I could take a few people and, with a team working the transporter to remove Archardians, retake the upper decks of the station - those with the communications and sensor arrays. Once we have that, we could work our way down,” Darwin suggested.

“Darwin, I’d advise staying out of the Admiral’s office. The rifts may still be there and may lead to other places besides home. We don’t want to lose you to some other unknown place.” Li smiled at him for just a moment. “Maybe once things are more secure here, we can get to science but until then, best to avoid possible trouble.”

Laughing, Darwin shook his head, “No, no, we’ll stay out of there for now. I’ve learned that lesson already today.”

Sakkath gave a nod of assent. “Very good, then.” Sakkath turned to Moresi. “Admiral Wegener and Lieutenant Darwin are to be armed. They will lead a team to retake critical areas of the station. With any sort of luck,” he added, not really believing in luck, “any Archadians that notice the two of them will radiate a degree of uncertainty throughout their ranks. And get these two ‘appropriate’ rank pips. I want the illusion to be as convincing as possible.”

He turned back to Rick, shaking his head. “I’m afraid we know very little of the state of Archadian operations on the station. Perhaps your sortie will enlighten us.”

Rick nodded as he was handed a phaser rifle and a handheld phaser. "We'll also need one of your comm-badges," Rick said, noting again that theirs were a bit different. "I'm sure ours won't work here. And I'm sure we'll be able to shed some light on the situation upon our return." He stepped closer to Sakkath and extended his hand. "I know most Vulcans aren't big into shaking hands, but I tend to do it off and on with my Sakkath. But I wanted to thank you for the trust you've shown us. We will not let you down, Commander."

Sakkath seemed to regard the outstretched hand for a moment before reluctantly accepting and returning the gesture. “Based on the man I know, I choose to believe I am making the correct choice, Admiral. I hope I am not given cause to be proven wrong.”

Breaking from the handshake, Sakkath turned and began to walk away from the group towards a series of terminals set further back in the Arboretum. “Moresi can replicate communicators in addition to your rank insignia. May fortune and prosperity go with you,” he said as he went. “Commander Hawke, if you’ll accompany me, I believe we have a trap to lay.”


Commander Li Hawke
Not The Imzadi

VADM Ricky Wegener
Earning Some Trust

Commander Sakkath
Utilizing Resources

Commander...make that Lieutenant Michael Darwin
A Face to Rally Behind


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