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Two of the Same

Posted on Sat Dec 8th, 2012 @ 7:08pm by El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: In Transport to the Delta Quadrant
Timeline: Current

"...and I'll be so happy when this investigation is completed."

"I know it's selfish of me to say this, boss, but I wish you would stay," Lieutenant Marie O'Donnell said.

She was in the quarters of Captain El'Shar Blackhorse sharing a glass of wine. Both were from the Temporal Affairs division and had been sent, without warning to anyone on Starbase 900, to the Delta Quadrant to investigate the disappearance of some crew members.

"You've been patient with me and have taught me more than anyone else has!" O'Donnell said, now almost pleading with her senior officer. "Besides, what are you going to do when you retire anyway? You've already been hundreds, if not thousands, of places in the universe."

Blackhorse smiled, something that normally unnerved those around her. There was something inherently wrong about seeing a Vulcan smile. But El'Shar wasn't Vulcan, she was half-Vulcan and half-Human--or, rather, half-Mohawk Indian, according to her. She was born and raised on Earth, living amongst her father's Mohawk tribe and acted much more Human than Vulcan. But she got her dose of Vulcan-ism, as she called it, from her mother who had adapted, to some extent, to living among Humans, but more so from her grandparents whom she visited often and were strictly Vulcan.

"I have," she said as she sipped from the wine glass, "but I was always working. I want to go somewhere because I want to be there, not because I was ordered."

Marie drained her glass and poured a refill. "Maybe you should stay in the Delta Quadrant a bit, then. You know, after all of this is over you could take a spin around the block and see what's going on over here. Isn't this your first time?"

Lieutenant Marie O'Donnell, all five-foot-six and one hundred twenty one pounds of her, had been to the Delta Quadrant three times already, and she seemed to like reminding El'Shar about it every chance she got. El'Shar looked at her aide and rolled her eyes. "Yes, Marie, this is my first time. And I have a feeling that I'm not going to be happy here, so the faster we get this over, the faster I can get on to my retirement."

O'Donnell had amazingly beautiful blue eyes, El'Shar thought, and a wonderful smile. She was very thin, but beautiful nontheless--a sort of delicate beautiful, but with a mind like a steel trap that could mince anyone to pieces. El'Shar silently wondered if she and Marie had the same issues with finding mates, since Marie never seemed to be with anyone...ever.

With a pout, Marie sat back in her chair. "Well, Starfleet will be losing a great woman, boss." She raised her glass.

El'Shar raised her own. "Thank you, Marie. But us geezers have to get out of the way for up-and-comers like you." With a wink she sipped the last of her own drink. Marie began to pour her more and she raised her hand. "No, thanks. We'll be arriving soon. I need to gather my things."

"Wow, you really are turning into a geezer!" Marie said with a laugh, then stood, understanding she needed to go. "We're still five hours out."

"And you, young lady, are a pure brat!" El'Shar goosed her aide in the ribs as she passed. "Why don't you go check the bar? I saw some fairly good looking folks in there." She raised her eyebrows. "Five hours is plenty of time..."

It was Marie's turn to roll her eyes. "I have better things to do right now."

"Better than finding someone to have some fun with?"

Marie drained her glass and placed it on the table before heading to the door. "You know, boss, it's not my place to say, but I may stick my neck out there anyway." She hesitated before venturing on. "I wish you'd be able to find someone, too. You work and work, talk to your family and a few friends, never seem to be looking for anyone."

With a sigh and pursed lips, El'Shar walked to the doorway. "You know, kid, you're the only person that I've ever worked with that I would let talk to me that way. And it's because I like you." She put her arm around Marie and squeezed gently. "And because I like you, I'm going to give you some sage words of wisdom." She turned the Lieutenant around, put both hands on her shoulders and said, "Eat a damn sandwich, woman! Geez, the slightest wind will blow you away!"

Marie just shook her head and laughed. "Okay, okay...I'll go eat a sandwich. In the bar, if that'll make you happy."

"It will! And I'll see you in four and half hours, Lieutenant."

"Aye, aye, Captain my Captain!" Marie said with a flourish, a poorly executed salute and she went out the door.

With a light chuckle, El'Shar closed the door and locked it. The lights were turned down and some light music put on as she opened the communication console. After entering some information to route her call, she was greeted by the face of a very stoic Vulcan, who showed only the slightest physical response upon seeing her face.

In Vulcan, she spoke, "Hello, grandfather. I have missed you."

It took her almost twelve years to do so as a little girl, but El'Shar, being more partial to her Human emotions, finally managed to get her grandparents to acknowledge some of their subdued emotions--at least when it came to her and her siblings.

With the slightest hint of a smile he replied, "And I you, granddaughter."


Captain El'Shar Blackhorse
Temporal Affairs Officer


Lieutenant Marie O'Donnell
Temporal Affairs Aide


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