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When The Diplomat Has No Answers

Posted on Sat Dec 8th, 2012 @ 10:21am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Galileo Science Department

* * * Lt. Commander Leroy’s Office - Galileo Science Center * * *

Kh’ali had been knee deep in the reports coming in from Archadia, along with considering just exactly how to word an acceptance to a dinner invitation from the Prime Minister when the message had come in from Patrick. Aure’l had said it was important, which was the first thing that struck her as odd. Patrick, being a workaholic himself, rarely interrupted her, preferring instead to leave word for her to return the call when she could. Granted, they spent a lot of effort returning calls but for them it worked.

Now, however, she switched over to the short message that in so many words said ‘we need to talk and now’. She frowned at the view screen, not too sure she liked the sound of that. Still, he’d said immediately and that meant something big was in the wind. Never one to avoid an issue, she locked her terminal, rose and departed for his office. When she finally arrived, Tess had watched her warily as she entered, pointed silently to Patrick’s office door, then continued on with his work. Kh’ali observed the science crew for a few moments. They all seemed absorbed, despite a few glances her way. She knew Patrick ran the department with a firm hand, but this was different. Tension was riding high and that made her even more curious. Finally, she continued on to the office door and rang the chime.

“Come in” he answered from inside. The door hissed open to let her enter. Without words Patrick gestured her to take a seat. Such sudden formality between them was unexpected to say the least and added much more to the odd sensation she’d had all the way down to Science.

Avoiding her eyes Patrick tapped slowly on the desk with his fingers for endless instants.

She watched him for several seconds and just when he felt she would either yank him across the desk, or growl, she took a breath and spoke calmly. It took some effort as she was apparently feeling far more Klingon then Human today. “So what is it?”

“Well...” he started scratching his brow. “There’s no easy way to say that... And it would be a long story on which we can delve later... It seems I’m married to Aleksa and we have a daughter.”

Whatever she might have expected, this certainly wasn’t it. This was far worse and the growl escaped her before she could stop it. She felt suddenly dizzy with the anger that bloomed and the human side of her clamored for her attention, insisting that there had to be more to this story than he’d just said. It was the Klingon, however, that spoke. “You are...what?”

Feeling the storm growing very quickly Patrick outstretched his hands in a defensive gesture “Wait... Perhaps I’ve had chosen a poor wording. Let me explain.”

In the most detailed way he could Patrick explained to her how upon the disappearance of Admiral Wegener and Cmdr Hawke he had tried, failing, to open a way for them to get back home. He heaved a sigh letting her know that the only result had been to burn out relays on fifty decks and bringing back an Aleksandra and her child from another reality.

A reality where Aleksa was apparently married with his double who was the father of this little Faye.

“...And Counselor swift strongly advised, for the child’s sake, that I behave as her real ‘dad’ and preserve that family situation that little Faye knows.” He ended in a half-tone.

Patrick watched her from under his brow, gauging her reaction. Uncertain if it would had been wiser to be ready to jump out of her nails’ reach.

“Instead of being honest and telling this poor child that you’ll do your best to get her home soon? It’s a lie Patrick. And just how far is this ‘family situation’ supposed to go?” There were times that, despite being half human, Kh’ali didn’t understand their tendency towards subterfuge. “I think it’s a bad idea.”

“Er... Commander Swift said that she’s too young to cope with this thing... aside from the destruction this Aleksandra has told me they have on the other side of the veil... The child finds herself right where she thinks she should be: home on SB900 right with her parents. Trying to explain to her that was she sees is not real home could have repercussions on her psychology... Or something like that. Swift knows certainly better.”

Silence stood between them for an instant.

“Aw... C’mon Kh’ali. I think we just have to spend some time together as long as Faye is present making a walk in the park, let her play, have ice cream and things like that, until I’ll find a way to send them back... And then it’s over. Aren’t you expecting that human babies are just like klingon ones used to growing their strength in adversity and constant testing, do you?” Patrick said, biting his tongue right in the moment he finished the phrase.

Her eyes widened for a moment at the question. “Children are far more perceptive than that Patrick. She is used to seeing her parents behave in certain ways, being familiar with each other. Do you think she won’t notice the awkwardness? That she won’t pick up that the vibe is different? And how will it affect her when she gets home to that devastation? Especially if that Patrick is dead?”

“This is not known as of yet. Aleksa... This new Aleksa, told me that she’s been cut off from the rest after the Archadian attack. She went to secure Faye as soon she had info of the ongoing invasion. The child was at the kindergarten and when she arrived there it was too late to go anywhere else. Starbase badly damaged... Turbolifts out of order, enemies everywhere. Aleksa survived for days hiding in jefferies tubes and maintenance access conduits.”

He paused considering Kh’ali’s remark, a shiver running down his spine at the thought. Then, breathing deeply he reprised: “Do not think that I’m happy with the situation. What would you have me do? Going to the child and say just: hey, despite what you see and desire I’m not your father but be happy I’ll try to do my best to send you back in that war-torn home of yours and perhaps find him dead. By the way do you want a candy?”

Tension playing bad tricks on him, he instantly regretted to have rebuked her with this misplaced irony; waiting for the inevitable he braced for impact as the saying goes in Starfleet.

She reached up to rub her temples a moment as she considered his words. “You cannot be that hard-hearted, despite peoples’ impressions. They do not know you as I do. But that is part of the problem here. This situation is a sticky one. At the risk of sounding selfish, you must understand my reaction. My human side can rationalize all day long, but the rest of me just....reacts and not well to the idea of ‘playing family’ with this woman. If she touches you I am not sure that I won’t lose control. What if she decides she wants to stay here? What then?”

Patrick opened his mouth but any answer died in in his throat before coming out. Kh’ali had a point. The point that he feared too. The whole situation was so... absurd.

“I’ll do my best.” he said after a while “I’ll ask Commander Sakkath for more power, to have the ships support, anything to make this as short as possible. They do not belong here. They have to go back to their own reality and if we find the way to open a passage we can help them to rebuild and make thing again just like here...”

His words trailed off without bringing up the rest of his reasoning. The doubt, what would have happened finding out that his double had been killed in the attack. How would have this Aleksa reacted then? Would she have desperately tried to cling on this reality then?

Looking up from the desk he saw what he feared, silencing this part of his thoughts was to no avail. Kh’ali knew far better as he could read it in her eyes.

“What do I do here, Patrick?” Her voice was softer now. “I can appreciate her position, truly. It’s a terrible one, especially for the child. But I am what I am and you.....are mine.”

Patrick shifted on the seat “I know this is hard and you must have no doubt on me. A bit of patience is all I ask... Everything will return to normal in no time. Trust me.”

Kh’ali rose and now she circled the desk, leaning back against it at his side. Reaching out, she gently touched his cheek. “I will do my best. I think it a good idea, however, that I do not meet them or see you with them.” For her sake rose in her mind but she left it unsaid.

Patrick nodded in silence as it seemed to him no words in the universe would have sufficed to appease the roaring Klingon just under the surface. The hardest part was on her, there was no doubt about that. He wondered for an instant if the roles would have been reversed how would he have reacted or felt. He barred immediately the thought.

Taking her hand from his cheek he softly kissed it.

“Make it soon,” she whispered. “Will it help if I go down to Archadia?”

“I would prefer you to stay here... With me.”

“My quarters, not yours. That way there’s no accidental meeting.” She leaned down to kiss him gently. “I’m sorry you are having to deal with this.” She wanted to be more sympathetic for the other Aleksa but the fire in her blood was making that difficult.

Patrick nodded again. “Agreed.”

Then looking up at her he reprised “I’m not forced to stay with her all the time... Once my alleged duties as father are completed and Faye is sleeping...” His voice trailing off again. The odd sensation of being somewhat a cheating husband took form in his mind even if untrue. He damned a thousand times this criminal who set in motion all of this.

Rising from the chair holding her tight he promised: “I’ll find the solution. I swear.”

“I know you will.” His embrace was reassuring and finally she smiled. “Perhaps we should go tell your staff that I have not killed you.”

“They’ll be quite disappointed, you know?” He smiled

Patrick Leroy
Unwilling Householder

Having Trouble Finding The Right Words


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