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About Face

Posted on Sun Dec 9th, 2012 @ 8:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Ophelia Payne & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Piper Medical Center

* * * Deck 366 -- Piper Medial Center -- Surgical Suite * * *

Nick wore out the carpet of the waiting area of the surgical area. He was muttering to himself as he did so. Anyone watching would think him crazy, especially since the Chief Counselor’s office was just down the corridor, but he had other things on his mind than craziness.

“No,” he said, “this whole thing is craziness! I should march right in there and tell her what I think. Surely she’ll listen to me!” He strode purposefully over to the doors of the surgical center but was denied access. He punched the wall. “I can get in here anytime I want, you know!” he no one. He began trying to pull the control panel from the wall, but stopped. He knew that Nenita would pound him into a tiny little piece of mud if she knew what he was planning to do. She wanted this, for herself and for her job.

“But...what about me?” he said aloud, his head resting against the door.

All sorts of things ran through his head. What if he hated her new look? What if she were hotter than Nenita had been? Was she going to have body work done as well? His head sprang up off of the door at that thought. “Boobies...” he said quietly. Bigger? Pointy-er? Upturned? The possibilities were endless!

“Holy shit!” he exclaimed. “She wouldn’t turn into a man, would she?” Nick had never been with a man, and wasn’t sure that was something he was capable of. “That woman would do it just to spite me.” But he did say that he would do anything for her, and he meant it.

Now he was nervous. His mind was wandering and bringing up all sorts of good and bad ideas. He tried to play it cool, leaning against the wall, then sitting up on a nearby table. Finally, he had to find a chair and sit real still...and wait.

Inside the OR, the hum of the equipment ceased finally and quiet settled over the medical team and the woman on the table. It had been several hours but finally, it was done. The doctors cleared out, leaving several nurses to monitor her and Ophelia approached the biobed.

“All done Nita,” she said. “You’re going to be a little dopey for another hour or two yet, so we’re keeping you here to monitor you. But you’re awake enough to take a look if you want?”

“Sure.” Nenita’s voice sounded the same, though a little dopey as Ophelia had said. “As long as he didn’t make me look like Picard, we’re good.” When Ophelia held up the mirror, Nenita squinted at it then opened her eyes. “Well, hello there gorgeous. Always wondered if you were telling the truth about brunettes having more fun. Tell the Docs they do good work.”

“I will.” Ophelia grabbed the mirror as it began to slip out of Nenita’s hands. “Nick’s outside. He’s been there the whole time waiting. You want me to call him in?”

“Hell yeah, get that bad boy in here,” Nenita giggled. “Ohhh good drugs. I love you Ophelia.”

“I know, honey.” Ophelia patted her hand, then crossed to the doors to call Nick.

Back out in the waiting room Nick had finally found his peaceful spot. He was in the corner of the waiting room, cross-legged on the floor, facing the corner at a perpendicular angle. He couldn’t keep his eyes closed because he kept thinking of Nenita in any number of various forms: Vulcan, Bolian, Deltan, Klingon, Orion...male, female, hermaphrodite, neuter...ugly, beautiful, smokin’ hot, so-so, awkward, freckles, no freckles, a scar for a touch of flair-- “Stop it!” he yelled, finally. His mind was running wild and he couldn’t stop it.

But, after almost two hours, he’d finally realized that by staring at the joint of the corner of the wall, and not closing his eyes, he could focus on that and the images would stop. He was so far into his own trance that he didn’t hear the doors opening or Ophelia’s cheerful voice behind him.

“Nick?” She called him once more, then finally reached out to tap him on the shoulder, then jump back in case he ‘woke up’ swinging.

At her touch he finally blinked, relaxed and cleared his throat as he turned around and stood. “Oh, what the fuck was I thinking sitting like that?” He rubbed his legs. “I’m getting too old for that sort of thing.” Looking at Ophelia he asked, “ she...her? Is she okay?”

Ophelia nodded. “She’s just fine and said, and I quote, ‘get that bad boy in here’. Then she told me she loved me in the same breath she praised the drugs. So you are now aware of her state of mind. She looks....great, Nick. I know you’re worried.”

“Ophelia,” he said, putting his hands on her shoulder, “I love you to pieces, but get the fuck out of my head.” He kissed her forehead and said, “Now, take me to her.”

Ophelia laughed as she turned to lead him inside. “Nick, inside your head is one place I never want to be. It would even scare me. I hate to break it to you but it doesn’t take a telepath to know you’re worried. That and I could see you on the security feed while we were in surgery.”

Nick regarded her as they walked. He’d always found Ophelia attractive, but what he loved about her was her attitude. She was such a wonderful woman, all the way around, and any man would be lucky to have her. But he knew before he’d even tried anything with her that he was bad news for such a good woman as her. She was into saving lives. Nick and Nenita? Just the opposite. And he knew he’d found the love of his live with Nenita, but damn if he didn’t find Ophelia attractive as hell.

He shook his head, getting back to the ‘straight and narrow’. He was going to have to stop doing that shit if he wanted to remain in a committed relationship with Nenita.

At the door of her room, he hesitated. He had no idea what he was going to find in there. At least Ophelia had still called her a ‘she’, so that was promising. But he was stuck at the door. His legs wouldn’t move. How would he react? Would he say something stupid? He had a knack for that, especially in situations where it wasn’t called for, and this could very well be one of those situations.

“Move it, dumbass,” he whispered to himself. Finally, his left foot stepped forward and she was revealed slowly. First her blanketed feet, then her legs--so far so good, her waist, her oh-so-flat tummy (yummy!), her chest--she still had breasts, thank goodness!, and--waitaminute. Who the hell is that?

He could only stand at the foot of the bed, his mouth agape. Sure, she was beautiful. Hell, she was stunning, wasn’t Nenita. It was, but...not? He swallowed hard, not sure of how to proceed on. He was nervous--scared, even. But this was Nenita, right? The same ol’ gal that he’d fallen in love with, who could make him laugh, drive him crazy and rock his world in the sack....right?

“Um...hey, lady,” he finally said. He touched her feet gently, all of a sudden not sure if he was supposed to be touching this person that was, but wasn’t, his Nenita. “How ya’ doing?”

“High as a kite, Nicky.” She snickered again and it was Nenita’s voice alright, sounding just as it did after half a bottle of champagne. ‘Phelia said you’d been waiting the whole time..I knew you would.”

She really was beautiful, even right after having had surgery. Gorgeous eyes, a breathtaking smile, delicate features...but he had no idea who she was. She sounded just like Nenita, talked to him just like she did, but what he was seeing was something different. He couldn’t look at her. He felt as if he were betraying his Nenita. He even stopped touching her wiggly little feet.

Something about this just wasn’t right to him. He just stood there, not able to think of anything to say.

Ophelia shot him a look of concern then stepped away to give them come privacy. Nenita may have been strung out on the post surgery meds but even she didn’t miss the withdrawal of his hand or his silence.

“It’s me, Nick. y’know I’ve been through this before. Whassamatter?”

Swallowing hard, he tried desperately to come up with something to say. “,” was all that came out. Finally, he managed to touch the hand that he recognized. Those small fingers that had been intertwined with his before, and smacked the shit out of him when he needed it. He curled his fingers around hers and quietly said, “I love...” he paused, then said, “...Nenita.”

Letting go of her hand he turned and walked out. He hadn’t said, “I love you, Nenita,” because his brain--was it really tiny like she had teased?--couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Nenita was there, but she wasn’t. The woman he recognized died on that table, but the woman he knew in his mind was alive and well.

His hand shook. The hairs on the nape of his neck stood on end. He was confused, concerned, in love but somehow not supposed to be? He promised the Nenita that he knew that he would never again be with another woman, and he meant it. was another woman, but she was the same woman, but how could she be the same if she was different!?

He roared loudly as the doors opened up for him and he ran off down the corridor, not knowing where he was going. He just needed to go.

“Well, that went over well. Ophelia, you sure Dr. Harding didn’t make me look like a middle aged bald Frenchy?”

Ophelia watched Nick’s rapid departure and shook her head. She understood but she was worried. turning back to the table, she gave Nenita a smile. “I promise. Now why don’t you get some sleep and when you wake up, you should feel more like yourself without seeing double.”

“Good...idea.....” She wanted to get up and go after Nick but she seemed to be floating somehow and closing her eyes she decided she’d go after the ride was over. Moments later, she was sound asleep.


MCPO Nick Marcinko
Going Football Bat Crazy

Lt.(jg) Nenita Quidley
Facing The Strange Changes

Lt. Ophelia Payne
Always Has The Right Words


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