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A View To A Kill

Posted on Sun Dec 9th, 2012 @ 7:01pm by Zoudin Veist & Aegina

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Archadia -- Aegina's Residence
Timeline: Current

The doors to Aegina’s personal living area burst open and Zoudin marched in. He cared little for the fact that he was violating her most secretive of areas--her home, because what he had to tell her could not wait a second longer.

Pausing only momentarily at the sight of her nearly nude body as she quickly pulled on a robe, he continued in. “Aegina, this cannot wait. I must speak to you now.”

“Apparently. Just what are you thinking coming in here uninvited?” She hastily tied the robe, then turned on him. “You forget yourself, Zoudin.” Fire flashed in her eyes and her lip curled as she regarded him. “What is so important? And make no mistake, it better be or you can join Dorinel.”

He quickly tired of her self-importance. Reaching out and taking hold of her mind he froze her where she stood. “Do not forget who I am, Aegina,” he said angrily. “I could crush you here and now with little more than a thought!” But he soon released her and continued with the reason he had come. “Starfleet. Starfleet has sent their intelligence unit down and they are looking into everything! The palace guards caught one of them snooping around the Queen’s kitchen and brought her to me.”

Aegina’s fingers curled around Zoudin’s throat and she squeezed gently. “Do that again and I will kill you myself. Explain. And her? Her who?”

He truly wanted to shut her down for touching him so, but he needed her resources to deal with the problem at hand. Killing her now would do him no good, unless he were simply to leave, and he could not do that. His plan was still in motion and needed to come to completion. But before he left he would have her dancing as his own marionette puppet, whether she liked it or not.

“Maybe I spoke too quickly the first time,” he spat angrily. “Starfleet Intelligence has been here, on your planet,” he said, deliberately speaking slowly. “The guards caught one of their operatives and brought her to me. Her name was Nenita Quidley.” He smacked her hands away from his neck and sat down in one of the elaborate chairs in her room. “We saw her on the video feed of the Queen’s meeting with the Starfleet representatives, you know. She was there. So we know what she looks like.”

“Was? Is that no longer her name? Or have you dispensed with her already?” Aegina sat down in the opposite chair and crossed her legs. Zoudin’s news pleased her actually and a plan was already forming in her twisted mind.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Aegina, do I have to argue semantics with you?” He shook his head. Maybe he should just dispense with this woman and carry out the rest of his plan. He’d have to think on it, but for now, the conversation continued. “Is, was, whatever. And, no, I was unable to conduct a full interview with her. Apparently she had a cohort down here and he was able to best palace guards, despite being somewhat diminutive himself, and rescued her from my clutches.” He slammed his fist on the arm of the chair. “Damn, him!”

“I see.” Aegina smiled, and then it grew until she was laughing softly. “That says little for the palace guards I’m afraid. See that those two are replaced immediately.” She was silent for a few seconds as she considered the situation. “They are convinced that the Queen is in danger. We know that it’s at her behest that security is here but having one exposed and known to be looking around undercover is a problem. We don’t want them finding out too much, which is why we’ll give them enough to throw them off. And kill two birds with one stone. We want to be rid of Melanippe’s lap dog, fate has dropped the means right into our laps. Kill her and frame him. It’s simple. She is gone and we’ve proven that he’s not loyal and is actually the danger to Her Majesty.”

“Ah, but you forget that one of their personnel is from my world. He read her man, he knows he’s clean.” Zoudin steepled his fingers and put them to his lips. “I have already gotten the ball rolling with setting him up, however. And if I can find a way to have a one-on-one meeting with him I believe it is within my power to implant false memories in his mind about the Queen, in case they try to read him again.”

“And who’s to say someone didn’t make him a better offer after he was read? I want that officer found, however, and brought to me before anything else is done.”

“I will try, but I’m certain that they have retreated to the safety of their base. You may have to schedule some sort of tour of the base so that I can get up there and begin poking around.” He smiled. “If she’s there, I’ll find her.”

“I’ve invited their mongrel of a Chief Diplomat to dinner. I can request that it be done on the station instead. I’m sure she’ll be delighted to give us a tour. Perhaps an overnight stay in the interests of getting to know each other. Will that do for you?”

“That will be plenty of time for me to slip away and locate her,” he said. “And if I can, that male with her. I’d very much like to kill him slowly.”

Aegina waved that aside. “I care none what you do with him. I do, however, want the new Captain of the Guard put on notice that her soldiers are to be better trained from now on. If one small man can take out more than one single-handedly, someone’s not doing their job to my satisfaction.” She leaned back in her chair and sighed aloud. “I’ll be glad when all this petty crap is done with so I can get down to the real business at hand. I’m depending on you Zoudin.”

He looked at her with a sneer. Other than the desire for her body, he had no use for her. “Everyone does, Aegina.” He stood. “I will contact the base and let them know of your desire to have the dinner with the diplomat on their base instead of here. You will be notified of any changes.”

“Thank you. That will be all for now.” She flashed Zoudin a smile that was decidedly chilly. “Take care.”

He would have her, he thought to himself. If nothing else, just for what she’d just done. Dismissing him like some lower being while he knew that he was the higher being. Skipping the formalities, the bowing and the ass-kissing that he had to do in public, he walked toward her bedroom door. As he exited, he touched her mind again leaving her with one hell of a headache for a few hours. It would have to do for now, but he would do much worse to her later.


Prime Minister Aegina
Archadia III

Zoudin Veist
One Hell of a Headache


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