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Arriving to a Bad Family Situation

Posted on Tue Dec 25th, 2012 @ 5:08pm by Lieutenant Bryce Kendrick & Commander Anthony Davis

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Starbase 900 - USS Hammond
Timeline: Current

It was a long trip from the far side of the Alpha Quadrant to 900, but he was finally here. He stepped onto the base proper and inhaled deeply. Delta Quadrant air. Of course, it all smelled the same on a Starfleet ship or base because of the air scrubbers installed in each. They worked so well that even the smelliest of aliens couldn't be smelled more than a few feet away it seemed. He was happy of that because his roommate on the cruise over on the Nebula class ship never seemed to bathe.

But he was here, now, and excited about seeing his uncle. Despite his excitement, however, he still had to report first to his direct superior, one Commander Anthony Davis, Commander of the USS Hammond. Bryce was to be her chief of security and tactical operations and while he'd technically be assigned to a ship in the sector, his home in the big DQ was Starbase 900.

Thanks to the computer it didn't take him long to find the docking area for the Hammond. He checked in with the officers posted at the door and made his way inside to find the CO's office. With a quick jab at the chime he waited.

Anthony heard the chime and looked around his office. He was getting tired of meeting all the new crew, but knew he got to keep doing it until his new executive came aboard. With a light sigh he called out, "Enter."

It was always difficult to meet a new CO, and eventually an XO. You never knew how these people were going to be--easygoing, difficult, strict, was a grab bag and, more often than not, it wound up being something you didn't like but just had to deal with. Bryce hoped this time would be different.

He entered the office and stood in the middle of the room and found the CO. "Good afternoon, sir. I was advised that the XO was not yet aboard. Lieutenant Bryce Kendrick reporting."

"Have a seat, Lieutenant," Anthony said with a motion of his hand to indicate the preferred seating. Before he spoke any more he got up and got Bryce a glass of water and himself one. He would have done for a bit more in the drinking realm, but figured he didn't need the guy drinking himself under the table yet.

"Welcome aboard the ship and the station. How was the journey?"

"Thank you, sir. It wasn't bad at all. Faster than I thought it would be," he said, sipping the water. "I'll just be happy to finally see my uncle again. It's been, wow, around eighty-plus years or so. About time I got back around to finding him." He smiled.

"Well it will be a bit longer before you get to see him. I just met with the acting Executive and I was informed that your uncle and his ex-oh have went through some space rift thingy," Anthony said with a soft voice. He hated sciences and thus paid little attention to the full theory of what happen. "On the good side there has been some basic communication and he is still alive."

" rift....thingy..." he repeated. Shouldn't a full-on Commander have a bit more knowledge than 'thingy'? "Sir, if I may, I would like to cut this meeting short. With your permission I'd like to contact someone on the station that can tell me more." He wanted to stand but wasn't about to do so unless he was given the nod by his new CO.

"You may contact the Chief Science officer over on the station, but, and let me make myself very clear, you are to have NO involvement in this. Is that understood?" Anthony said standing up and having a bit of a harsher voice than would be expected. He didn't like when junior officers thought it was wise to say when a meeting should end.

"You have two hours to go talk to them and get settled in, then you are to report back to the ship and get everything checked in and prepared. I want any request for extra supplies on my desk before 0500 tomorrow," Anthony said continuing to allow his anger to control him and lace his voice.


Jackass. That's the first thing that popped into Bryce's head. You're told that your uncle is lost somewhere through a 'space rift thingy' and then dared to get involved. Classy, Commander. Real classy. Bryce stood, no sign of anything amiss on his face and said, "I will be back in plenty of time, sir. Thank you."

He didn't mean it. The first part, sure--he'd be back in plenty of time. It was the 'thank you' that he wanted Davis to choke on. On the way out, however, Bryce decided to try and let it go. Davis may have had pressing plans that required the Hammond to get underway as soon as possible and was only having to wait on the arrival of all relevant crew before doing so. Bryce had been in this situation himself. Before he retired, as a Lieutenant Colonel from the Starfleet Marines, he'd had his share of command incidents wherein he was required to be just a bit more gruff than he'd wanted. Sometimes it was almost required to do that to the junior officers to set the pace, let them know that the CO was the man calling the shots.

As he walked down the corridor to the airlock he shrugged it off. "I could have had jackass tattooed on my forehead."

CMDR Anthony Davis
Commanding Officer
USS Hammond


LT Bryce Kendrick
Chief Sec/Tac Officer
USS Hammond


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