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Where is the Admiral?

Posted on Wed Jan 2nd, 2013 @ 10:03am by Commander Sakkath & Commander Anthony Davis

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Command and Control, Starbase 900
Timeline: Current

Anthony had just told off the security guards at his ship just a few minutes before he came into the Operations Center of his new home. He looked around at all the officers working. He didn't know who was who yet, but he would get to know them. Anthony quickly made his way to what was the Ready Room, but noticed something was off. Everyone seemed to be on a different wave length.

Anthony quickly turned to one of the people working near by and cleared his throat, "Who is in-charge right now?" He didn't want to know the answer, but he had been around enough to know that it wasn't going to be good.

"Commander Sakkath," The young officer said as she looked at Anthony with almost a 'Where has this idiot been' attitude in her eyes.

Hearing his name, Sakkath looked up from the Science terminal in Command and Control, having gone over some of Commander Leroy's most recent efforts. Regarding the Officer there who he did not recognize, he approached the pair.

"I have the station," he announced, his hands draped behind the back of his duty vest and Ops gold. "May I help you, Commander?"

"Commander Davis, reporting to assume command of the Hammond," He said with a bit more formal tone, "While I would report to the Admiral, I am assuming that something has happened here?" He was a bit confused why a Commander would currently be in charge of the station.

"You would be quite correct in that assumption," Sakkath affirmed. "A rift in the dimensional fabric of our universe has claimed both the Admiral and his Executive Officer. As Second Officer, command and the task of their recovery falls to me." As he spoke, the Vulcan reached for a PADD, calling up orders pertinent to the Hammond.

"Well, if there is anything I can do to assist you Commander, please know that I am here," Anthony replied. He didn't know, but soon this would effect one of his incoming crew members. It wasn't going to be a fun thing to tell them, but he knew it would fall to him.

"How may I assist the station right now?" Anthony said. He knew he had a ship to worry about, but he also had a station he could help while there was some down time.

Sakkath paused to consider that, rubbing the stubble on his chin in a moment of thought. There were no immediate orders pressing for the Hammond, and Lieutenant Commander Leroy's recent work had merit...

"Ensure that your ship is well-prepared, Commander," he said. "It may be needed in the execution of rescue efforts or to aid in the generation of power for continued experimentation," the Vulcan added, recalling a fifty deck blackout from not-so-long ago.

"That you can be sure of," Anthony said as he made a mental note. He would check into what information he could once he returned to the ship, "If there is nothing you need as of now, I will be returning to the Hammond to start preparing."

"That is agreeable," Sakkath declared, holding his hands behind his back and bringing himself to his full height as he nodded formally. "Welcome aboard, Commander Davis. May your journey be free of incident, and your life both long and prosperous."

"The same to you Commander. May we get the Admiral home safely and soon," Davis said coming more to an attention and then turning and leaving Operations. He was on his way back to his baby to prepare her.

Commander Davis
My Spidey senses are tingling

Commander Sakkath
The Welcoming Committee


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