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A new home at last

Posted on Sat Jan 12th, 2013 @ 10:25am by Ensign Torven Rosh

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Civilian Transport Baltimore
Timeline: Current

***** Transport Baltimores Passenger Cabins *****

Torven lay on the bed on the transport ships cramped cabin. Without the occasional leg stretch he was sure he would have gone mad by now and jettisoned himself into space via the nearest airlock. That aside the enormous sense of excitement he felt was overwhelming.

He was a private and fairly unsociable man. Rare trips to the more populated areas of the ship during the journey thus far had only resulted in stinted conversations and awkward silences. Mixing socially in a crowd wasn't his thing at all. Get him onto the subject of the law and all things JAG related however was to bring him into his own.

His first trip away from earth was to be taken at the age of 25, and without the company of any of his family. It was made even worse that this wasn't to be a holiday. This journey was his first foray into the office of the Judge Advocate General, to the post of Ensign on Starbase 900. His emotions were mixed. He felt enormous excitement at the opportunity, but was somewhat trepidatious about striking out on his own at last. His thoughts turned to his father, a massive influence on his life and anchor since the death of his mother....

A slight knock at the door started Torven from his reverie. Rising with a slight groan at the tenseness in his muscles he made his way over to the cabin door and opened it. Before him was a member of the ships crew. Torven recognised him as one of the restaurant serving staff.

"Good afternoon Mr Rosh. I've been told to inform you that a slight change to your travel arrangements are necessary. The captain send his apologies, but you will need to take a shuttle to the starbase as we won't be docking as planned."

Torvens face adopted his puzzled look, "Why is this change needed if I may ask?"

"All I can tell you Mr Rosh is that we received a priority message from the Starbase not too long ago that all ships in the area, not on urgent tasking, were to rendezvous near to the base for further instruction. It went on to list your name and several others stating that a shuttle would dock with us for your onward transportation to the Starbase."

Torven nodded politely, "How long do I have please?"

"Around about an hour. We're going to drop out of warp in the next 30 minutes to allow the shuttle to dock."

Torven thanked the crewman and closed the door. Other than his standard issue stock of uniforms and the odd change of civilian clothes he really didn't have that much with him. The vast majority of that had remained packed in any event. Torven gathered up the various law books and journals he had been reading, packing then neatly into a separate transport box. He was glad these things levitated along as he shuddered at the thought of dragging this weight behind him.

***** An hour later aboard shuttlecraft bound for Starbase 900 *****

Torven gazed out of one of the viewports on the shuttle. He and the other 5 passengers on the transport ship that had been diverted aboard the shuttle were looking for their first glimpse of Starbase 900.

Torvens curiosity was nagging at him. He could see the pilot of the shuttle relaxing after the departure and thought the time ripe for a little probing...

"Apprentice T'ah. Tell me. Why is this deviation from our travel arrangements needed?"

T'ah wriggled around to look at Torven before answering. "All I know sir is that the Starbase is requesting all ships in the local area rendezvous nearby for some kind of science experiment."

Torvens interest was piqued, "That sounds interesting. What does the experiment hope to achieve?"

T'ah smiled and half laughed his response, "Sir. I'm an apprentice. They don't tell me jack. I get told to fly from here to there and that's exactly what I do."

Torvens interrogation mode had now started and was difficult to break out of. Laughing along he replied, "I hear you. Ensigns aren't told much either. Anything out of the ordinary lead you to believe what might be happening. There must be some scuttlebutt about the Starbase...?"

"To be honest sir not really. There is the odd bit of talk about missing personnel and some sort of mission to collect them, but I can't see that being connected. I think the only thing of interest to you may be the murder recently."

Torven didn't want to seem to pushy so left the conversation at that. His questions weren't answered and the murder intrigued him. "A murder eh? I'm sure I will be briefed when I get aboard."

T'ah smiled, "Won't be long now sir. There's the base now....."

Torven looked out the front viewscreen to be met with the impressive site of Starbase 900 growing ever larger. He grinned for a moment. Home for the forseeable future, and what a home...

***** Starbase 900 shuttle docking bay *****

Torven stepped off the shuttle into the cavernous docking bay. He had collected all of his luggage onto a transport trolley and was making his way to the arrivals checkpoint. He could see the security officer on the checkpoint examining all the documents of those in front of him and prepared his own...

Crewman Zaloh looked up from his console to see a JAG ensign stood before him. "Do you have your documents to hand please sir..?"

Torven took his padd out of his pocket and handed it over to the crewman. "Ensign Rosh reporting aboard crewman."

Zaloh scanned the padd over his console and took in the information it immediately returned to him. "Welcome aboard sir. Welcome to Starbase 900. If you take your padd and scan it at the information console directly behind me it will direct you to your quarters, and give you the location of the JAG office aboard."

"Thank you crewman, er, sorry. Your name?"

"Zaloh sir. Crewman Zaloh."

"Well thank you crewman Zaloh."

Torven nodded to the crewman and walked over to the information console. He was at his new home at last. Now all that was required was to meet the crew and people that would become his family for the next few years of his career........


Ens. Torven Rosh
Making his first tentative steps...


OOC: On board now and will try and ease into the plot as and where possible. Few ideas knocking about with Peach and look forward to meeting you all. Thanks for the warm welcome and all post/writing style feedback is more than welcome....


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