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The Plan Comes Together

Posted on Sat Jan 12th, 2013 @ 6:55am by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Commander Anthony Davis & Commander Sakkath & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Sakkath's Office

* * * Galileo Science Center * * *

The doors of the science center slid open to admit Riley once again. He held several padds in his hand and while one would have been sufficient, he had noted Patrick’s tendency to separate ideas onto different ones on his last visit here. It was an idea Riley could appreciate as it made it far simpler to see things side by side for comparison. What they were comparing today was a plan approaching epic proportions with an almost endless list of details, all of which had to be just right. This all came about following an equally endless stream of messages back and forth from the science bay on the Hammond to Patrick’s office and back.

As he entered, the crew on duty barely looked up, so absorbed were they in the planning. Riley himself was in something of a hurry and so he made his way through to ring the chime at Patrick’s office door.

“Come in,” came Leroy’s voice from inside as the doors opened. “Welcome lieutenant, take a seat.” Patrick greeted him without looking up from the terminal where a list of equations and algorithms scrolled slowly.

“Commander Leroy.” Riley settled in the chair across the desk, then laid the padds out side by side. “I think this is it. No, I know it will work. The question is, can we duplicate it on the other side to come home?”

“This is a question whose response will be known only when our starship gets on the other side.” Leroy answered watching closely a couple of the padds “The energy required for this shifting is enormous and for what Aleks... Ensign Levkova from the alternate universe has recounted us, SB900 there isn’t in optimal condition having been subjected to attack from Archadian forces. The real extent of damage she does not know though. And also... We do not know what happened after she got here.”

“We can hope that the Fleet reached them and if not, perhaps we can make sure they do. We’ll need whatever ships we can muster to get us back home since I don’t think the Admiral wants to lose the Hammond. It had to be that one, the Takei’s too small.”

“Yeah... Hope is all that we have.” Leroy muttered to himself “Has Commander Davis been informed already? Or at least hinted at... For what is being prepared for the Hammond?”

“I have forwarded everything to him to look over. I know it’s unorthodox but it’s about our only chance. What about Commander Sakkath?”

“I’m about to send him a semi-final version of all procedures for his perusal and approval. I’m sure he will also be able to provide precious insight in matters power management, that is critical for us, and ship-to-ship energy bridge realization. We need to have it stable long enough for the Hammond to shift in the alternate universe.”

Leroy paused a moment, his mind lingering on particular thoughts and equation at the same time. When he deemed them solved he looked again at the lieutenant before him.

“By the way, Lieutenant, take care to give all final details to Commander Davis as they come by. I’m not envying you when he’ll ask that question, that is how will the Hammond make the trip back.”

“Agreed. I’ve informed him of our meeting with Commander Sakkath as I am sure Commander Davis will want to be there. Then, we get to explain how we plan to alter the Hammond and cut a hole to another universe. If the this works, how long will the portal stay open?”

“It will last few seconds. But it will form in front of the starship, close enough to be crossed in four seconds at one-quarter impulse. Any delay and we’ll have to start over again. I’m not sure the dilithium crystals of the supporting ships will resist the strain. If they don’t the next try will be delayed even longer.”

Riley gave a slow nod. “In other words, once the chroniton beam has sufficient energy from the ships, it’s time to hit the road without delay.” He was silent for a moment as he looked back at Patrick. “Then time to hope that we can muster the power on the other side or our association here may be our last.”

“I wouldn’t be so definitive, Lieutenant.” Leroy responded smiling softly “I would rather say that it could take a long time to get back to the fold, instead.”

Leroy breathed deeply rubbing his chin between fingers “Keep in mind that Federation is also there and you have the information and the knowledge, with time the entire alternate Starfleet could help you make the trip back and for sure we’ll not stay idle here. The real problem is... What will you find in the moment you arrive there. The immediate danger posed by the attacking Archadians, the Hammond will be low on energy right after the trip. Shields at minimum and no phasers... Photon torpedoes will be the only reliable defense.”

“Then let’s hope that the Fleet has arrived ahead of us.” He answered Patrick’s smile with one of his own. “And if so, we may be able to wrap this up and get home in good time. I understand we’ll have two passengers returning to that 900?”

“Er... Right. Ensign Levkova and her daughter, accidentally transported here in our last attempt to rescue Admiral Wegener and Commander Hawke.” Leroy replied as his fingers started tapping on the desk.

The sudden heightened tension that rolled off Patrick hit Riley in a moment, the tapping fingers holding his attention. “I take it her arrival has caused some problems?”

“Of course, as it is expected in these cases. We have already an ensign Levkova here but with a different life... And no daughters. Emotional impact in some instances can be devastating.” Patrick quickly answered glossing over the rest of the story.

“Understandable.” Riley studied Patrick another few seconds. There was something missing from his explanation but Riley didn’t press. “Well, let’s hope that we are successful. How soon are we meeting with the commanders?”

“As soon as they can.”

“Very well, let’s do it. I think everyone will be happy to see it resolved. Shall we Commander Leroy?”

“One more thing, lieutenant.” Leroy stopped him half-risen from the seat “Once we’re over with this thing all informations on the rifts and the possibility to cross on the alternate universe has to be classified. I’ll take care of this here. The same thing should be done on the other side too. It shouldn’t be difficult to convince our doubles that is better to avoid any further contact in the future. I’m entrusting you with this matter.”

Riley stood, at attention for the moment. “Aye, sir, I’ll see it done. I don’t doubt they will agree as you say.”

“We’re done here then.” Leroy responded nodding at Riley’s answer and stood from the desk

“After you,” Patrick said motioning him to the door.

* * * Sakkath’s Office * * *

Sitting in his temporary offices, Sakkath sipped from the steaming mug of Vulcan spice tea in his hands, its aroma wafting over the room. It was becoming more and more difficult to concentrate, the lack of sleep over the past several days beginning to take its toll on his Vulcan body. He had been working nonstop, intent on discovering a solution that would free him from command and earn him some much needed rest.

"Can I get you anything while we wait, Commander Davis?" he asked after a caffeine-filled sip restored his manners.

“No Thank you Commander,” Anthony said as he leaned back in his chair some. He was tired from sifting through reports about what was going on to prepare his own ship for launch.

Moments later, the chime at Sakkath’s door rang. Outside, Patrick and Riley waited to be admitted.

“Come,” Sakkath said, bidding them enter as he sat forward slightly in his seat. “Gentlemen. Avail yourselves of the replicator if you wish, but I am understandably curious as to what you have for us and would like to move straight to business.”

“Thank you Commander” Leroy said ordering a cup of coffee from the room replicator before nearing Sakkath’s desk. “A full report of what has been developed so far should be on your
terminal now Mr. Sakkath. Notes and comments from Mr. Riley here have yet to be added to it.”

Leroy took a seat in front of Sakkath’s desk gesturing Riley to take the other one.

“Time at our disposal is so tight that we’re going to illustrate ad lib the theorized procedures and think of official reporting later.”

“Commander Sakkath, Commander Davis.” Riley took a seat and gave each of them a padd. “What you’ll see here is rather unconventional but in this case we are having to be creative as it’s a very different case. To cut to the chase, the plan is to make some modifications to the Hammond, specifically to the phaser and the shields. The first will be altered to a chroniton beam to open the door, and the shield frequencies adjusted to ease the Hammond’s entry through the doorway opened by the chroniton beam. It will require a massive energy field to make all this possible.” Riley stopped and glanced to Patrick to explain that part.

“Well...” Leroy started clearing his throat “The plan is to build a bridge to transfer energy from the starbase’s powerful capacitors to the Hammond that will be on station close to the wormhole. In between there will be sort of waypoints represented by other ships that will canalize the surge, possibly increasing it through careful usage of their dilithium crystals. The entire operation is delicate to say the least and some ships could suffer from minor damage to their engines in the operation.”

Leroy leaned back on the seat “The Hammond will be the last receiver and able to pour all of the energy in the Chroniton beam to open the ‘door’. The more ships we have at our disposal the easier it will become and I think, Mr. Sakkath, you’re the most qualified to define how to manage to its maximum effectiveness this enormous flux of energy. When the door is open the Hammond will be able to cross into the alternate universe.”

Patrick stood silent then taking a sip from his coffee mug, his gaze going from Sakkath to Commander Davis and back.

The Vulcan's gaze rested on the monitor before him while Patrick spoke, finally looking up when his Chief Scientist finished. "Your intention is to send a ship with a full complement through a dimensional rift to an alternate universe, at no insignificant risk to the Hammond or several other vessels, in the hopes of recovering four individuals," he summarized before pausing and sipping his tea. "Have you considered the flaws in that logic?" the Commander wondered aloud. It was his wife and his Commanding Officer, among others, that they would be retrieving, but his duty was to the base first.

Riley fielded that question. “Actually, Commander, I would suggest only sending the essentials on the Hammond, along with the two civilians who need to go back, thus minimizing the risk. Commander Leroy will coordinate things on the station here, and I will be on the Hammond. I will, however, need one additional science officer, which Commander Leroy can assign. Engineering will be the other really essential crew members, along with a medical officer and the fliers. Those are the ‘have to haves’ that we can go with and be successful while keeping the risk as low as possible.”

"And even so, you are valuing the few over the many," Sakkath decreed. "Can you guarantee a safe transit and a safe return? You ask for additional ships here, but by all accounts the alternate Starbase is a lifeless husk."

“Yes, of course you’re right Commander. Even with a skeleton crew the Hammond will be holding more than four people and no, I cannot guarantee safe transit and safe return.” Leroy responded in a low voice “We do know the other SB900 is damaged, maybe badly, but we’re not certain about its destruction... Surely I’m not going to trade hope for logic. I’m not going to leave behind anyone of ours if I can help it nor will I keep one of theirs and her daughter here, in a place they’ll never belong to. Should we stay here idle hoping to have things solved by themselves? Or just forget?”

Leroy paused scratching his furrowed brow before reprising. “Blame me as human but I’ll never sleep again if we don’t try at least once to get them back. Even if only to be sure that we’ve lost them to Archadian violence.” he then looked straight into Sakkath’s eyes “I’ve always believed in Starfleet values... Call for volunteers, if you’re reluctant to give a direct order Commander. I’m sure the Hammond will be at full crew. I’ll be the first, if need be, Ensign Rutheridge could coordinate things here as competently as me.”

"Well you certainly do not lack for conviction, Mister Leroy," Sakkath replied as he set down his mug and turned his eyes on Commander Davis. "Your ship, Commander, your call. I won't order you to undertake this."

Anthony had soaked in every bit of the information. He had heard the risk of this venture. However, Anthony heard one thing that wasn’t said. He was just given the choice to help save a Vice-Admiral from a universe that wasn’t their own. He was just given the chance to be a hero. A chance to have something from an admiral placed on his record. Anthony couldn’t pass up trying to help the admiral. He couldn’t pass up the chance.

“The Hammond will undergo this mission. The fact of the matter is that, there are crew members stranded. It is our job to do what we can in an effort to save them. A ship’s engine can be repaired, but the lives of four of our crew can’t. We have a duty to do what we can to save them,” Anthony said starting out with a slight stutter, but slowly convincing himself and hopeful Sakkath that this was the right choice.

Riley smiled for a moment, then turned back to Sakkath. “Commander Leroy is right, I don’t think we’ll be short of volunteers. We’ll get the list together and forward it on to you both if that is acceptable?”

Sakkath quirked a brow, pausing a long moment before nodding. “Very well, you have my authorization to proceed.” He silently hoped he was not making a dreadful mistake - every tenet of logic that had been ingrained in him since birth said this was too much to risk for too few. “I shall ask Admiral Hawke to request additional support from vessels in this sector and, in the meantime, will review your Operational needs for power management.”

Standing Sakkath looked over each of the men in the room. “If that is all, you may begin making preparations. Dismissed.”

Anthony stood up and look at the Vulcan with a nod, trying again to instill that it was the right choice. He casually strolled out of the room and made his way for the Hammond it was time to get her ready and prepare a mission briefing.

As the Vulcan Commander watched the others file out, he knew he had reached his limit. After nearly two weeks, Vulcan or no, it was time to concede to his exhaustion. At least now they had a plan, something concrete to work with, even if it did fly in the face of logic.

He touched the intercom. “Lieutenant Beckman... kindly hold any additional appointments until tomorrow. I will be in my quarters.” He felt no need to add that it would be asleep in a too-empty bed.

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Illogical Human

Commander Anthony Davis
CO, USS Hammond
Call Me A Hero, Maybe?

Commander Sakkath
Acting CO, SB 900
The Needs Of The Many Are Being Outweighed...

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Crossing His Fingers


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