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The Eggheads Prepare

Posted on Thu Jan 17th, 2013 @ 7:23am by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Ensign Ian Bren

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: USs Hammond, Science

* * * Science - USS Hammond * * *

Following the meeting with Sakkath and Davis, Riley sent a message in answer to one he’d received while in the meeting - from one of the volunteers. This was one Ensign Ian Bren, 900 science department. Riley had notified Commander Davis of the offer and now sent a reply to Ian requesting his presence in the main science bay on the Hammond. This was going to be a working meeting.

Within a few minutes, Ian was there, smiling and eager. “Hi, Riley. What’s the news?”

“Commander Davis is aware of your volunteering. He’s stressing that this is completely voluntary and that there is the possibility we may not return. You are aware of all that? I have to ask before you jump in, Ian.”

The warning gave Ian pause but then Bren chimed in in favor of going. The experience would be invaluable, even if the experience resulted in them being trapped in a new universe. “Okay, I’m duly aware now, but we’re still going. Count me as having jumped!”

“So noted. Very well then, our first order of business is checking everything, and I do mean everything. I’ll brief you while we work unless Commander Leroy has done so?”

“No, please do brief me. Do you suppose there’s a Jackson Banning over on that side?”

“A who?” Riley looked up from the readout panel and over to Ian. “Who’s that?”

“Ah, oh, nevermind. He’s this really good lookin’ guy here. Runs the Nexus. And won’t give me the time of day, thanks to his lust for the Chief of Security.” He looked over Riley’s shoulder at the panel.

“You sure? I mean have you asked him?” The readout shifted to green and Riley nodded. “Good. You start on diagnostic programs, we’ll be depending heavily on them.”

“What? You mean just go ask him, ‘hey, Jackson, I know you’re engaged to Commander Zeferino, but would you like a roll in the sack with me?’” Ian gave Riley a very clear ‘you’re nuts!’ look and shook his head. While he’d talked, he’d started on the programs, running them in a sequence much like a series of falling dominoes.

“You never get anywhere unless you ask. And this is clearly a case of do as I say, not as I do. That chair you’re sitting in would have better success with a woman than me.” Riley began fine-tuning the timetable of events once the Hammond was ready to go and Commander Leroy gave the go ahead.

“Ugh... tell me about it. I got lucky - E’tarna was a bit forward. She sort of ran our relationship. Then I got Bren and... life is sort of easier with this much experience behind you. You get to know what works and what doesn’t.” His chain of dominoes beeped at him, denoting an issue. “Hmm...,” he looked it over and set about tapping in commands.

Riley frowned as the emotions coming from Ian shifted. “So what’s with the confusion about Jackson?” He rose and came across to look over Ian’s shoulder.

“Bren slept with him; I have memories of that. Bren was female then.”

“Oh hell, no wonder.” Riley shook his head. “Well, my original advice holds. You have to sort it out sooner or later.” He reached out to the control panel and entered a command. The readout began to adjust and the diagnostic cycle continued.

"I'll opt for later," Ian smiled. A moment later, the console beeped: it was done with the diagnostics. "We're good here."

“It will, we’ll be on our way soon. But it’ll give you something to look forward to when you get home.” Riley made a note in his padd, then tapped the control panel once more. “Here’s the timetable and we’re going to have to follow it down to the nanosecond. Science and Ops on the station will be on it as well, as will Engineering. We’re splitting hairs here and hoping for a miracle.”

"Who are we working with in Engineering? Do we know yet?" Ian put aside thoughts of Jackson and fully tuned into the work they were doing. He reviewed the timetable and gave a low whistle. "Tight schedule."

“That is an understatement. And no not yet. A partial list came in and I passed it on to Commander Davis earlier but I'm not sure on Engineering yet. Whoever it is better be ready for some excitement.” Riley frowned a moment. “And some uncertainty.”

"We're all in for that," Ian muttered, frowning, his eyes still on the timeline. "We've gone as far as we can for now, right? How about a beer and blowing off some steam?"

“Sounds good, then I need to check back in to see how things are going down in engineering. Janus arrived earlier to start on the modifications but he says he’s not going, just doing the prep work.” Riley locked down the stations and gave a nod. “Let’s do it.”


Ensign Ian Bren

Lt. Riley Sukatov


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