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Heart To Heart?

Posted on Tue Jan 29th, 2013 @ 8:44am by Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Alternate Dimension SB900

* * * SB900 - Alternate Universe * * *

Not long after Li left, two of the station’s engineers who’d been stuck when the power went down and the messhall doors sealed, were now free and returned to engineering to relieve Suresh. It had been a while since he’d played grease monkey, but it all came back like it was yesterday. Granted, most of his engineering know-how had been learned ‘on the job’ on first one ship then another as he worked his way up the crime lord ladder, but the principles still applied.

Now, he was free and there was one person he wanted to see. Once she finished with the Admiral that is. He departed engineering and as he moved along to the turbolift he already say crew emerging and beginning the clean up and repair process. When the lift finally stopped and he emerged on the Promenade, he was struck by the empty silence. It was always so busy at home, but now, people had far more important things to do. The quiet was broken by the sound of Li’s laughter just down the way and he drew closer, enough to see her and the admiral through a restaurant window. They’d finished eating and were now talking. Suresh drew back into a small stand of trees to watch.

“That’s pretty fuckin’ creepy, Surie,” Darwin growled from behind the Romulan. “Spying on her? Stalking her? So much for you being a scary mob boss. Nooo, you’re just the creeper in the trees, peeping in on his crush.”

“Fuck you, Darwin,” Suresh answered without looking at the man. “Considering you have a hang up over the local madame and can’t publicly admit it, you have no room to talk. How’re you making out without your daily dose of pheromones?”

The dark haired male chuckled. “She doesn’t use those on me; maybe she knows you’re the sucker for ‘em. No, she serves me freely and willingly, without those. So I’m doing just fine, thanks for asking.”

Suresh shot him a vicious look, then turned his attention back to watching Li and Ricky. “I simply choose not to interrupt when they are talking business, that’s all. It’s called being polite, something you and the savage don’t seem to understand.”

“Right, ‘cause they have so much business to discuss right now,” Darwin quipped. “And watch which one of us you call a savage. Gilroy knows Shakespeare, quotes from philosophers and shit. ‘Course, he’s also probably the one who’d be more likely to pummel you into pulp.”

“That explains a lot.” Suresh’s dark look shifted to a smirk. “So here we are. I’m obsessed with a woman I’ll never have unless we are stuck here, and you’ve found one you used to have, and both of us may not get home to the woman we share. There are possibly words that could describe this situation but I don’t know what they would be.”

“Completely fucked,” Darwin offered.

“Ironic, considering neither of us is going to be any time soon.” Suresh shrugged. “He offered to let me stay, did you know?”

“Yeah. I mean, no, I didn’t know, but that’s not going to happen. Oz is owed your blood; she’ll have it,” Darwin’s eyes were fierce as he looked over Suresh. “Even if it means I drag your sorry ass back across the line myself.”

“Cool your testosterone, I turned him down. There is nothing for me here, if she’s gone.” Suresh’s expression was neutral as he answered. “As for there, we’ll see.”

“We have just a little bit of evidence against you. You’ll be going to prison.” Darwin looked out across the Promenade towards where the Admiral and Li were. “And I don’t care who you might have working for you on the Prosecutor’s team,” his tone was quiet.

“Why Darwin, I think I’m offended that you’d suspect such a thing. I’ve never been convicted because I’ve never done the things I’ve been accused of.” Suresh smiled now as he looked back at Darwin. “Are you sure Seyla’s not slipping you enough to addle your brain?

“I think she’s been doing that to you. Me? She likes me clean,” he sniffed and ran a hand down the front of his tunic. “Don’t try the innocent schtick with me.”

“Why not? It’s the truth. It’s a shame about Oz’s crazy ex-boyfriend but I never laid a finger on the man. Too high profile, you have to admit. Whoever did it was stupid, pure and simple.”

“I’m sure you had a hand in there, somewhere.” Though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he thought the death of Connor, while tragic, was, in the end, a good turn for Oz.

“Such accusations, Darwin, and no proof. I’m sure my attorney would enjoy playing with that one. Or is this payback for the fact that Seyla agreed to drop you? Just before we left. Seems she’s come to her senses and realized who she truly wants.” His tone was light, amused, as he watched the Security officer. He always enjoyed baiting the man. “Such is life.”

Suresh’s baiting made Darwin think of Mallory; he smiled and shrugged. “You’re right, such is life. I’ll do what I can to convince Seyla to swim in any pond besides yours; after all, yours is pretty scummy. But if she doesn’t, she doesn’t. I’ll just ask her to make sure she gets regular treatments from Doc Harding.”

“I appreciate that since I have no idea where your dipstick has been.” Suresh smiled for a moment. “Then again, I’m sure she does. Harding wouldn’t give her the time of day otherwise. He’s rather picky as I understand it.”

“Whatever. I’m sure he’s fine at finding himself what he likes.” He was dismissive of the new topic. “You gonna move along now? Go find someone else to watch.”

“No, actually. I need to speak to Li once she’s done, so I’ll wait. Run along and try to talk Amber into returning with you. It’s what you want.”

The jibes about Seyla and Oz’s dead boyfriend and all the rest, topped off by that, was a touch much for Darwin. Without warning, he hauled back and decked Suresh. “Don’t assume you know me, Surie. This Amber isn’t my Amber and she won’t be going back with us. They need her here.” He’d keep telling himself that.

Suresh leaned against the tree and rubbed his jaw, waiting for the throbbing to stop. “I must know you, you’ve even given me a pet name. I wonder what Seyla would think of that.” He rubbed his jaw gently again. “As for Amber? Don’t be a fool, Dar. You have a second chance that I’ll never get. Go try so you won’t be regretting it for the rest of your I will.”

“I gave you a pet name I wouldn’t give a dog,” Darwin’s irritation stemmed from how right Suresh was. He wanted Amber - this Amber - to be his. “Seyla would likely think the name was funny. I think there’s an Orion word that sounds similar, means... well, it means nothing nice, that’s for sure.”

Suresh shrugged. “She’s said worse things to my face and still comes back for more. She loves me Darwin, that’s what it all boils down to. And if I can’t have what I want, she’s the next best thing.”

"She deserves better," Darwin warned him. "I doubt it's love she feels for you, though. At least not for you, perhaps for your power and position, both of which you're going to lose."

“If it helps you sleep better at night to think so, then by all means do so.” Suresh was watching Li once more and seeing Ricky stand up to leave, he stepped away from the tree. “Now go find your girl, I have things to attend to. Like the woman whose life I saved.” The barb in that last comment was more than obvious.

"You mean the woman whose life you might have ruined by attempting to kill her friend and Admiral only to have the weapon create a rift to this place where she was nearly killed by one of this universe's Suresh's deranged victims? Okay, have fun with that conversation," Darwin nodded, refusing to let the barb find purchase.

“I intend to.” He gave Darwin a wink and, seeing Ricky depart, Suresh moved over to the door of the restaurant to meet Li.

Waiting a moment and making sure Li saw him, Darwin watched to see if she wanted him to stay close or not. When she gave him a slight shake of her head, he nodded and cleared out - Surie was right about one thing: he had a woman to find.

Looking Out For Number One, As Usual

Michael Darwin
Gunning for Number One, As Usual


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