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A Night of Torment / A Morning of Action

Posted on Sat Jan 26th, 2013 @ 8:59pm by Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: SB900 -- Marcinko's Quarters
Timeline: Current

It had been one hell of a night for Nick. After talking to Patrick he went straight to his quarters and pulled out the good stuff--whiskey, bourbon and vodka. He chugged the vodka bottle like it was water and sat down on the couch after stripping down to his boxers and a tank top. He loved to drink, and did so regularly, but unfortunately for him he was half Klingon which meant that it took quite a bit more libation to get him into the state he was gunning for.

As he sat there he thought of all of the time that he'd spent with Nenita and how their relationship had grown. He'd truly come to love her, more than anything and anyone. Hell, he'd even given up chasing tail for her! Didn't that mean anything? Four big gulps of the bourbon followed this train of thought and he suddenly realized that it was much too quiet.

He had the computer begin playing very loud, very angry music just to drown out the silence and, hopefully, the pain he felt.

After several more pulls from the bottle he knew that many people were absolutely fine with random sex. He used to be the master practitioner. Sex was just sex, it didn't mean anything and there were no emotional connections to the women he'd been with. He had an itch and he scratched it. But in his time with Nenita, before she became Leto, he'd knew of her past, how she'd had to do what she needed to for obtaining information from someone.

But this was different. He felt betrayed. He felt like she didn't feel the same way about their relationship as he did. He'd had to swear to her that he'd never sleep with another woman again and that's what he'd done, cold turkey. And when he told her that, he meant that he'd sleep with no one. What bothered him the most was the possibility that he'd misunderstood her intentions or that she had no intention of following the same promise that she'd had him make.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!" he roared as he finished the second bottle and threw it across the room, shattering it on the wall. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

How was this going to work out now? He knew she was down there screwing the hell out of a man that he wanted more than anything to kill. Yeah, yeah, it wasn't Leto's mind but it sure as hell was her body. How in the hell was he going to want to screw her now that Zoudin had tromped around inside her? Done Kahless-knows-what with her incredibly beautiful body? This wasn't simply some whore he had down there, someone Nick didn't give two shits about, this was Leto, the woman he loved, the woman he was honestly willing to give up his job for. When he'd offered to leave everything behind just to be with her, he'd meant it, and she quickly shut him down.

"Finally!" he announced as she liquor began to have an effect on him. He quickly opened the third bottle and began drinking as he paced back and forth. Every once in a while he'd kick over a chair or throw things off of the shelves, breaking them against the bulkheads. He picked up a frame wth a holoimage of he and the old Nenita and pulled back to toss it, but he couldn't do it. He cursed himself as he placed it back down on the shelf, picked up a small dagger and threw it as hard as he could at the wall, sinking it to the hilt.

He chugged the rest of the bottle, threw it against the wall as well and sank into the couch again.

Within moments he was asleep.

* * *

The alarm had been sounding for twenty minutes before Nick even began to stir. As he wiped the long string of drool from his chin his eyes began to focus, then his ears actually focused on what was going on as well.

His body tensed, he grabbed the edge of armrests and finally honed in on the sound. "Shit!" he said as he stood and began rummaging around through the shit hole he'd created the night before. "Where is it? Where is it!?" he said in a panic, knowing full well what the noise was.

Finally he found it, halfway under the side of the single chair by the door. Scooping it up he checked the reading to make sure that it wasn't a false activation. He got goosebumps and a shiver as he read the display. It was a distress signal from Leto.

With a growl to try and force his head to clear he dashed into his bedroom for a uniform and to find his gear. "Computer, locate Lieutenant Smith with Intelligence."

Lieutenant Smith is not on the station. Logs show that he beamed down to Archadia III at 2242 hours last date.

"Send this message to his PADD if you have a connection: Distress signal received. Locator no longer on planet. Asset and target heading out into space. I am in pursuit from 900. Nick."

Heading out the door he heard the computer saying that the message had been sent. Slapping his communicator once he'd pulled his uniform shirt on he called out, "Marcinko to flight, Intel emergency. I need a shuttle ASAP! I'm enroute to deck 116 and I need something fast, powerful and with a transporter."

It took a few moments, and seemed like forever to Nick, but by the time he got to the turbolift and the doors were closing his response came. =^= Shuttle 225 will be waiting for you, Master Chief. Do we need to scramble fighters?=^=

"Fuck the fighters, this is my fight! Marcinko out!"

Master Chief Petty Officer Nick Marcinko
Hurt, betrayed and after the woman he loves


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