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Running INterference

Posted on Mon Feb 11th, 2013 @ 4:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Major Patrick Smith & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Archadia III

“Acknowledged.” The officer in Flight Ops answered the call from Solaana, then pressed the panel before her. The screen showed the two incoming shuttles and then the life signs scans started. Moments later, she had the information requested. “We are reading one life sign on each shuttle. A third ship has appeared also bearing one life sign. They will be on the ground in three minutes.”

“Thank you. I will take it from here,” Solaana said. She thumbed a communications device and directed a few of the Queen’s personal guard to intercept the group and steer them to the Prime Minister’s office.

Up in the shuttle, Leto’s clearance came and she passed it on to Nick and Patrick with the coordinate she was given, along with a text warning that they were likely being monitored. Two minutes out now and then they would be on the ground. She opened a channel to Flight Ops, requesting a medical attendant and a conveyance for one body, then closed the channel without explaining further.

Pat fired back a confirmation message along with an indicator that he wasn’t going in unprotected. As he pulled the Blackbird into formation he set up the auto pilot to land so that he could make a quick exit, locking the controls in the process.

Moments later the trio of shuttles had landed with Nick hovering close to his own, Leto and Patrick standing beside hers as they waited for the medical crew to retrieve the body. A few security personnel were now there but it was the much more elaborately dressed Queen’s Guard that caught the attention of everyone. The five woman squad stood silently until the medical crew had arrived and began the removal of the body.

“What happened to this one?” the squad leader asked. “Isn’t that the Prime Minister’s aide?”

“Zoudin Veist, yes,” Leto answered. “He was.....” she hesitated and glanced at Patrick, then Nick. When she answered the guard, she spoke softly. “My mate. There’s much more to it but perhaps here is not the place to discuss it.”

“Indeed. I doubt this is the place to be discussing such an incident. However if you would then I’m sure you can be filled in,” Smith added pushing the point to get the guards to move them all away.

While out of the normal group, Nick could still hear what was being said. He kicked the shuttle as Leto answered.

“I see,” the squad leader replied. “His body will be taken to the medical facility,” she said, more for the benefit of the medical staff, “and you three will come with us.”

Leto nodded and followed the guard without a look back.

Pat followed suit keeping slightly ahead of Leto and paying close attention to the guards.

The group entered the palace grounds and into the palace itself. However, instead of veering toward the Queen’s offices, they began walking toward the section for the Prime Minister.

Leto shot a stealthy look at Nick, then spoke up. “We are seeing the Prime Minister?” She really didn’t like that but with the dead body of her aide in the shuttle, it made some sense.

“You are. Since her aide has been found deceased in your shuttle she must be notified. And I’m sure she may have questions surrounding his death.” Without turning the woman continued talking. “You said that you are his mate?”

“Yes, just recently. It was done in the palace square, there were plenty of witnesses.” Leto appeared rather shell-shocked and it was a good position to take. Her voice wasn't at all steady and she was not entirely focused either. The perfect picture of a woman who has just lost the one who means everything to her. She glanced at the guard, but kept silent as they continued on.

The rest of the trip was a short one but no other words were spoken. Nick hung back from the rest, his temper flaring each time the word ‘mate’ was mentioned. But finally they arrived in the reception room of Aegina’s section of the palace. She had apparently been notified of the group coming to her and was waiting for them when they came in.

“Thank you, that will be all,” she addressed the guards and they hurried out, closing the doors and leaving the group alone with Aegina and another woman. “Lt. Smith, Chief Marcinko. Please, have a seat. This is my other assistant, Solaana. Well, my only one now it seems.”

Master Chief,” Nick grumbled as he walked to the available chairs. It was beginning to be painfully obvious that his being there may not have been the best thing.

“My apologies, Master Chief.” Aegina smiled warmly at him, recognizing the signs of a man on the edge. What she couldn’t figure out was why. Finally, she turned her attention to Leto, who was still standing as she hadn’t been invited to sit. “And you are Imara. Welcome. I was most surprised when Zoudin requested time off for the usual celebration of mating. I heard the talk from those who witnessed it. It seems he was swept away.” She regarded the woman and then motioned her to a seat. “I have heard also that his body was removed from your shuttle. I know this is difficult but I need to know what happened if I am to help you.”

Nick’s icy glare settled squarely on Leto after Aegina’s words. This whole session was just a ‘rub it in your face’ meeting for Nick, apparently. She had told him in the shuttle that they were going to have to have a talk. He had every intention of avoiding that, but if it happened, he couldn’t wait to hear how she was going to explain this one away.

Leto nodded and reached back down into the memories of the past days. “He offered his arrow in the square. It is a lovely one, gold, ornately decorated.”

At that Aegina glanced to Solaana a moment, obviously surprised. “I see. He must have truly been swept away. Please, continue.”

Leto nodded. “We went to his house and everything was fine. We...” She paused, having no intentions of going into details of their day and night together. “I woke early the next morning to go back to my house and get some fresh clothes while Zoudin was still sleeping. After my return, we had breakfast and that’s when the woman broke in. Tall, a hunter by her markings. She had weapons and Zoudin ordered me to get to another room. It was an awful ruckus and he finally managed to kill her in order to save the two of us. I don’t know who sent her but what happened next makes me wonder now. He ordered me to pack a bag and as soon as I did, he took me out to his shuttle. He strapped me into a seat and then....” Leto stopped as the events replayed in her mind. She seemed to be in another world as they watched, then she shuddered.

“Are you alright?” Aegina asked.

“What? Oh...yes. He strapped me in, then he injected me with something that made me completely immobile in a matter of seconds. Then we were on our way. I was terrified and unable to move or even speak.”

Nick couldn’t stand to listen any longer. He began ignoring everything and everyone as they spoke but did begin taking note of everything in the area. The only two that may cause them trouble were Aegina herself and her new aide. He sized them up noticing that Aegina was dressed in attire that would have made any physical activity somewhat difficult, but not impossible. The other woman, however, was a different story. She seemed the killer type, had the look in her eyes and was dressed to be able to take action. The way she was giving Nick, Patrick and Leto the once-over also gave her away.

Aegina leaned forward in her seat with a gasp. “Are you saying he kidnapped you?”

Leto nodded. “I’m sure if you test my blood, you will find traces of it, it’s only been a short time. He said we were going to Ozum to escape. But no one knew we were in that house. At that point I began to wonder if he hadn’t stages it simply to do what you have suggested.”

Aegina merely nodded, though her expression held the utmost sympathy. “And then?”

“The drug finally began to wear off. He began to say the most horrible things, things he’d done at your orders. And then confessing he loved me beyond all reason on one hand, and drugging and kidnapping me on the other. I decided he had to be insane. Finally, he went up to check the controls and I jumped for the distress call panel. I managed to send the call but he got a little rough with me because of it.” Leto stood now and raised the top half of her dress enough to show a splash of dark bruises across her ribs.

Despite his attempts at trying to ignore her, Nick’s eyes wandered over to the image of her beaten body. It made him happy, momentarily, that he’d killed Veist even though he knew that the man hadn’t done that to her. However, it was because of him that she’d been thrust into this situation. Looking at her well toned body it took him a moment to realize that Leto was looking at him. He turned away.

Aegina uttered a curse as she saw the marks on Leto. “I think I agree with your assessment. Veist was never ordered to do anything underhanded, it would have been stupid on my part and easily traceable.” She shook her head in disgust. “I’m only sorry that he pulled you into his delusions and put your life at risk. But how does this concern Starfleet?”

“They were in the area it seems, and heard the call. That one,” she indicated Nick, “beamed aboard and Zoudin attacked him. They fought savagely and you can see some cuts on his face still.” Leto nodded to Nick. “Zoudin finally knocked him down and was moving in for a dangerous blow and....I fired. It was my blast that finally killed him, but if I had not, he’d have killed both of us.” Leto realized she was still standing and slowly lowered herself back into her chair.

Aegina was silent for several seconds, then cleared her throat and began to speak. “We owe you a great debt of gratitude Master Chief Marcinko and Lt. Smith for rushing to the rescue of one of our citizens. It is tragic that she found herself in the middle of such a nightmare, prey to a man who was obviously unbalanced and dangerous, one who had plans that would have caused this planet and its government untold harm. Not only have you saved this woman, but likely the queen and me as well. I don’t know how to thank you.”

For once in his life, Nick didn’t blurt out exactly what was on his mind. His answers ran the gamut between millions of credits to multiple concubines or even a mixture of both. But, for right now, all he wanted to do was get the hell away from them, from her. He didn’t want to hear any more about mates and all of the fucking they apparently did. Aegina could thank him by letting them all go on their merry little way.

“I’m rather glad to hear that someone as dangerous as Veist has been removed from play in the goings on down here then,” Smith said. “Knowing the Queen and yourself are safe is good news indeed.”

Aegina now turned to Leto. “As it was a case of self defense, consider the matter closed. Solaana will handle the details. That leaves one last matter and we can all be on our way. By Archadian law, all that he possessed is now yours. You may do with it what you wish, and Solaana can assist you with the transfer of his financial matters. I’d like you to join me for dinner tomorrow evening, Imara. I’m sure you need to rest and recover till then.”

Leto stood and inclined her head to Aegina. “Thank you. I will be here. I will be at my own house tonight if I am needed.” She turned and made her way out, while behind her, Aegina said her goodbyes to the two men and excused herself. Once clear of the palace, Leto stopped in the palace square, where it had all begun, simply looking at the fountain and lost in thought. Things had changed radically from their expected visit to the Queen and Leto knew Veist has spoken the truth to her. As a result, she’d had to lie her ass off to the Prime Minister and allowed the woman to lay the blame firmly on Veist so as not to blow her own cover or prevent her from warning the Queen once Aegina wasn’t looking. Leto had woven a good tale with just enough hints of truth to make it believable. She was safe, as were Patrick and Nick who were now nothing short of heroes. So why did she feel like complete shit? Her head was a mess and she ached for Nick. The worst of it was, she realized, she missed Veist. That thought brought a shiver as she heard footsteps behind her.

Patrick and Nick had been excused from the palace and walked out to find Leto. Nick walked past her, not stopping, but he could be overheard grumbling angrily, cursing. Patrick, on the other hand, stopped. They had more business to attend to with the Queen.

Mindful of the surveillance in the square, Leto looked up at Patrick, her expression composed. “Thank you, Lt. Smith, and please thank Mr. Marcinko as well. But it’s been a very long day and I am going home. Good evening.” She rested her hand on his arm for an instant, then turned to depart.

“That’s Master Chief Marcinko!” Nick yelled a few yards away, but he kept walking and didn’t look back.

Patrick shook his head and chuckled slightly before following after Nick. Catching up to him he walked alongside until they were clear of the grounds and out of earshot of anyone, “We need to talk later. Off planet preferably.”


Lieutenant Patrick Smith
Not believing yet another Politician

Master Chief Nick Marcinko
Not enjoying the company

Lt.(jg) Leto
Not telling anything resembling the truth


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