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Morning Glory

Posted on Thu Feb 14th, 2013 @ 10:37am by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Seyla

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Harding's Quarters

* * * Harding’s Quarters * * *

It was still dark in the bedroom when Will awoke from a delicious doze. His head was far clearer than it had been last night after a hefty dose of Seyla’s pheromones. Normally he insisted she rein herself in but last night had been something of a celebration and he’d indulged fully. And he didn’t regret a second of it. Just the thought of it stirred him again but he let it go for the moment as he stretched and gave a contented sigh. It was times like these he regretted his continual alone status.

He had to admit, though, that having a woman like Seyla at his beck and call, there when he wanted her, conveniently gone when he was busy, was delightful. One thing concerned him, however. He wondered at times if he wasn’t getting a little attached to her. It was so nice to wake up and find her next to him, a leg or an arm draped over his body. He kissed her bare shoulder, then slipped carefully from the bed and wandered out to make coffee, not bothering to dress.

By the time Seyla emerged from his bedroom, Will had coffee - the real, brewed kind - made. Unlike him, she'd paused a moment to pull on a robe - his. "Good morning, Doctor. How is my favorite patient?"

Her joke brought a rumble of laughter from Will. “Fit as a fiddle, as they used to say. I haven't felt this good in ages. Do I look it? If so, Ophelia will never let me hear the end of it.” He poured her a cup of coffee, then leaned back against the counter and pulled her close against him.

Chuckling low, she kissed him then backed away, saying, "Let me look at you." Her appraising gaze roamed slowly over his body. For a lily-white, just less than middle aged human, he looked pretty good. He didn't have the size or the muscular, fit frame that Darwin had; nor did he have the deeper tan and hard lines that Suresh had, but he hadn't yet succumbed to the very human tendency to grow a belly and get flabby. If she were paying money for him, Seyla wouldn't offer much as her starting bid. But the roles were reversed - he was paying her. And his starting bid was larger than what she usually collected from her clients.

Purring, she smiled and let her pheromones drift on the air currents. "You do look happier than you did last night. Perkier, for sure," this last she said as she stroked the appendage between his legs, garnering an immediate reaction from him. She dropped to her knees and did just what he paid her to do.

It was sometime later that Will regained his senses and realized they’d left the kitchen and were now sprawled on the deep rug in the living room. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed as he settled her in against his chest. “Stay till tomorrow. Do you need to call someone so they don’t think you’ve vanished?”

"Yes, I'll send a message, Will. Wait here." She stood, gathered his robe around her and disappeared into his bedroom. A few minutes later, she returned and resettled next to him on the carpet. "Now, where were we?"

“” Will smiled. “Will they ask where you are? And what happens when you’re still here several days from now?”

"Several days from now?" She propped herself on an elbow to look at him, incredulous. "Well... Will, I'll have to check in on them. The girls aren't really 'set 'em and forget 'em' types; they're more like hothouse flowers that require tending and pruning if I'm to keep them in line and productive. Besides, you have your duties to tend to."

“I do. And I meant after hours for me. Can you clear your week?”

After hours... Those were her prime hours, but she could manage her stable during the day, while he worked. But what of a different, and far more prickly question: what would happen if Suresh returns? And Darwin? She'd have a careful balancing act already, without tossing in Will as a third bidder for her time. Then again, what if Suresh and Darwin didn't return? Why should she give up the income... And thinking of the situation along that line, she realized: Will would have a greater claim to her time and attention. He, after all, paid her, unlike Darwin and Suresh. "Yes, I can clear my week, for you Will."

“Very good. I know you have things to do, I just want to fill your working hours.” A slow smile crossed his face. “Will your girls ask? I’d rather they keep thinking that Dr. Harding is untouchable.”

"They'll ask, but they know better than to expect an answer. Some will nose around and try to figure it out. Not many of the Station's residents can afford me for such a long time. If you wish this to remain a secret, I can do that, but it will mean we can't go out." Not that she really thought Will wanted her as a companion for dinner at the Nexus or anywhere else. "I can disable my tracker, as usual, so they won't know where I've gone."

“Thank you. This means a lot to me. I’ve just been nothing but Dr. Harding for so long, I need a little diversion.” Will left it at that. A diversion. That’s all it was, right?

"Let me work on a little diversion right now," Seyla offered, smiling as her fingers went to work making him gasp. "An entire week of nights like this, Will? Are you sure?" She teased him.

“Oh absolutely.” They were his last words for a long time.


Minding Her Business

Lt. Commander William Harding, MD
Not Minding Her Business At All


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