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We've Come All This Way

Posted on Sat Feb 16th, 2013 @ 7:29pm by Lieutenant Ito Tsuki

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Bridgte, USS Hammond / Alternate SB900
Timeline: After Arrival

The bridge was quiet. The Hammond had arrived at the starbase's docks without any issues. Engineering, being efficient as ever, notified Ito that she had full impulse capability thirty seconds before they'd docked. She gave them the nod of finishing before they'd actually docked and reported to the captain that impulse power had been restored.

She had then spent the next several minutes going through the procedures of getting the ship docked. She noted that the procedures involved were no different than back home. Starfleet was insistent that the computer could dock the ship better than any human. She was known to take offense at that. Today, though, she let the ship do her thing. Not without a sense of trepidation about it, though. She had been prepared with a quick return to manual control. Which made her feel a little better.

The computer had done a fine job this time, bringing the Hammond snug against the docking clamps that engaged with their counterparts. Lights flickered from green to amber as the starbase's systems assumed feeding the ship's needs.

That had been almost an hour ago. There were only so many times you could check to be sure everything was as it should be with the ship. Admittedly Engineering had made excellent progress in utilizing that time. They had reported up to the bridge only ten minutes ago that all primary systems were online. As to the device that would get us home, they hadn't said. Ito had kept her worries to herself, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong and they would be stuck here.

And now it was the waiting game. Well, she was familiar with that too. The captain had left the bridge shortly after the Hammond had docked. The personnel still on the bridge were either working with Engineering to get ready for the attempt to get back home, or were taking scans of the area of space around them. It wasn't every day that you got to examine another dimension, now was it?

Her fingers started to dance across her console, bringing up the navigation data that had automatically been recorded during their flight here. Perhaps there was something there that could make the trip smoother. She was no scientist, but she was a damn fine pilot and navigator. Perhaps she would see something. Perhaps not. But it did help pass the time.

Lt. Ito Tsuki


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