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Catching Up On Missed Time

Posted on Fri Mar 8th, 2013 @ 5:41pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Admiral Hawke's Quarters
Timeline: Current

It truly felt great to be back home except that Rick’s office was still off limits for a while so the science staff could make sure that the anomaly had dissipated completely. They didn’t want to have him falling into another dimension again, which he was thankful for, but he felt more at home in his office than he did in his own quarters. But now that he was back he had to get caught up on everything he’d missed.

It had been six hours since their return to 900 and Rick had already had a meeting with Lucius and the new Chief Intelligence Officer, but now a meeting with Lucius was needed to go over a few things that had come through him. He’d had his report from Sakkath already, which was precise, to the point and literally didn’t leave anything out. But it seemed that Starfleet Command had sent a few things for Admiral’s Eyes Only, which required a visit with his old friend.

“Aia!” Rick said as the doors to Lucius’ quarters opened. “My dear, you look as lovely as ever. How is the little one?”

“Little Saye is quite well, thank you,” Aia smiled at Rick and motioned him in. “I’m so glad you’re home, Rick. I’ve heard that things were a bit... hectic while you were gone.”

“They were, yes,” he said as he entered their quarters. “But it is good to be home, that’s for sure. Is Lucius busy? He asked me to come by after I’d had a bit of rest, but if you guys are having dinner or something I can always come back. I don’t want to intrude.”

“Oh, no, please, come in. Don’t be silly. Even if we were eating, you’d be welcome,” she touched his arm and drew him in further. “Lucius! Rick is here,” she called to her husband.

Lucius emerged from his office, and surprisingly he was in uniform though he was home. He also had several padds in his hand and as he saw Rick.

“I swear, Lucius, I would have given anything to get back here and have a pile of stuff waiting for me like that,” he said, indicating the PADDs Lucius held. “Anything would have been better than that. But we’re here and that’s all that matters.” They both sat in the living room. “Did I miss much, other than our rescue attempt, and the CIO?”

Aia, fussing over Saye nearby, laughed at that. “Oh, simply the death of your CSEC’s brother and now the disappearance of one Ignatius Reilly.”

“And Chance’s resurrection just within the last few days. And several items of business you and I need to attend to.” Lucius smiled. “And you were bemoaning the fact that you had no pile of stuff.”

“Iggy’s gone missing? Is it pick on Oz week?” Rick had read up on Chance in the report that included information on the Archadians, but Iggy didn’t seem to make the cut.

“That’s a good question. But, to continue with the list, the chief diplomat of the Dendrian Order has arrived, our Chief Diplomat is pregnant, and former Speaker Zee’Hrai has also arrived on station.” Lucius stopped and grinned at Rick.

“Don’t forget how Leroy knocked out power to fifty decks or so and ended up bringing the other Leroy’s wife and child here,” Aia added, “Can’t imagine how Kh’ali took that bit of news.”

“Geez...leave you guys alone for a few days and the station goes to hell!” Rick laughed. “So, I take it that we need to have a conversation with the Dendrians and Zee’Hrai, for some reason? Do we know what they want yet?”

“Kh’ali has them well in hand but you and I will be attending a formal dinner with them, now that you have returned. The visit is officially to establish diplomatic relations, but Kh’ali has hinted she thinks there is more to it,” Lucius answered.

“Did she expound on that at all, or is that just a hunch that more may be coming?”

“Nothing yet. I suspect she’s waiting till she knows for sure. My guess? It concerns their position in the Tunisian war but they aren’t exactly in the thick of it so at this point, defense isn’t a big problem for them.” Lucius shrugged.

Rick thought about that a moment. “Hmmm, well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, then. Anything else of any importance or can some of it be put on the back-burner?”

Aia smiled at the two then said, “I’ll leave you boys to your official work. Saye needs feeding. Excuse me.” She disappeared through a doorway, leaving the men alone.

Once Aia was gone, Lucius got up and moved over to pour two glasses of Saurian brandy. He carried them back and passed one to Rick. “Li will be here in a minute or two for some official business. The Temporal Affairs officer, Captain Blackhorse, brought news of the Dendrian’s request as well as some orders that were for my eyes only and they concern you.”

“The temporal who-did-what now?” Rick asked. “When the hell did we get someone from TA out here?” Then he rolled his eyes at himself. “Ah, for our incident. I get it. Sorry, carry on.” He sipped at the brandy and listened.

“She’s actually here to retire too. There’s been no temporal issues, based on her last report, so she’s prepared to take on a life of leisure. Lovely woman.” He glanced at Rick, then rose as the chime rang.

“She’s retiring to the station?” Rick asked as Lucius walked to the door. “How odd.” He could think of many other places more suited for someone’s retirement than this station, despite it’s great activities. Then again, with the captain retiring at that rank maybe it was just the idea of being close to something known for so long and eventually moving further away from Starfleet.

Lucius opened the doors and drew Li inside and into a tight hug. “I am so glad to have you back home,” he whispered.

“Me too.” Li stretched up to kiss his cheek. “I know it’s been several hours but Sakkath left me quite a bit to look over. He even sent padds to me with Norval on the Hammond.” She laughed for a moment. “But there were other, more pressing matters. And as much as I love you, I needed to deal with them.” Typical Li, she gave the impression that she referred to her husband, but as usual there were no specifics. She moved on in and greeted Rick before stopping to get a drink herself.

“So, Li, have you been to your office yet?” Rick asked. “I have a feeling that you may have as much stuff piled up on your desk as I apparently have on mine.”

“I’m afraid to.” She laughed as she sat down and while Lucius might not notice, Rick certainly would. Li looked light years better than she had six hours ago, almost as if she were coming back to life. “I stopped in to let Dr. Harding check over spot where the stab wound was and make sure everything was okay. It’s all good,” she said hurriedly, seeing Lucius’ shocked expression. “I’ll tell you later.”

“I certainly hope so.” Lucius looked from one to the other. “Shall we get to the important business first?”

“Your place, your rules,” Rick said with a grin. “What do we have, then?”

Lucius unlocked the padd and passed it to Li. He then rose and motioned for Rick to join him before Li.

Rick stood, unsure of what was now happening. Had they actually come back to another alternate universe where they all held hands and sang songs together? He looked at Li whose expression let him know it was all good.

Li read over the padd and smiled. “This is a trifle unorthodox given you two outrank me, but out here on the frontier, we do what we have to do. This,” and she held up the padd, “is a proxy that allows me to stand in for Fleet Admiral Bevil, since he cannot be here in person. It is my honor and privilege to promote you both to the rank of Admiral, with all the rights and responsibilities accorded to the position. Congratulations Admiral Hawke and congratulations Admiral Wegener.” She left the padd on the coffee table and looked into a small wooden box that sat there. removing the pips, she added them to each collar and instead of shaking hands, both got a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “As I said, we are a trifle unorthodox out here. couldn’t have happened to two better men.”

Lucius turned and offered his hand to Rick. “Congratulations, old man.”

“Wow!” was all Rick could say as he pumped Lucius’ hand. “And congratulations to you as well! Hell, I thought the prospect of that happening to be quite a while away from now. I guess sometimes it pays to get lost between universes, eh?” He turned to Li. “And thank you for doing the honors, Li. I can’t think of anyone else I would have rather have read the order.” With a quick hug and a shake of her hand as well he inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Admiral Wegener,” he said. “It has a nice ring to it.”

“Rick, you realize you’ve been called that all along?” Lucius grinned.

“Can’t you let the old geezer just have this one?” Rick said with a wink.

“Well, admirals, congratulations.” Li lifted her glass and clinked it to theirs. “A wonderful homecoming.” She took a sip and sat down on the sofa, leaving room for Lucius. “What’s next on the list?”

“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to handle any more,” Rick joked as he sat back down. “Okay, hit me with it.”

Lucius went back over the Archadian information just to make sure Rick was completely up to date on it. Aegina’s involvement, capture and execution along with what had happened to Veist and the other co-conspirators.

Rick drained his glass and looked back to Lucius. “So, anything else?” he asked, hoping there was nothing else on his list.

“That’s it for now, other than dinner. Will you two stay?”

“I would love to but I actually planned to get started on a few things. Besides, this should be a family dinner with you, Aia and Li. Nothing better than to swap stories over a great meal.” As he spoke he stood and walked his glass over to the kitchen counter then back to the living room. “And thank you again for keeping watch on things for me here while I was gone, Lucius. Li,” he said, patting her shoulder, “I’ll see you tomorrow and kiss that little angel baby for me.”

Li covered his hand with her own and smiled up at him. “I am so glad to see us back here. There was a time there I wondered if we’d ever get home.” She let go and hugged Lucius. “I’m not staying either. I need to get home. Tell Aia I’ll see her tomorrow.”

“Will do.” Lucius hugged Li, then clapped Ricky on the back. “We’ll be busy tomorrow.”

Admiral Ricky Wegener
With Great Power Comes...a shitload of paperwork

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Pip, Pip...Hooray!

Commander Li Hawke
Official Stand-In

Aia Rios-Hawke (written by Tracy/Oz)
Well-Informed Momma


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