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Back To The Future

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2013 @ 9:19am by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2013 @ 4:53pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Li & Sakkath's Quarters
Timeline: Following 'Dinner And A Show'

* * * Sakkath/Li's Quarters * * *

Li paused at the doors of their quarters and looked up at Sakkath, the smile that had appeared when Ricky had announced her promotion still there . He'd been called to C&C to check on some irregularity, but had walked her home first. No words were needed as thoughts passed between them. She finally sent him on his way with a kiss and entered her quarters.

Pausing just inside the doors, she breathed in the familiar and comforting scent of Vulcan spice tea that always lingered in the rooms. It relaxed her and she crossed to the sofa, settling down in it and closing her eyes. It seemed so long since she'd been here. It still felt new and bordered on unreal that she was actually home again. Sakkath was so present and vital in these rooms. Even when he wasn't here, it was as if he were, here and just out of sight. She gave a contented sigh, letting the serenity flow over her.

With it came a wash of pure, raw desire that seemed to echo all around her and a low moan escaped her. Upon her return from the other dimension, Sakkath had locked the doors and they'd been lost in each other. The traces of such deep, overwhelming emotion that Vulcans and Betazoids were capable of could easily remain, still here and wrapping around her. People never understood their union, a woman of such passion and a man sworn to logic. A low laugh slipped out. If they only knew.....

"If they only knew....." a low husky voice echoed her thoughts as large, masculine hands slipped over her shoulders. A thumb brushed over her throat followed by soft lips. "Gone too long my love...." the voice whispered again.

The hands tilted her head back and lips covered hers in a deep, hungry kiss. A languid desire rose in her instantly. She reached out in her thoughts for the connection that should be there and found none.

"I missed you...." The hands moved down her arms, lips brushed her bare shoulder. "You are still mine, you always will be...."

She yelped and pulled away, surging forward off the sofa and turning to see who was there, wishing she had turned on the lights beyond the soft glow of the light in the corner they always left on. It was a habit Li had adopted back on the Berkeley following Rhys' attempt on her life. A figure stood in the shadows behind the sofa, hard to distinguish, but it was a man. He was just out of the light but something about his posture was familiar.

"My darling Li," he murmured, the language Rihannsu, the tone so very tender.

She knew the voice now that he spoke louder and a chill tickled its way along her spine.

"Suresh. I thought you were in the brig." She kept her voice soft and conversational, not wanting to unsettle him.

"I was, over a century ago."

A century? What the hell?

"A century?" she asked.

"One hundred and thirty years to be exact. I was released two days ago as they thought I was no longer a threat. Too old." He stepped out from behind the sofa and into the soft light and Li gasped aloud. It was Suresh but he'd aged. There were lines across his forehead and at the corners of his mouth, crinkles at his eyes which still shone with the vivid light they'd always had. His luxurious hair that had always been so dark was now a brilliant snow white. It hadn't thinned and hung in lush waves to his shoulders. "My Li. How is it that you are still so young?"

Li's thoughts blew in a sudden whirlwind at his appearance. Over a century, he'd said. He certainly looked it but....but Suresh was many decks down in the brig. How could he be here, and older?


"Shh." He pressed his finger to her lips, slipping his free hand around her waist and drawing her close against him. "It was you, arr'hae that kept me alive and sane. All the years I was imprisoned, I kept you in my mind and my heart. And when I was finally free, I had to find you again, to finally have you. So much has changed, but my desire for you never will. It has been so long, tell me that you are free from the one who kept us apart?"

Li had experienced more in her life than most people but this was almost too much even for her. Here stood Suresh, almost two hundred years old. It wasn't a dream, she knew that. He was solid and real. But how? Could it be a fake? Someone altered and playing a part? She reached out, slipping into his mind as easily as she ever had and he sighed, a smile settling on his face and in that instant, she knew it was the real Suresh.

Back where you belong, my darling. There were times I almost gave up, but somehow I pulled through. I knew I'd find you again. I had faith, Li. And now, nothing stands in our way.

She had to call someone, this was all wrong. Suresh, it's 2387. You...cannot have been gone so long, cannot be so old. You are still downstairs in the brig.

NO! I've waited so long, you can't mean that. It can't be true! He buried his hand in her hair, kissed her once again. But your hair is still dark, your face so young. How?

"Computer," she spoke aloud. "What is the current year?"

"The current year is 2387," the computer answered.

"See?" Li spoke but it was to an empty room.

The old Suresh was gone. She spun in a circle, searching, but no one was there. She ordered the lights on and hurried through the other rooms, finding them empty as well. The doors had not opened, she knew, Suresh had simply vanished.

She stood frozen for a split second, then called both security and science, ordering them to her quarters immediately, giving them a brief rundown of what to check. It was too similar to the incidents reported by El'Shar and Marie to be coincidence. Then she hurried out, leaving the doors unlocked for the arriving crew members. She had someone to see.

Captain Li Hawke
Completely At A Loss

A Once & Future Vision


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