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The Rescuers Depart

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2013 @ 6:54pm by Vic & Major Patrick Smith & Lieutenant Eric Edwards

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Blackbird

It was late as usual when the Nexus ended the evening and the staff began the job of clearing and cleaning. Vic went about closing down the bar for the night, moving out of habit without thought. The process was automatic, leaving him free to think over the evening. The bar was od the old-fashioned sort, in keeping with the rest of the Nexus and as he stood cleaning the soda gun, he watched the wait staff working on the dining room.

Up by the front door Camille was closing out the reservations for the night so that a final report could be sent on to Jackson and Jan’s terminals. It had been a hectic evening and she’d done well. He recalled her question to him earlier about the precious hostess and his own noncommittal answer. What he’d said had been the truth and given his re-activation, any sort of personal involvement wasn’t in the cards right now. It was better this way, he supposed.

Once he’d finished up, he called down the hall to Jackson, whose office doors were open, to say goodnight. They’d talked earlier about his absence and so everything was set to go. All that remained now was getting home to pack what little he’d need for this trip.

* * *

Eric had said his fleeting goodbye to Norval in their quarters and redressed in civilian blacks, but for the phaser rifle slung over his back. He wasn’t entirely sure he’d need it, and his standard issue sidearm was in his bag, but... well, better safe than sorry, he figured. Sometimes a little extra firepower went a long way.

He made it to the hangar easily enough, dropping his duffel at his feet. He wasn’t sure if Vic or Commander... no, Major, he reminded himself, Smith had arrived yet and he wasn’t presumptuous enough to run someone else’s bird through a pre-flight.

From the black peregrine in front of him the Major emerged dressed in his flight suit pulled up to his waist and tied by the sleeves, a old squadron shirt for a top. “Lieutenant Edwards. That duffel bag will do better in here, though I packed enough guns for a small army,” he said as he approached the man and held out his hand, “Major Smith. Welcome to the Blackbird.”

“It’s a pleasure, Major,” Eric replied, offering a firm handshake. “Glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks we’ll need them,” he added, referencing their weapons as he hoisted the duffel back up and made his way aboard, dropping it somewhere out of the way. Aside from a change of clothes and the phasers, he really hadn’t thought to bring much else so it was hardly in the way.

Taking the opportunity to look around from his vantage point, Eric also gave a satisfied nod. “Nice ship,” he said. “Do we have a departure time on file or are we playing this by ear?”

“Anytime we are ready.” A new voice, Vic’s, spoke from behind them. He’d just arrived and, like Eric, was dressed in black. His duffel bag gave an audible clink as he set it down on the floor. “Armed and ready to go, gentlemen.”

“As, I think, are we all,” Eric replied with a smile.

“Sure looks like it. I’ll run the startups while you guys get comfy and if you’re like me and haven’t slept yet there are fold outty bunks fitted in the back which I will certainly be making use of once we are underway,” he informed them as he moved back through to the cockpit.

“Sounds good.” Vic covered a yawn with his hand. “I left the Nexus at 0200, went home to pack and came straight here. A few winks sounds so good.” He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small chip, which he passed on to Eric. “A little light reading.”

Accepting the chip, the security officer gave a nod. “I’ll look over this before I get some shut-eye then. Oh, and do me a favor,” he added, loud enough to be heard in the cockpit, “neither of you die. I’ve had my fill of dealing with the morgue lately.”

Returning to a more conversational tone with Vic, he questioned what he already knew to be the case. “A briefing, I’m guessing?”

“A few more things I picked up from that smuggler that saw Jackson and Gilroy. I normally stay out of people’s heads, but in this case...” Vic shrugged. “It’s a kidnapping of a sentient life form. Anything’s fair game as far as I am concerned.”

“As far as I’m concerned a job’s a job,” Pat said from the front. “However it being this spider and her being one of a kind does make it rather important, especially given the Chief of Security feeds said spider,” Pat said from the cockpit. “Buckle up guys. Undocking now.”

“Got it.” Vic settled into the co-pilot’s seat and as Patrick got to work, he sent an acknowledgment back to 900.

Lieutenant Eric Edwards
Along for the ride

Vic (Lt.)
Off to get an eight-legged female

Major Patrick Smith
Rescue Professional


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