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Little Thoughts

Posted on Fri Mar 29th, 2013 @ 4:32am by Camille Ross

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Current (After "Early Breakfast")

Despite Jackson’s news about Pat being a shock, and saddening her a little, it came as a welcome breathing space for her. She’d jumped straight from her divorce from her jerk of an ex-husband, to seeing Marty, who she’d only just broken things off with officially the morning before she left for Starbase 900.

On her walk around the promenade, she asked herself Should I feel bad for flirting with Patrick so soon? On her way back to her apartment, she’d tried to convince herself that she was just being friendly to Patrick, that the flirting was no more than giving him a good time. And the date was to simply make friends on the base.

But as she wandered back in a daydream, she wasn’t doing a good job of convincing herself. She started to wonder if Patrick was okay wherever he was. That was normal, being worried about a friend. But Patrick wasn’t her friend, it was someone she’d met and talked to for a mere half an hour. She didn’t want to let herself get attached to someone so quickly, especially someone she’d only just met.But despite her best effort, she wasn’t getting very far.

Camille realised that she may actually fancy Patrick. She was curious about getting to know him better, she wanted to spend more time with him.

She’d never felt this way with either of her exes. She met them, and over time affection for them grew. As a foolish teenager, she agreed to marry Liam, just so she could have the princess wedding. When she realised after a few years that she was never actually in love him, she returned home and Marty was her shoulder to cry on. A constant in her single a life.

My rebound she thought sorrowfully.

She had loved Marty. He helped her set up her new life on Starbase 52. That friendship quickly turned physical, and for sheer handiness, she moved in with him. A few months before she left, they both realised this wasn’t a long-term relationship, he had the emotional range of a teaspoon, but they both agreed to have a little fun while it lasted.

At that thought she felt a pang for Marty. She felt bad after leaving him with just that note:

”Marty. Remember that job you helped me find on 900? Well they want me tae leave this afternoon. I know it’s sudden, and we both thought we’d have more time to well you know... But I cannae turn this down. You can always come visit sometime if ye get bored, but I say ye go fer that blondie ye spotted in the bar last week, her numbers still on the desk.” She finished the message by leaving her contacts and love for him.

Thinking back she should have waited for him, he deserved more than that, but she didn’t want him thinking they could keep up their relationship long distance.

Her mind danced back to Patrick, as she thought of him wrapping his arms around her...
She caught her thoughts again and couldn’t believe what she was daydreaming of. I hope he’s back soon. She thought as she opened her door.

When she got in, she walked to her replicator, ordered a cola and went and sat at her computer screen. She noticed an email message from Marty that wasn’t there when she left earlier that morning.

“Cami. Well done on the job! So pleased for you. Wished we could have said goodbye properly, but I understand you wanted to go. That blondie turned me down, asking what happened to my scottish girlfriend and when I explained “she upped sticks and left me”, lets just say I’m glad you changed the sheets before you left.” He winked at the screen. “Hope you’re settled in over there, and miss you like crazy, though as things are getting busy here, I doubt I’ll get much leave to come see you for some “fun”. Keep me up to date on any conquests, just so I can update Fergus. Love and best wishes, Marty.”

Phew, he took that better than I thought. Now I don’t feel so bad.

Camille started up a reply message: “Marty, things going great here, being kept busy. Will let you know of any time off I can get for you to visit. Camille.”

She’d never sent such a short, abrupt message like that in her life, but Camille didn’t want to beat around the bush and give him any hope of him coming over for some “fun”. She wasn’t interested in messing around anymore.

She started to worry about telling Patrick about her past, as she didn’t want him thinking she was some floozy only after one thing. Despite her past relationships not working and her being the one to walk away, it didn’t mean that she wasn’t the one that got hurt.

She didn’t want to give her heart away so quickly again, but the more she thought of Patrick and his captivating blue eyes and chiseled jaw line, the more she felt herself wanting to see where things could go with him.

Climbing back into bed for an hours kip before her next shift, she started to fall asleep, all the time imagining how good Patrick would be in bed.

Camille Ross
It’s Been A While


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