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The Talks Begin

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 10:07am by Chordata & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Cadet Junior Grade Tenahn Vor & Squamata & Lieutenant JG Quentin Dobry

Mission: Breaking New Ground

Kh’ali had dragged herself out of bed early, knowing she’d be moving slow. Dr. Harding had placed her favorite raktajino on the ‘no way in hell’ list and so this morning she had to rely on a shower and a big glass of orange juice to get herself moving. Round one of the meetings with the Dendrian Order were set to begin this morning and as she dressed, she ran over the opening subjects in her mind. As she stood in the kitchen, sipping some decaffeinated coffee, she heard stirring in the bedroom. She requested a cup of regular coffee from the replicator and pressed it into Patrick’s hand as she kissed his cheek.

“Morning, sleepyhead. Sorry to kiss and run, but the meeting starts in fifteen.”

“I should invent a warp inhibitor and mount it in these quarters.” Patrick grumbled sniffing the flavor of coffee. “And when do you think to be back?” He asked eyeing her from over the rim of the cup as he took a sip.

“That I don’t know. But you have the day off, thanks to Admiral Wegener, so no one will be here to disturb you if you want to crawl back to bed.” Kh’ali smiled, wishing she could crawl back in with him.

“I like that. Wake me up with a kiss when you’re back.” Patrick replied already savouring his gifted day off. “Don’t be gone long.”

* * * Observation Lounge * * *

Vor had arrived early, having never been through Command and Control or the Observation Deck before. He judged it wise to familiarize himself with the area and, more importantly, the scents. If he were to quite literally trust his nose in these negotiations, he would have to be able to filter out what was normal from what was abnormal.

It also gave him an occasion to eat his breakfast of dark, leafy greens while enjoying a fairly magnificent view.

The doors slid open and Kh’ali hurried in. A glance to the end wall told her that the refreshments she’d ordered were all in place. She requested a cup of coffee, regular this time, and sat down beside Vor.

“Good morning Vor. Are you ready for this? It should be interesting and I have to confess to deep curiosity as to what has brought them here.”

“Commander,” Vor said, standing when she entered the room. He gave her a nod in reply. “As ready as I can be, I should think. I have reviewed all of the Federation material available on the situation, and even managed an inquiry through a … colleague,” he settled on, “still in contact with one of the Voth city ships. Though, admittedly, my own people take very little interest in the prospect of other...” he paused just a moment too long so as to seem awkward, “Saurians.” Less-advanced would have filled the gap, but he bit down on that foolish pride that had steered his people so long away from the truth of their origin.

As Kh’ali took her seat, Vor took the opportunity to recycle his breakfast through the replicator and returned, a steel glass of water in hand. He had long ago learned not to handle Terran glassware with his talons.

“And what did your colleague have to say?” Kh’ali checked the padd in front of her and then set it down. She already knew what was in it down to the last comma, but it was a last check out of habit. As she asked the question, the doors opened once more to admit Lt. Dobry.

“Frankly, Commander, that the Dendrians invite the prospect of war by being less evolved lifeforms. Doctrine can be a very difficult lens to see the universe through. My people generally make very poor diplomats, as you might imagine. Everything was and is ours. We were here first. Et cetera,” he gestured with his clawed digits and rolled his eyes, his scales starting to turn a subtle shade of crimson. He was angry, but managing to barely hold it back. It was a good thing the glass in his free hand wasn’t truly glass after all.

“I see. And your thoughts? Good morning Quentin.” She smiled to Dobry as he went to get his coffee and took a seat, then looked back at Vor. As this was intended to be an educational experience for him as well, she was interested in drawing out his thoughts on the matter.

That Vor’s thoughts had to remain a mystery a bit longer was clear in the moment the doors opened again to reveal the Dendrian delegation. Chordata entered first closely followed by his aide Squamata while Varanus, following a slight nod of the ambassador’s head, positioned himself in the corridor close to the doors.

“Good day,” He greeted the audience finding his place at the table. “May this be a proficuous meeting for all of us”.

Kh’ali stood, along with Vor and Dobry. “Good morning Ambassador Chordata, Envoy Squamata.” She smiled warmly. “That is my hope as well. Please make yourselves comfortable.” She waited until they sat, then returned to her own seat, nodding to Vor and Dobry to as well. “I trust your accommodations were satisfactory?”

“They were indeed.” Chordata nodded “Temperature and humidity set to optimal level for our taste. I wonder who can possibly have had such kindness and insight in Dendrian needs?” He smiled back to Kh’ali, slightly cocking the head.

“Cadet Vor has been most helpful in making preparations for your visit here.” Kh’ali smiled at Vor for a moment, then turned back to Chordata. “Now, if you will pardon my bluntness, I am very curious what brings you here to 900. Perhaps now is the time to enlighten us so that we may be of assistance in any way we can.”

“You see Commander,” Chordata started, looking at Kh’ali first and then all those sitting at the table in turn, “the political situation inside our boundaries is very difficult. Rebellion has long since started against the Tynusian Empire. The colonies safety is constantly put at risk... Commerce is jeopardized by daring attacks on the merchant convoys... Casualties for terrorist attacks are counted everyday in every part of the Empire and Dendrian sphere of influence. Police forces and Military are stretched thin in the attempt to protect the citizenry...”

Chordata paused to let his words to sink in then, turning again to Kh’ali he reprised: “We do see a great opportunity in the new friends coming from the Alpha quadrant. Federation has just moved a little step in what is a new territory full of problematics. But I’m sure their presence will grow and become more influential in the near future. With time you will need more space and more responsibility will be required about your neighbors.”

“That is true. The Delta Quadrant is so vast that it will take a long time to see it all, but peaceably mixing in, for those who might wish to take up residence here, is the first step. The Federation has no desire to take over or force Federation ideals as that violates our Prime Directive. That’s been at the root of the Federation’s refusal to overtly enter your war. We cannot take sides unless we were attacked. You are aware, however, that humanitarian aid could be rendered if it was needed.”

Dobry nodded at her words. “Starfleet always stands ready to assist those in need if we have the means, Ambassador.”

“Of that I have no doubt.” Chordata responded him “And the Dendrians are eager to make a goodwill gesture by gifting our friends from Federation an entire planet.” He looked the Federation in turn to gauge their reaction before talking again “A planet where you will be able to set your first colony in the Delta Quadrant... It would be a great honor for my people to be the first to have given Federation such a welcome in, let’s say it with a metaphor, our courtyard.”

While Kh’ali has expected the colony offer, the addition of having it on their own planet was astounding. However, like the good diplomat she was, the surprise didn’t show, though she did cast a glance to Dobry and Vor.

“And what would you expect in return?”

“Nothing.” Chordata nodded solemnly “This will be an eternal bond of friendship between our cultures.”

“It’s a bold step,” Dobry replied. “And an admirable one that may cause some concern among your closest neighbors. As you are aware, some are not thrilled with the presence of Starfleet out here.”

“That maybe outside Dendrian sphere of influence and boundaries.” Chordata replied candidly to Kh’ali’s assistant’s observation. “But the planet we are speaking of is well inside our territory, where we can do as it pleases us. My Aide will provide you with all the data needed.” He added nodding to Squamata.

“Thank you.” Kh’ali took the padd from her and glanced at it for a moment before speaking once more. “I will require some time to study this proposal, of course.”

“Take as much time as you see fit, we are in no hurry. Perhaps, while this point is set aside for your further evaluation, maybe we can start defining formal trade relations between our order and Federation?”

“I would be glad to do so.” She passed the padd containing the colony proposal over to Vor as she answered Chordata. “And once that is done, you’ve some free time to explore. Cadet Vor will be glad to accompany you.”

Vor accepted the PADD between two talons, but gave it only a cursory examination, sending a copy to a secured terminal in his quarters via the station's comm. At the mention of his name he looked up, an almost unnoticeable change of his coloration towards blue vanishing instantly. He passed the PADD to Dobry.

"It would be my distinct pleasure, Ambassador," Vor replied with a toothy grin.

“I’m looking forward to that.” Chordata responded with a slight nod of the head to Vor, then turned again to Kh’ali. “And you’ll see that our peoples will gain much from such an agreement. Dendrians have a long trading history and we are really curious to see what goods can come from a quadrant so far away from our own.”

Kh’ali smiled at his words. “The reverse is also true. Given our recent arrival here, we are most curious what the Delta Quadrant holds. I am looking forward very much to visiting your planet as well.” She set the padd down on the table. “That should conclude our meeting this morning, as it’s almost time for lunch. If I am needed during your tour with Vor, please call. Otherwise, I will see you this evening.”

“I’m sure that Mr. Vor will be a perfect guide through this gigantic starbase.” Chordata replied “Do not worry though I’ll content myself by seeing the best places this installation has to offer.”

"You needn't worry for my stamina, Ambassador. This base is no larger than one of my people's city ships," Vor chuckled. "I shall be with you shortly, should you wish to first retire to your quarters before embarking."

“”I think we’re done here then Commander.” Chordata nodded to Kh’ali “I’ll wait eagerly to see you in the evening.”

“It will be our pleasure, Ambassador Chordata.” She stood as Chordata and Envoy Squamata took their leave, then moved over to the replicator. “Pretty much what I expected.” She ordered a banana and took a bite. Once it was gone she addressed the two men. “Look over the colony proposal. I am impressed with the Ambassador but I always want to see what is between the lines, especially when those lines include an offer of an entire planet, even if it is small. Report back to me this afternoon. I’m going to go devour some lunch.”

“I’ll see you later then,” Dobry answered.

"I don't like it," Vor said as he stood, gathering his things. "You asked my opinion earlier. It was this: the Dendrians are merchants. To possess too great a military would discourage their buyers, and that is why they invite war... not their evolution, or lack thereof." As he stepped to the door, the portal hissing open before him, he turned back to regard the Commander. "Merchants never offer something for nothing."

Without further hesitation, the Saurian hurried out to prepare for his tour.


Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Surprised But Not Surprised

Cadet Junior Grade Tenahn Vor
Finding it hard to trust other lizards...

Ambassador Chordata
Bringer of Gifts

Lt. Quentin Dobry


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