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Where do we go from here?

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 11:14am by Seyla & Commander Dae Nalas & Marla

Mission: Breaking New Ground

* * * Dae’s Quarters * * *

A soft sigh brought Dae instantly awake. It was a talent he’d developed early on in his Black Ops career when sleep meant a light doze in case someone tried to sneak in and get up to no good. This time it was only Marla, shifting in her sleep and turning over. He immediately missed the warmth of her arm that had been draped over his chest. He debated trying to get back to sleep but as was also his habit, once he’d been awakened, going back to dreamland wouldn’t happen. He leaned over and brushed a kiss over her bare shoulder, then slipped silently from the bed.

He needed coffee and since it was just them, and too early for company, he didn’t bother with putting anything on. He simply padded out to the kitchen and ordered a large mug of black coffee from the replicator. Leaning back against the counter in the kitchen, he sipped and let his thoughts wander over the previous night - both their time at the Nexus and after they got home. A smile crossed his face, then vanished as the reality of his situation came home to him. He was getting attached to a woman who was paid to be his ideal date.

Despite that little wrinkle, Dae knew there was more to it, for both of them. While he’d stayed out of her thoughts, he could sense the emotions coming from her very clearly. And those emotions were nothing like being ‘all business’. Far from it. The question was, what to do now? Where did they go from here? It was a sticky situation all around, that was for sure. He took another sip, silent in the kitchen, as his thoughts continued to wander.

Waking alone, Marla paused a moment and forced herself to reassess where she was. Not her place... ah, she recalled: Dae had shown her his quarters, and his talents. Smiling, she stretched and went out to the living area. “Don’t you know that it’s dangerous to be naked in the kitchen?”

He smiled, set the coffee aside and reached for her, pulling her close. “Danger’s my way of life, Marla, though I suspect facing down Seyla may put what I do to shame.” He smiled down at her. “She’s a fierce one.”

“She’s preoccupied lately, and easy to distract,” Marla laughed, her eyes sparkling up at him.

“Good thing. I’d rather not have her asking questions you don’t want to answer.” Dae paused a moment, studying her face, her deep brown eyes. “Things are changing are they not?” His voice had grown husky as he asked the question.

"Life always changes. It's the one constant, right?" She went up on her toes to kiss him, further deflecting the question by distracting his body. Her distraction led them back to the bedroom.

* * * Seyla’s Quarters * * *

The waiter had gone home for a nap after the Nexus closed but only a short one. He was now moving along the corridor at a brisk pace. He wanted to reach Seyla and make his report before Marla arrived back here to check in. Truthfully, he wasn’t exactly looking forward to this conversation. Seyla might not be too happy and often the messenger was blamed, weren’t they? He stopped at the door and rang the chime.

Seyla, too, was hurrying back to her quarters and arrived just after her betazoid friend had rung the chime. "An early one, aren't you?", she commented and keyed open her door. Directing the younger man inside, she followed him. "How did your night go?"

He followed Seyla in and waited till the door closed. “It was a busy one. As usual, the Nexus was booked solid and I was hopping all night.” He smiled briefly, knowing that the avoidance would irk Seyla.

Shooting him a bothered frown, Seyla shook her head. "Good to know that Jackson's business is as good as mine. Do you want coffee or something more sedating?"

“No, what I need is sleep. I took a short nap but I’m crashing when I finish with you. Depending on what finishing with you entails.” His smile returned. He like this game. He could dance around the subject of why he was here all morning, but then they might run into Marla and that wouldn’t be good. “And as tempting as that is Seyla, I need to get this done before your girl comes home.”

"Yes, you do," she agreed as her smile turned cold. She disliked his implication that she might pay him by bedding him. "And the finish to this game comes now: tell me about my 'girl'."

“She looked absolutely breathtaking last night, I must say. So did the new CIO too. Funny thing, she was completely absorbed, like there was no one else in the room but him. And I can tell you too that what I read from both of them? No business arrangement I ever saw feels like that. It was like they were in their own little erotic world and I felt like an intruder. And he didn’t even have to touch her to send her temperature on the rise, if you get my drift.” The waiter shrugged. “All he’d have to do was crook his finger and she’d be at his feet in a second. That’s my opinion Sey.”

"Hmm. I'm rather more interested in what you heard, saw and felt than in your opinion," she sighed. "But you've given it, and there's no taking it back. And no disregarding it, either. I'd have to agree with it, just based on what I've seen. Here," she held out his payment, "When I need your services again, I'll be in touch."

“Sure thing.” He pocketed the chip and gave Seyla a wink. Moments later he was gone.

Five minutes later the doors slid open once more and Marla entered. She’d taken the time to go by her own quarters and shower and change and was now in casual, not work, clothes.

“Good morning, Sey, just getting in?”

"Oh, no," Seyla lied, "I've been here all night. And you? Just now leaving your dear Dae Nalas?"

“About an hour ago, I stopped in at home to clean up.” She left a chip on Seyla’s desk, then strolled over to order coffee from the replicator. “That’s last night’s payment. You want anything?”

"No, thank you," Seyla eyed the chip a moment. "Has he arranged another date with you?"

“Not till tomorrow, he’s got some things to do tonight, so I’m free for the regulars if you need me.” Marla blew on her coffee to cool it, then took a sip.

"Good. When Nalas calls again, I'll have Bella schedule Marabeth for him. He seems the type who would like variety," she smiled, knowing she was now playing a game with Marla.

Oh, that wasn’t good. Marla was instantly on alert but outwardly remained calm as she sipped her coffee. “And if he doesn’t want her?”

"As if," she scoffed. "He's a man, she's a very pretty woman. Or perhaps he'd like Bella? Soft in all the right places, including the head?"

Seyla’s remark caught Marla just as she was drinking from her mug and she laughed aloud, spitting coffee back into the mug. “Good one,” she said when she could talk again. “But no, he’s too much of a talker about deep things for Bella. But since you seem to want me off his schedule for some reason, why don’t you and I switch? You take Dae and I’ll go see your mystery man?” Marla’s smile now was sly.

Seyla turned a baleful glare on Marla. "There's a difference there, my dear. Wi--," she caught herself, "My mystery client demands secrecy. Nalas doesn't. Strange for a man in his position."

Marla shrugged. “He has a life off-duty and the two never mix. Just because he’s intel doesn't require a vow of celibacy. Which makes me wonder why your fellow doesn’t want it known. Is he ashamed of who he enjoys?”

Marla's supposition hit Seyla's sore spot dead on; her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed with irritation. "Who I am seeing has his reasons," she hissed. "And if you aren't careful about mixing my business with your pleasure, you'll find that Mr. Nalas will be banned from our client list."

Marla set her cup down slowly, her gaze on Seyla. “Come on, Sey, what’s this really about? Normally, you’d be overjoyed at a regular client who is willing to pay for whole nights without question. Dae’s a good guy, he treats me well and there’s no worry about danger from him or mistreatment. So what’s up? What am I missing here?”

"Your professionalism, for one," Seyla answered. "You're letting emotions get involved. We don't fall for clients, remember?"

That surprised Marla. “And who says I am? I’ve never gone down that road, Sey, and you know it.” Marla forced herself to remain cool and collected but Seyla’s words hit home, making it evident to her just how deep she was in suddenly.

"If you're sure of that, Marla, then keep seeing him. If you aren't, then you're setting yourself up for a problem."

“Afraid he’ll wake up one morning, realize I’m a hooker and kick me to the curb?” She smiled back at Seyla.

It was the opposite that concerned Seyla. "Yes, and then you'll be useless, crying and snivelling over the man."

“Don’t worry.” Marla smiled once more at Seyla. “It’s all good.” She sipped her coffee once more. despite her words, Marla was worried. What she’d just said was an outright lie and things were already out of her control. “I’ll see to regular business tonight and tomorrow night. Dae wants me, he can wait till after that.” Hopefully that was enough of a bone to throw to Seyla.

"Very well," Seyla was tired and ready to take the offering Marla was giving her. "I imagine you're ready to bed down for the day. Best we get on with other business."

“I am.” Marla rose and carried her empty cup over to the recycler. “You sleep tight, Sey and I’ll see you tonight.” She turned and slipped out through the doors, glad to be away and on her way home. Now that she was alone, she could indulge in thoughts of Dae without worry.

Things are changing are they not?

His question came back to her and she realized now that he wasn’t quite right. Things weren’t changing, they’d already changed.

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Going Down A New Path

All Set Up


The Waiter
All In A Night’s Work


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