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Pulling Rank

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2013 @ 9:52am by Marabeth & Seyla & Marla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Seyla's Quarters

* * * Seyla’s Quarters * * *

“No, he did not!” Marla looked back at Bella and Marabeth, surprise and disgust on her face. “What did you do??”

Bella smiled coyly. “I turned on the shower, the real water, and pointed it at him. Then I told him if he tries that shit again, we’ll charge him triple and send him to Lt. Darwin. It took about a second for his twigs and berries to shrink out of sight and I hit the road.”

That led to uproarious laughter from all three women. Marla rose and moved over to the replicator for a glass of ice water. She was surprised to note the late hour. “Sey should be home any minute. You have to tell her about that.”

“Sure,” Bella answered, then yawned. “It’s almost that time.”

“It is.” Marabeth reached for her coffee. “Where’s her royal highness?”

That got another round of giggles as the doors slid open and Seyla entered. She stopped, just as the giggling ceased abruptly, and regarded the three. "Evening, ladies. Did your nights go well?"

“They did indeed. Palaxia is a great tipper.” Marabeth shot a glance at Bella and began to laugh again. “Bella gets the award for the most ‘interesting’ evening though.”

“I’ll agree to that.” Marla added. “Cheers Bel.” She raised her water glass in a salute.

Moving to the bar then to the couch, Seyla joined them. Her drink was slightly heavier than water. "Do tell, then, Bella," she urged the woman and, like the others had, laughed as Bella told her story. "Good job handling that, my dear. You and Marabeth should run along now and get some sleep."

“Goodnight girls.” Marabeth dropped her coffee cup in the recycler and slipped out, rather in a hurry. Now that Seyla was in for the day, she was free to get down to the brig unnoticed, at least by Seyla.

Bella followed suit and soon, it was just Say and Marla lounging in her living room.

“How’d it go tonight? Clare said she saw you out on the Promenade earlier this evening.” Marla set her glass aside and swung one leg over the arm of the chair that held her.

"My client canceled for the night. I ended up going to the Wormhole to see a friend. I ended up seeing more than just my friend - I saw one of your friends. Overall, it was an interesting evening."

“A friend of mine? Who was that?” Marla was curious. Those in her line of work had few friends outside the other women in the stable.

"Dae Nalas," Seyla watched Marla carefully as she spoke, "And he was with his own friend, a very beautiful young woman, drinking on his bar tab."

While Marla didn’t like the sound of that, she sure as hell wasn’t going to let it show. Besides, she was just a paid diversion, why shouldn’t he have drinks with whomever he pleased? She said as much to Seyla.

"Mm, of course," Seyla sipped her drink and noted the way Marla's hand went to her collarbone. She tended to do that when something bugged her. "Marl, I think Commander Nalas is ...unhealthy for you. You're not to see him again. We'll have... either Clara or," she eyed Marla, mentally comparing her to others in her employ, "Grady. She's similar to you in size and looks."

Sey’s words hit Marla like a bolt of lightning but she forced herself to remain calm. “I think you’re overreacting Sey. But I am curious. What did he have to say tonight that led you to that opinion? Do you know something I don’t?”

"It isn't anything he said, honey. It's you: you're more into him than you should be. He's a paying dick, that's all he should ever be to us."

“Is that all Suresh was to you?” This was dangerous territory and Marla knew it. She also knew that unless Seyla lied, she’d have to say no.

Seyla's jaw tensed and she glared at Marla. "The difference there is that I always knew Suresh was an ass and would never return any feelings I might have for him. Not that I do, mind you. He's a client, one who pays well and has far-reaching influence. Appearing to love him serves my purposes." She was glad Marla wasn't a telepath.

“Looks like you may get a reprieve then.” Marla rested her arms on her knees as she looked back at Seyla. “The Security officer I saw tonight seems pretty certain Suresh will be shipped off for good.” She sighed softly, then spoke once more. “Look Sey, you and I have been close since we arrived here. You depend on me to help oversee things and I’m good at it. I’ve always trusted your judgment and you know I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize this operation. Dae interesting man, and an amazing lover that keeps this job from being pure drudgery at times. That’s all. But if it makes you feel better, we’ll do it your way. He may not be too happy about this but we have our priorities.” Now it was Marla who was lying through her teeth and so very glad Seyla was not a telepath.

"He is interesting. We danced, so I was close enough to know that he has the rhythm and ...talent...," her brow perked slightly as she said that, indicating she meant a physical attribute, "to be an amazing lover. I would be more comfortable having one of the others service him, though. So we'll do it my way."

“As I just said.” Marla smiled finally. “Besides, I doubt there’s any emotional involvement on his part. He may be picky who he takes though. I’ll send him a message to let him know.”

"Very well." Seyla decided to trust Marla, though there was a small voice telling her not to. "Then I'm heading to bed."

“Goodnight Sey. I’m going to send out this message to Commander Nalas, then I’ll be out too.” She watched Seyla move off to her bedroom and once the door was closed, she moved over to the terminal at the corner desk. She wanted to send this from here as she knew Sey would check it when she rose this evening. However, what Sey didn’t know wouldn’t hurt Marla. She began to enter the message.

Commander Nalas, I regret to inform you that I will be unable to keep our appointment scheduled for tomorrow evening at 2100 hours at Palaxia’s Playground. After careful consideration with Seyla, we think it is best that your future appointments be reassigned to another of our companions. Might I suggest Clare? I think she will suit your tastes very well. Should you wish to make an appointment, please call at your convenience.


She read it over and kept the sigh locked deep inside. They were not supposed to meet at Palaxia’s, of course. She just hoped Dae would read between the lines and stay cool until she could contact him. She pressed the panel and the message was on its way. Marla sat staring at the blank screen for several seconds, the wheels already turning. She rose finally and departed, her thoughts still in a whirl. Seyla was smart but there was more than one way to skin a cat.


‘The Stable’

Up To No Good

Master of her Stable


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