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Late Night Stroll - Part Two

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2013 @ 5:28am by Commander Dae Nalas & Seyla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Wormhole Bar

Dae watched her go, then turned back and reached for his drink. “Well Seyla, I hadn’t expected to finally meet you like this.”

“Hmm, no, I suppose not,” she took the seat Camille had just vacated. “But then, this is a good way to meet me. Better than some of the other ways I’ve met my clients. I trust that Marla is treating you well?”

“Sure.” He turned the whiskey glass slowly in his hand. “I have no complaints. I trust neither has she? I’m not usually the type to mistreat people who work for a living.” Dae was careful to keep his tone and his expression neutral. He recognized a fishing trip when he saw one.

“Oh, no, she has no complaints. And I appreciate you not damaging the goods,” she watched him, a small smile on her lips. With the fingers of one hand, she lightly stroked his hand. “‘Though, if you ever do want to damage the goods, I have a few who like that sort of thing. And they don’t break easily.”

“That so? Like you maybe?” He met her eyes with his bright blue ones.

“Oh no,” she shook her head. “Harm me and there will be a very large man on your doorstep, looking to see how you like being hurt.” Seyla laughed, flipping a lock of her red hair over her shoulder. Behind her, a large shadow separated from the wall and stepped forward. “I also have other women, a good variety so that you need not get attached to any one woman in particular. Bella, for example, she has the memory of a goldfish, but the enthusiasm and stamina of a ...I think humans say ‘of a Labrador’. A type of canine, very friendly and eager to please.”

“I’ve met Bella, no thanks. I think my hand would be better company. Besides, Seyla, I'm something of a creature of habit. I’d rather not have to train a new one every time so they know what I like.” Dae gave her a wicked smile. “Unless you’re dropping hints? I know you’re curious as hell.”

“Curious?” She deliberately misconstrued his meaning, “I’ve seen plenty of male bodies; I have no curiosity about yours. Have you ever been with an Orion?”

“A time or ten, yeah.” Dae stood and took her hand. “Come. Though I suspect that is something you do often.”

“Usually as much as my clients do,” she replied, standing as he bade her to do. A moment later, they were on the dance floor, as close together as was decently allowed in public. “I’m glad to see you’re not afraid to lead a woman.”

“Never. And I’ve discovered you’re not afraid to pry in places you’ve not been my private life.” Dae drew her close against him, moving slow and sensually with the music.

“Uninvited? Hardly, Commander,” she purred and looked in his eyes. “You’ve hired one of my employees; I’m simply making sure that you’ve been well satisfied with her services and offering you options for future services. I’d be remiss in my duties if I didn’t and I didn’t get to where I am by ignoring customer service.”

“Most admirable,” he whispered at her ear. “That include offering to step in in Marla’s place? What happens if I get attached to you?”

She laughed. “Then you’d be like half of my clients and seventy percent of males. We Orions are meant to inspire attachments.”

“You are tempting but this time? I’ll pass. Nothing personal.” HIs hand slid down to her lower back, pressing her closer. “So ask me what you really want to ask me. Come straight to the source.” He dipped her low as he spoke at her ear.

“Fine, Commander,” her tone was dry as he righted her and left her with no doubt about why Marla might be so enamored of him. “What would you do if I were to bar Marla from serving you?”

“Why would you want to do that? The loss of revenue seems atypical of you.”

“Losing revenue from one client beats losing the revenue Marla brings in from all of her clients. And if she’s as smitten with you as she appears to be, having you interfere with her earning potential worries me.”

“Has it? I’ve taken care of her fee for the nights she’s spent with me. Now I am curious, Sey. What makes you think she’s smitten with me, as you put it?” One of his hands on her back slipped up to bury itself in her hair at the nape of her neck. “Maybe she’s just a good actress.”

“Perhaps you misunderstood me. Your interference would come when you burst her bubble, dash her hopes, tell her that there’s no way you could ever be in love with a whore. And then she’ll be a mess, unable to charm clients and do what I pay her to do. She’d be a complete loss; cutting you off would cost me only you,” she lectured him. “She is smitten; I’m not going by mere appearances, either.”

“Explain, Seyla.” The emotions coming off Seyla were genuine, that much Dae could pick up without prying. He was getting closer to the heart of this matter and he had to play it carefully.

“Why should I reveal my secrets to you? I have my ways of knowing my employees. Let’s leave it at that. Now, I can offer you Marabeth, she’s young, sweet, plush. Or Clare, she’s a little sharper. You could try them out, see which of them you like.”

“Again, I’ll pass. I’d prefer to stay on Marla’s books, when I have the time of course.” He smiled. “Unless you’re going to become available?”

“I could become available,” she hedged. “There are nights, like tonight, when I find myself with no plans,” she purred and let her pheromones perfume the air. “Would you like a taste? I’m free this evening, for you.” She didn’t mean she simply had no other demands for her time; she was offering him a ‘free sample’.

“So very tempting Seyla,” he whispered back, “but it’s been a long night and day and night. This man should get to bed....alone, and sleep. I have company for tomorrow night scheduled and I want to be fresh and ready.”

“Another time, then, Commander,” she whispered back.

“You can count on it.” He raised her hand to his lips. “I’m sure we’ll get together soon.”

With a parting smile, Seyla floated back to her companion and her drink.


Dancing A Little Sidestep

Poking and Prodding and Gettin’ Nothin’


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