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A Step In The Right Direction

Posted on Thu Apr 4th, 2013 @ 7:50pm by Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Leto

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: Current

Dr. Swift had given Nick quite a bit to think on the previous night regarding his relationship with Leto. He wanted to speak to her, no matter how hard it would be to do so, and the sooner the better. But he couldn’t help feeling a bit nervous about doing so. He felt that he was the victim, but things between them had gotten way out of control and he was afraid that she would tell him she was no longer interested after the way he’d reacted to the news. He had to try, however, and try he would.

After having gotten some sleep he was awakened by a message on his terminal to report to Li’s office at 1000 hrs. She knew he was off and still had two days to go before he was scheduled to return, but her message stated that the meeting wouldn’t take long and would best be handled now, before his return to active status. He spent some time at the gym again, ran a few miles then, after a quick run through the shower in his quarters, he donned civilian attire and made his way to Deck 6.

* * Deck 6 -- Captain Hawke’s Office * *

He was buzzed in as soon as he arrived and quickly realized that he hadn’t even seen Li since her return. He’d only been informed of her promotion a few days ago. “Captain Li Hawke,” he said as he strolled to a chair and stood beside it. “Almost makes me want to salute like a good soldier boy!” He shot off a half-assed salute but closed the distance between them and, quite unlike himself, he gave her a quick hug. “Man, I am glad you’re back safe! Sorry I haven’t been up to see you since you returned. Been going through a few things.”

She returned the hug with a smile. “No worries, I’ve been buried. You are a sight for sore eyes Nick.” Her eyes grew moist as she looked back at him. “I was afraid for a while there I’d never get back here to my partners in crime. Life would be far too dull without you and Nenita. Well, Leto now.”

At the mention of Leto, he backed off a few steps as his face changed to a more somber tone. He sat and replied, “Yeah, Leto. You missed all of that, I forgot that you weren’t here. That’s a...well, that’s a, uh, story in itself.” His normal swagger was gone, replaced with a downtrodden feeling that seemed to cast a shadow over him. He noticed Li’s look of concern and flashed a smile. “But she’s as gorgeous as ever, that’s for sure. Took a little getting used to, at first, since I wasn’t exactly ready for a full change of identity.”

“Why thank you Nick, that’s sweet.” Leto stepped in and smiled at Li. “Welcome home, honey. I suppose that’s Captain Honey now.” She hugged Li tight, then did the obligatory turn so Li could look her over.

Nick stood when Leto walked in. A mix of training to do so when a superior officer arrives, but more to let her know that he wasn’t being as standoffish anymore with her. Still, however, he couldn’t look her directly in the eye.

“Nick’s right. Big change but gorgeous.” She motioned Leto to the other chair,then leaned back against her desk as she stood before them. She was silent for a few seconds as the emotional atmosphere in the office did a one-eighty. Something was seriously off and Li looked from one to the other. “I know I’ve missed a lot, and apparently not everything is in my reports. What gives?”

Never having been one to express his emotions well, he felt he would potentially cause more damage by opening his mouth. So he sat silent and wound up looking at the ground, hoping Leto would find something worthwhile to say to Li.

“Just a little misunderstanding that’s being worked out. No biggie, really.” Leto kept her tone light. “You know us, a fuse and a lit match.”

“True.” Li frowned a moment as she looked back at them. “If I can help, just bellow as usual. Okay?” Her gaze was on Nick now.

Nick, sitting now that Leto had done the same, turned to her. “I told you that I saw you as Nenita, right?” He knew he had, but he was grasping at straws on how to begin some sort of regular conversation with her. “In my quarters? Oh, uh, never mind. I did.”

Leto nodded. “I”m worried about that too.” She looked to Li. “You’ve heard about the visits? Or visions? Whatever they are?”

Li nodded. “I’ve seen several reports but not one regarding seeing your former self. You need to talk to TA Nick and give them details. Several have been of the past but I had something similar - someone from the future.”

With a slight nod at her direction to see TA staff, he asked, “So, what’s this meeting about? I’m glad you’re back and all, and would love to hang out, but I’m technically on leave for another couple of days.”

“It’s about you two actually. Stand please.”

Leto looked at Nick, the expression in her eyes both curious and now concerned. Commander Nalas’ words to her and Nick about working things out before a higher-up did it for them jumped back to mind.

Nick stood, slowly, also concerned at what was going on. It was never normally a good thing to be both on vacation and called to the XO’s office. He glanced at Leto and then back to Li.

“Oh relax you two.” Li smiled warmly at them. “I swear if I said boo, you’d both bolt.” She went around her desk and opened a drawer, bringing out two black boxes. She passed the first to Leto. “In recognition of commendable service to Starfleet, you are hereby promoted to full Lieutenant.” She then passed the other to Nick. “As for you, former Master Chief Marcinko, I’ve reviewed the certifications and you’ve passed with flying colors. You’ve done well Nick.”

Leto was surprised with her own promotion, but Li’s words to Nick came as a complete surprise. She knew as well as anyone how difficult it was to get through those. A bright smile appeared on her face and forgetting how ‘things’ were, she hugged Nick tight.

“I’m proud of you Nicky.”

At first stunned, he finally wrapped an arm around her small frame. “It was...well, I was trying to surprise you.” He pulled away. “Wanted you to be proud of me.” He let go fully, still feeling a bit awkward with contact, but beginning to swell with pride because of her statement.

“Success on both counts.” Leto smiled and nudged his arm. “Thanks Li.”

“Congratulations to you both, it’s well deserved. Just be glad I didn’t pull a Picard and make you walk the plank.”

“So does this mean I have to return to duty now, or can I still have my last few days?” He looked to Leto who was also in civilian attire. “Same question, but for her.”

“No. That week off stands, no question.” Li laughed and shooed them towards the door. “Now get out of my office, you’re on vacation.”

“Yes ma’am.” Let gave her a wink and opened the doors. “See you in a few days, Li. We need to go hunting.”

“That we do.” Li nodded. “Take it easy.”

Nick followed Leto out the door as he looked down at the contents of the box in his hand. When the doors closed, he looked to her. “Hey. Um, do you have--” He was stumbling over his words again. His jaw clenched, mad at himself for bumbling through this. “Can we talk sometime?” he finally asked.

Leto’s smile lingered as she looked back at him. “How’s now? And where?”

“Now is good. Your place? My place? Lunch? Gym? I don’t care where.”

“Yours. You might feel more at ease there.” She touched his shoulder, then turned to go. “Let’s go, Lieutenant.”

“I doubt it,” he mumbled as the two walked toward the turbolift.

Captain Li Hawke
The Bearer Of Good News

Lt. Leto
Surprised On More Than One Count

Lt. Nick Marcinko
Nervous but Determined


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