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The Affairs Of Time And Its Agents

Posted on Thu Apr 4th, 2013 @ 7:51pm by Commander Ehlana Winter & Lieutenant Commander Marie O'Donnell

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Sheridan / Temporal Affairs

* * * USS Sheridan * * *

Ehlana sat before the terminal in her temporary quarters aboard the Sheridan. They were two hours out from the Beta Quadrant side of the Iconian Wormhole and already it seemed as if she’d been gone forever. The soft tapping of her fingernail on the desktop was the only sound in the room as she waited for the channel to open, for that beloved familiar face to appear. Finally, a Starfleet emblem flashed on the screen and there he was. She smiled immediately, feeling as if she were coming back to life.

“Hello Earl.”

“Hello, Ehlana,” he smiled warmly. “How goes the journey so far?”

“Boring. I have only the briefest of information about what’s going on at SB900 and I suspect it’s just the tip of the iceberg. What they did send though is not a pretty picture. And I’m replacing Captain Blackhorse who has retired. At least she is staying on station and has some firsthand knowledge of the situation.” She reached out to touch the screen gently. “How are things there? And how soon can you escape and come to me?”

“I miss you, darling,” Earl said, his face wrinkling with sadness. “Just as soon as Doctor Hasbury arrives, I can leave. Word is that his ship is temporarily delayed, but should be here in another two weeks.”

Two weeks. Never had the thought of such a short time seemed so long to Ehlana. “I see.” She managed a smile. “And even though we are apart, at least we’re in the same timeline.” The irony of that statement brought laughter she couldn’t hold back.

“Yes. Have you been back to see our son?”

“I stopped to see him on DS23 on the way to this transport. He’s doing well, considering the Delta Quadrant but he’s not sure yet. I can’t believe he’s grown already, it seems time at all.” Well technically, that was sort of true. “You did a wonderful job with him.”

"I know," Earl grinned. "Couldn't have done it without Mamu B'yaga, though. Whew. Even after all this time, I have no idea what she is, but she was brilliant with Julian."

Ehlana was quiet for a few beats at that. The guilt she always felt at being so absent from Julian’s life, for only being there for visits, pricked at her again as it always did. “Things are getting better there, Earl. We’re more comfortable now at least, opening up more.”

Sometimes, being a time traveler's husband was difficult. Keeping it straight about when she was in relation to when he was was the most difficult of his tasks. This conversation was just one example of that. He knew more than he could let on at this point. "Right." He nodded. "Perhaps he can visit us on SB900."

That perked Ehlana up immediately. “He’s planning to in a few weeks to see the place, check out the Delta Quadrant while he considers a possible reassignment. He’s looking forward to it very much.”

"Ha, that would be why Mamu has been packing up," Earl grinned and shook his head. "We should work to convince him of the reassignment."

“He --” Ehlana stopped and just smiled. “We’ll see.” A faint beep was heard and she glanced down at the panel. “I need to go my love. Report coming in. I’ll call once I’m settled on 900.”

“I love you, E. Talk to you soon,” Earl smiled.

“You will.” She blew him a kiss, then ended the transmission and turned her attention to the incoming report.

* * * Two Hours Later * * *

Marie had been notified of her new boss’ arrival and made her way to the transporter room, all the way fussing over her uniform to make a good first impression. The trip from the new TA offices on deck 26 didn’t take long to get to the transporter room. She nodded to the youngster behind the console and waited patiently. To say she was nervous was an understatement. She had grown accustomed to El’Shar’s tutelage and worried that Commander Winter would be completely opposite, throwing Marie off of her game and looking like a rookie again. But she decided to take a deep breath and take it in stride. If nothing else, El was still around for sage words of wisdom or just to calm her down after potentially becoming a nervous wreck.

She smirked at the thought of her arriving in El’s quarters, her clothes and hair a shambles after making several mistakes, as the transporter pad lit up and Winter materialized in front of her.

“Commander,” Marie said as her new boss stepped off the pad, “I am your assistant, Lt. Commander Marie O’Donnell. Welcome to Starbase 900.”

Ehlana had taken the time to get back in uniform and put her hair up, perfectly turned out. She surveyed Marie, who matched her height and was thus at her eye level. Ehlana appreciated that. A slight nod was given.

“Thank you Miss O’Donell.” The tone was all business. The woman before her was neat and trim and Ehlana appreciated that as well. “You’ll show me to the offices, and catch me up on the way.” She turned to the transported chief and passed over the case she carried. “Have this sent to my quarters, thank you. Shall we?” The last was to Marie again.

“How was your trip?” Marie asked, trying to get a feel for the Commander. She wasn’t surprised at her tone so far, merely because her boss was probably trying to get a feel for Marie was well.

“Long. The ship was comfortable enough but I hate road trips that take more than a few hours. I must commend you, however. Your reports made the last leg bearable. Thank you.” Ehlana glanced to Marie as they entered the turbolift. “Let’s get to the catching up, shall we?”

“Deck 26,” Marie said as the doors closed and the lift began moving. “Regarding the mission that Captain Blackhorse and I had been initially sent on, it was deemed a non-temporal event as the portal was created to an alternate universe and did not have any time travel involved. However, a more recent concern has begun circulating the station.” The lift stopped and the doors opened. Marie led the way to the offices. “Since the return of our crew from the alternate universe there have been odd sightings. Most include someone that the victim knows, or knew, appearing to them when that person could not have been there. For example, an officer that I had been in a relationship appeared in my quarters several nights ago. The computer verified that he is currently commanding a vessel in the Alpha Quadrant. And recently, the Chief Diplomatic Officer was visited by someone known to be deceased, but the visitor was able to assault her requiring a visit to sickbay.”

She stopped at their offices and opened the door for Winter.

Ehlana stepped in and took in the offices with a glance. She noted the desk that was obviously hers but chose not to sit at the moment. Instead, she moved over to the large portal and looked out.

“What is science saying about it so far?”

Marie walked to the door of her own smaller office and leaned against the frame. “Nothing conclusive as of yet. They’ve been to each reported sighting location and have run a series of test but don’t seem to have an answer. I’ve wondered if there may be more here that have run into the same thing but haven’t reported it? If so, that may help us find a pattern, but without victims reporting it we’ll have to go with what we have.” She shuffled uncomfortably as her boss remained motionless at the portal. “I’ve been assured that everything science gets in their investigations are forwarded to us for further investigation as some of the individuals sighted seemed to believe that they were either in our past or our future.”

“And your own visitor? What did he believe?” Ehlana turned to look at Marie once more and leaned back into the deep ledge before the portal.

“That we were still in a relationship, one that ended several years ago, for me at least. He was still a Commander then, as he is now, and didn’t reference time, so I don’t know if he was supposed to be past, present or future.”

“The past would stand to reason, then, but that would depend on if he was real or an echo. Following that line of reasoning, however, it collapses when you consider the CDO. If her visitor was able to injure her, then he was most certainly real. I’ll be frank, I’d prefer echoes. Any reports involving future relations?” Ehlana had a feeling this was going to be a long day/night.

“Just one, so far. The station XO had a sighting of a subject who is currently incarcerated here awaiting trial. He was insistent that one hundred and thirty years had passed and had just been released. He had aged significantly and couldn’t understand why Captain Hawke had remained so young. He was also able to touch her and she, being a Betazoid, was able to enter his thoughts. For the time he was present, I do not think it was merely an echo.”

Ehlana muttered under her breath. This was not good at all. “Very well, first, send out a directive to all personnel, and include the civilian sectors, that any strange sightings are to be reported to us directly. By message is sufficient. I’ll meet with the Chief of Science, Commander Leroy, yes? We’ll do on-site visits as the reports come in, at least to the areas it’s possible to do so. and last but not least, I want the logs of that dimensional crossover so I can check it down to the last detail. Something’s gone wonky somewhere and that’s the obvious place to start.”

Marie nodded. “Everything from all involved departments regarding the crossover is on your terminal. We just haven’t gotten the sensor records from the USS Hammond, the ship that crossed over to retrieve them. I expect them later today and will make sure you’re copied on it.”

“Thank you. Once again, well done.” Ehlana finally smiled. “I can see why Captain Blackhorse spoke so highly of you.” She glanced at the time and blinked in surprise. “Have you eaten yet? I am ravenous and I suspect we’re looking at some long hours before sleep comes tonight.”

“I have not,” Marie said, now beginning to relax some. “To be honest, I don’t eat when I’m nervous but my stomach is beginning to grumble. Do you want something from the replicator or do you fancy the Promenade?”

Ehlana held up her hand. “No replicator food, please. I’ve been on that ship for almost 2 weeks. I need real food and people. I place myself in your hands. Just take me somewhere good.”

“This sounds like a job for Lao’s,” Marie said, making for the door. “Trust me, the dumplings are fantastic!” She smiled on the way out, thinking that maybe Commander Winter might not be as bad as she had feared.

Commander Ehlana Winter
Chaser Of Visions

Lt. Commander Marie O’Donnell
Breaking In the Boss


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