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Diplomacy in Yellow

Posted on Fri Apr 19th, 2013 @ 3:29pm by Lieutenant Leona Aliso

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Docking Port 3
Timeline: Current


As was often the case with difficult freighter crews, Leona was called in to mediate the situation. Upon arriving at the appropriate docking port, she observed the situation before getting involved.
The crewman was doing his best to talk with the captain, but was unable to make any headway. Walking up beside him, Leona took charge of the situation.
“Good afternoon sir, I'm Lt Aliso from station security. What seems to be the issue?”

“No sooner have I docked my ship, then I'm told you need to search it. This is my fourth time stopping at your station and my ship has never been searched before!”

As this was a reoccurring complaint among the freighter crews, Leona had a standard response.

“Sir the search of incoming freighters is performed on a random basis. Even if we had the manpower to search all the freighters every time they docked, it would be counterproductive. You are not required to submit to a search, but should you refuse you will be asked to leave.”

The freighter captain frowned, but stepped aside to let the security team aboard. As the others performed the search, Leona scanned the cargo manifest.

“It says here you have cargo destined for Isonue & Drele. That's an interesting business strategy.”

The Coridanite  shrugged.
“I figure I'm not taking sides if I do business with both planets. Plus there's nothing illegal about what I'm doing.”

Leona knew he was correct and admitted as such. The two planets had been at war for several years, but since they were independent worlds Starfleet & the UFP had no official stance on the conflict. When Leona was stationed on the Jetanien, both sides sent representatives, however they were unable to agree on a peace settlement. When the search came back clear, Leona and the team exited the freighter.

“Thank you for your consideration and enjoy your stay.”



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