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Lower Docks

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2013 @ 11:02am by Eldren Tohr

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: SB900 Secondary Docking facility

It had been long hours, Navan thought with discomfort, while looking out of the portal to the shiny stars.

The half light in the locale only helped to augment the gloomy atmosphere that permeated the whole situation. For two long days his ship had been docked to SB900 with its illegal cargo waiting for the buyer...

Navan Knar swore to himself and to the Prophets that he would never make a trip like this again. His days as a smuggler were over by far. Still he had to admit to himself that the profit of this voyage had a certain appeal and he could not resist the thought of coming into possession of several latinum bars. He could feel their weight already...


The nail started bleeding where he’d bitten too deep: “Damn! If only he would show himself and get it over with this...” Navan muttered to himself sucking the blood from the finger.

“Well well... What do we have here?”

The voice froze him on the spot. All these years and still he was unable to avoid a shiver running down his spine when he met him.

“Tohr.” Navan half greeted him turning to look at the dark spot down the corridor whence the voice came “I was beginning to think you had renounced to your delivery.” the smile on Navan’s mouth uncertain.

“Could I have?” Tohr replied coming into the light. “I was eager to have my goods, indeed. You don’t know how much...”

“Then why did you make me wait two darn days?” Navan almost whined “Security on this base is sniffing everywhere. I could have been caught with all your precious goods.”

“Tsk... Tsk... As you see this didn’t happen my old friend. You’re here. I’m here... And we can close our transaction. I’ll be minding my business then and you’ll be off with your latinum. Easy... As it is always been.”

Navan looked a moment at his bleeding finger and then back to Tohr again “W-well. The crates are just over there I’ve unloaded them from the ship. Fortunately this dock has very low traffic it seems... give me the money and enjoy your package.”

“Not so fast.” Eldren Tohr grinned “Y’know the drill. I’m checking merchandise first.” His tone was calm and his voice almost a whisper while pearls of sweat started covering Navan’s forehead.

Tohr moved to the crates opening them one by one, casting a cursory glance in each one. “It seems you’ve earned your latinum.” He smiled in the end turning to look at Navan “Like many other times before.”

“I’m a serious trader and you should remember.” Navan replied stiffly more than a hint of nervousness present in his voice.

“Yes I remember.” Tohr responded as his smile vanished. “I remember the supplies you brought us from time to time during the occupation...”

A smile lined Navan’s mouth with Tohr’s words, nodding in pleased acknowledgment.

“... As I also remember how swiftly you brought supplies to Cardassians strike teams hunting resistance.”

The smile on Navan’s face died of a sudden death.

“Y-you know how was life back then... Under the Cardassian yoke. They singled out many of us traders to help them against our will. We had to comply or they would have sent us to labor camps or have us executed. I-I did my best to help resistance whenever I could...”

Tohr watched him in silence for long moments.

Breathing had become difficult for Navan, his heartbeat increased blood pulsing through the temples. “You can’t deem me guilty for that. The o-occupation is over now the cardassians gone. It’s history.”

Tohr breathed deeply and cast a look to the stars outside the portal “Yes, maybe. Take your money and go.” He stated throwing a bag at Navan’s feet.

“I... I’m not making other runs like these. If you need more equipment contact someone else” Navan said kneeling to take the bag.

“Don’t worry. I needed these supplies for a job I have to do. Rest assured I’ll never resort to your service again, and of course there’s the secrecy matters” Tohr replied underlining his last words.

“My mouth is sealed.” Navan assured him checking the content of the satchel.

“Of that I’m very sure.”

“Good. I’m off then and good luck with your project, whatever it may be.” Navan responded casting a last glance to the crates and then to Tohr. Turning he quickly walked, no... double-timed to the berth where his ship was docked.

***** Saturnalia *****

Sipping from the glass Tohr watched outside the portal, the stars of the quadrant glittered brightly against the blackness of space.
With a distracted look he watched the padd in his hand where a chronometer counted down the seconds.

By now Navan Knar’s ship should have been well inside the narrow safe corridor inside the Nebula, partaking of the spectacular plasma storms lingering there. The thought somewhat amusing to Tohr.


One of the many marvels of the universe... Tohr took another sip.


A sight to see. At least once before dying in this cruel universe.


Gulping down his last Tohr put down the glass on the table gesturing for another one. He didn’t even bother to look at the waitress so concentrated was he on the stars.


“A new star is born. Albeit a short lived one. I wonder if it can be discernible from any of the plasma storms explosions to the casual observer” he murmured to himself.

Eldren Tohr
Unsavory Customer

Navan Knar
Ex-Trader and Smuggler


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