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Checking In With Mom

Posted on Sun Jun 23rd, 2013 @ 7:50pm by El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: El'Shar's Quarters
Timeline: Current

* * * El’Shar’s Quarters * * *

The conversation had been going on via subspace for close to an hour now. El’Shar was sitting back relaxed in her office chair facing an image of her mother, El’Renn, currently at home on Vulcan. A few times a year El’Shar would contact her mother just to keep her up to date on what had been happening with her, but more importantly to check on her mother. She was still quite young, as far as Vulcans go, but El’Shar had seen the worst of her once her father died. El’Renn hadn’t taken it well and moved back to Vulcan, from her former home on Earth, to be closer to her own parents, if nothing else but for moral support.

So far the conversation had been about El’Shar’s siblings, Jarrod and Lorraine, and what her grandparents, Solve and T’Lenx, had been doing now that they had retired, which was not quite what most would think of as retirement since they were now volunteering at the Vulcan Science Academy instead of working there. They just couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

“Your sister seems quite satisfied with her employment,” El’Renn said calmly. “She has been on Deron VII for the past month working with the Bajorans on expanding the colony there.”

El’Shar smiled, thinking about Lorraine travelling all over the place for the Federation surveying land and helping to start new colonies or cities spring from virtually nothing. “It’s the travel, mother. She liked going to new places all the time. I can’t blame her. I wouldn’t enjoy the work but getting to sightsee a bit sounds like something I would enjoy as well.”

“And are you...happy...there?” she said, almost bristling at use of the word. “You are no longer with Starfleet. I would think, with your work ethic, that you would tire of doing nothing with your days.”

“I am happy, mother, thank you. It’s only been a week since my retirement but the Delta Quadrant, and this base, are quite interesting.” She paused long enough for a sip of green tea before continuing. “Just the circumstances in which I was called out here were extraordinary. But even since then I have been welcome by everyone here and made many friends. I don’t think I will tire of this place very soon.”

El’Renn nodded. “And what have you been doing with your time?”

“She may be Vulcan,” El’Shar thought, “but she’s just like any other mother, wanting to make sure I’m happy. I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked if I were wearing clean underwear.”

After another sip of tea El’Shar spoke. “I’ve worked on my crafts, mostly. Word has gotten out that I make many things by hand and have had a steady stream of requests for special items. I’ve also gone dancing, watched a few plays, went on a picnic...”

“It sounds as if you have found someone to spend time with.”

“I have. It’s just started, and I don’t want to put much into it until it looks like it might go farther but, so far, it’s been really nice.”

El’Renn’s expression turned serious. The the casual onlooker it wouldn’t look any different than her normal expression, but El’Shar could tell easily. “May I ask who this suitor is?”

El’Shar smirked. “He’s in charge of the base here. Admiral Ricky Wegener, an El-Aurian.”

A raised eyebrow. El’Renn was interested in this pairing. “An El-Aurian,” she said. “At least his life expectancy would be on par with yours. Your father and I had been concerned about the shorter life spans of Humans.” She was now at a loss since she didn’t normally pry into people’s lives, but this was her daughter and, despite being a Vulcan, she was concerned with whom she attached herself. “Is he a...nice man? Being an admiral he must at least have been successful in his career.”

“Yes, mother, he is nice. Wonderful, actually. Our first meeting was memorable as have the dates that we have gone on. And we both feel a real connection, not just amateurish lust, but something more. Almost a pre-destined sort of connection.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, mother. I know you don’t believe in that sort of thing, but it’s true.”

“El’Shar, you do me an injustice. It is true that I made every attempt to keep to my Vulcan upbringing, but your father had quite an affect on me. When it came to my love for your father, and you children, I was more Human-like in that aspect.” It almost appeared as if her feelings had been hurt by the comment. “Quite often I expressed my love for you and overcame the normal resistance for affectionate contact.”

“I apologize, mother. You’re right,” El’Shar replied. “You were very affectionate with us kids, for a Vulcan or a Human. I remember the first time sa'mekh'al saw you hug me.” She laughed. “His eyes almost bugged out of his head! And grandmother did her best to simply ignore it. I’m glad they came around to it as well, though.”

“As you well know, Vulcans have always been affectionate with their children, but in our own way. I simply had to adapt to a different way of showing it while on Earth. By the way,” she said, changing the subject slightly, “ko'mekh-il came to me yesterday while your grandfather was meditating. She said that she missed you. Her words.”

It always made El’Shar happy to know that her mother and grandparents would show more outward emotion toward the family. It was almost as if El thought she was infiltrating their minds and bringing them closer to their emotional side each day. “Please tell her that I love her and grandfather, and that I love them.”

There was a pause in the conversation. It always happened this way--they would talk and talk and, finally, nothing. It was an obvious signal that they were finished talking, at least this time.

“Do any of you wish for anything from the Delta Quadrant?” she asked. “There are many worlds and races here with fine linens, statues and, well, almost anything you could want. I saw some fabric in a shop here the other day made by the peoples of the planet that we orbit. It would look beautiful on you, maybe as one of your robes?”

“I will ask sa'mekh'al and ko'mekh-il if they require anything, but I do not. Thank you.”

With a final nod, El’Shar added, “I love you, mother. I will come for a visit in a few months.”

It was almost like getting blood from a turnip, but finally, and with true meaning, El’Renn replied, “I love you as well, and I do miss you.” She turned back to her serious demeanor. “And please notify me prior to your visit as your brother and sister may want to be in attendance.”

She couldn’t help but giggle at her mother. “Okay. Bye, mom.”

The screen went dark and El closed the cover. Reaching for her tea she realized just how much she did miss her family, but she had been away from them for much longer. She didn’t have Rick on those occasions, however.

Now that her conversation was over, she checked with the computer to see if Rick was still in his dinner. Finding he wasn’t, she thought to pay him a surprise visit with a gift she’d made just for him.

El’Shar Blackhorse
Missing Her Family


El’Renn Blackhorse
Doting Mother


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