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Diplomatic Dinner - Part Two

Posted on Sat Jun 22nd, 2013 @ 5:51pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Patrick Leroy & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: Breaking New Ground

Waiting for the dessert coming, a thought formed in Patrick’s mind. Resolute in his formal behaviour until then, aimed to keep a profile low enough to scuttle away from the dinner at the first occasion, in the end curiosity prompted by the ambassador’s generous offer got the better of him.

“Er... Ambassador may I ask a question?” He asked raising a finger to get Chordata’s attention.

“Of course, Commander. Ask away.” The ambassador nodded him.

“Well... My main field is Planetology and I’m greatly interested in studying possible future colony grounds. Assessing perks and flaws of the scenario... Would that be possible to have some details and position of the planet and perhaps send a small crew to make some preliminary surveys?...”

Patrick huffed slightly when Kh’ali’s elbow connected with his ribs.

“Of course you can, Commander. If the Admiral agrees that is. As I said this is an open offer from President Tuzinial and indeed I’m looking forward to have you feel and taste the merchandise as an old Dendrian saying goes. I’m confident that the possible survey would turn out into a report that can be studied by those that the Admiral deems wiser than he. You have my blessing with that, Commander.”

Chordata turned then to the Admiral exchanging some words.

“I did nothing wrong.” Patrick whispered to Kh’ali “This is an opportunity and I was just curious.”

“You just swallowed the bait, the fishing line and the fisherman... Complete with boots...” She answered calmly. “Of course this is an opportunity, but is better if we settle it on our ground than on theirs.” Kh’ali smiled at Patrick then. “But if you are going to go, there’s someone I want to send along.”

“I wasn’t thinking about me,” Patrick replied “Ensign Edney will just do. I can satisfy my curiosity by reading his reports in this early phase. Do you remember him?”

“Very well, actually. I was thinking about Commander Nalas. And we’ll need a few others as well, including Security.” Kh’ali smiled at Patrick for a moment. “And me.”

“You?” Patrick perked an eyebrow “Is this really necessary considering your... Uhm... Condition?”

Kh’ali considered that for a moment, then nodded. “This could be a sensitive trip and I need to see to it personally. Besides, medical personnel is standard for an away team. Will can pick someone to send along. I’ll be fine. Tell him Will.”

Dr. Harding looked turned from his conversation across the table and smiled. He’d caught Kh’ali’s last words and nodded. “As long as there’s a doctor on the team and staying close, yes. I think Dr. Mi would enjoy the trip.”

“So there you are, Patrick,” Kh’ali commented.

Patrick shook his head slightly, returning his attention to the food in the plate “Okay, who am I to contend with CMO?” He replied her in a whisper. “If you desire to be in the frontline that’s fine.”

She squeezed Patrick’s hand gently under the table. “It should only be a few days at most.”

Patrick opened his mouth to respond but was cut short by Chordata’s addressing Kh’ali “it seems that Admiral Wegener doesn’t want to lose a collaborator of your stature.” The Saurian nodded her “I’ve asked him to have you as chief ambassador on Ozum in the future Federation embassy but he keeps refusing.”

Surprise lit Kh’ali’s face. Chordata’s words were wight out of left field, to use the old baseball analogy. “I am honoured, Ambassador Chordata, that you would consider it.” In true diplomatic fashion, she left it at that.

Assuming a witty look the Dendrian regarded her “Of course I’m considering it and, even if I knew that the admiral would have never granted his approval, I had to try. This is a very old tradition in Dendrian trading culture. Perhaps one day... Who can know...”

Smith lent forwards slightly as he broached what was sure to be a topic that would give a lot away, “Ambassador if I may. Major Smith Detachment Commander of the fighter squadron here. I’m curious to know how this region sits with regards to the rebel activity you have been facing recently?”

Chordata turned suddenly serious as if the previous cheerfulness moments spent with Commander Kh’ali were long forgotten. “This region...” He started addressing Smith “Sits with rebel activity for more than I would like to remember. In fact, terror strikes and assaults to merchant convoys are increasing as of late in all the Dendrian sphere of influence.”

Chordata paused a little to let Smith grasp the meaning of his words “This is an old story. Older than Federation arrival in the quadrant. A nuisance that has made the Empire’s life miserable for years. Too weak to be a real challenge, the rebels launch their hit-and-run attacks from hidden bases targeting mostly civilian settlements. We are grateful for the help provided by USS Ticonderoga two years ago and we hope that the Federation is willing to support the Dendrian government and the Empire against this plague.”

Smith took a drink of his whiskey, feeling that he would rather need it by the end of this. “As always the Federation strives towards peace. I would hope that our presence then in this region will help bring an end to those attacks.”

Kh’ali shot a glance to Ricky briefly before turning back to the conversation. “Sometimes the mere presence of a stronger party is all that is needed to change the plans of troublemakers.” While the sentence was vague, her meaning was clear and it drew an admiring glance from Commander Nalas. He gave her a nod, but remained otherwise silent.

“Indeed,” Rick replied. “The Major is correct--we strive for peace and could potentially lend our weight to peace talks between forces. I can say with certainty that we don’t want to be seen coming in as the new defenders of the Dendrian race, as I’m sure your people don’t need us to fight your battles for you. However,” he said, leaning forward on the table, his tone a bit ominous, “despite any potential peace talks with the rebels, we do not let our friends down when they need us.”

He could feel the prickle of several eyes looking, no, boring into him. He’d essentially told the Ambassador that if the rebels attacked them that the Federation forces would come to their aid which, without clarification, could be taken to mean anything from a full military retaliation to something as innocuous as providing rations or medical supplies to the Dendrians. But he was right in saying that they would help defend their friends. This was something that they always did and would continue to do, but he knew that he needed to pry at least a little of his own foot from his mouth before allowing the conversation to continue.

Leaning back, his hands flat on the table in front of him, he continued, “Our main goal here, rebels notwithstanding, is the coming together of your peoples and ours, Ambassador. I truly hope that we can help broker some sort of peace agreement with the rebels, if you wish for our assistance, that is. The last thing we want to do is come to the Delta Quadrant with guns blazing and bringing a bad name upon ourselves. At present, we have only the Archadians as allies. With the great Dendrian Order also as our friends, we may finally be able to be more welcome in these parts, and not seen solely as strangers.”

He glanced at Lucius, hoping he was ‘listening’ to Rick’s thoughts. ”Did I just murder that? I think I just talked in one big, useless circle. And why the hell aren’t you doing the talking? You’ve always been the better diplomat. And I need to piss like a pregnant woman, dammit! Not like you wanted to know that, but these dinners are either getting much longer or my old age is finally affecting my bladder!”

As the silence fell at the end of Rick’s words, down the table Li, who’d been taking a sip of wine coughed suddenly and had to spit the wine back into the glass. Two seats down, Dae covered his mouth and an almost inaudible snort came from him. Lucius smiled but managed to keep his composure.

“I think that sums it up well, Admiral Wegener.” The corners of his mouth twitched a little as he turned to Chordata. “I’ll be happy to assist you and Commander Kh’ali in any way possible.” He laid his napkin aside. “And it has been a pleasure but Admiral Wegener and I have some business to attend to.” At least you do Rick. His words and the following silent communication got a sharp look from Li.

For an instant the ambassador looked quizzically the people assembled around him then addressing Admiral Hawke he gave his polite response “I’m relieved to hear that Admiral. I think that the Dendrian Order couldn’t have found a better friend than Federation.” Straightening the tablecloth in front of him with a delicate move of his fingers he added “I’m sure indeed that help from your specific department will be a profitable addition, unexpected but greatly appreciated. I hope to see you again soon.”

The dinner continued smoothly after Admiral Hawke left the convivial scene. Partakers started exchanging jokes and anecdotes with each other while the Ambassador engaged Admiral Wegener in an usual loop of agreement details and formalities to be despatched in view of the new pact coming to be, as people of their standing are nearly never out of working hours.

Much to Leroy’s dismay also, Kh’ali was drafted in that loop promising a long night to come.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Admiral Lucius Hawke
Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.
Major Patrick Smith
Ambassador Chordata


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