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Talkin' Shop

Posted on Wed Jul 10th, 2013 @ 1:34am by Colonel Travis Harris & Lieutenant Leona Aliso

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Wormhole -- Deck 275
Timeline: Current

** The Wormhole -- Deck 275 **

“Well, sir, if we’re looking to thump some heads, this would be the place.”

Travis laughed as they took their seats, a booth not far from the live band screeching out what they called music. “I’m not itchin’ for a fight, Hanley, but if we get into something I know your old ass will at least be here to help me out.”

Sergeant Major Hanley Woodard was what you’d call a career marine. He had been nothing but a marine since he turned eighteen and would be a marine until he was too old to shoot and march or until he was forced into retirement. At fifty-five years of age he wasn’t really that far off but the man was still as hard as granite and Travis knew he’d be remiss if he didn’t pull from the man’s experience. And having him in your corner when a fight broke out was always a plus.

“Just for that,” Woodard harrumphed, “you’re buying the next three rounds. Then we’ll see if I’m still in the mood to be in your corner.”

Travis smirked and signalled the waiter to bring over four beers. “So, just a reminder that I’ll be gone for a while with this Dendrian business. I’m gonna’ need you to keep an eye on Cap’n Fulton. She’s a good marine, and a good officer, but looking after the entire regiment is something she hasn’t done before.”

Already working on the second beer, Woodard nodded. “The 1st Sergeants are all aware but I made sure they didn’t go blabbin’ to their company commanders. Don’t want the other captains and lieutenants trying to exploit some weakness.”

“Yeah, well, she’s gonna’ screw something up. They always do the first time, but you gotta’ walk before you can run. This’ll be a good experience for her.”

“Any idea on who else is going?” Woodard pressed. “You sure you don’t need another high-speed marine to go along to carry your bags or something?”

“I do need another marine, but not you. With me gone I need someone who actually knows what he’s doing to make sure Amanda doesn’t have any issues.” After a few gulps he continued. “I am taking Corporal Waters, though. He can carry my bags. Plus, he’s up for promotion to sergeant so this will give me a little personal time with him to see what kind of marine he is.”

Travis listened as Woodard grumbled and cursed under his breath, both at being left here to babysit and that Corporal Waters was getting to go. He slammed the large beer glass on the table and waved their server over, ordering himself two more beers. “Fourth round is also on you since I’m having to play bitch while you’re gone.” He cursed and grumbled some more. “But I won’t let anything happen that you wouldn’t. So who else is going? All department heads?”

“No, not necessarily,” Travis said after ordering himself more beer and a large platter of nachos. “Some are, I believe, but I know that the med and intel chiefs will remain behind. Engineering, science and ops are sending a squad each from the sound of it.”

As they spoke Travis spotted the assistant security chief entering. Waving her over he made room at the booth for her to sit. “Good evening, Lieutenant,” Travis said, with Woodard grunting and giving a nod. “Care to have a drink with us?”

“Evening Sirs. And yes, I’ll take you up on that drink offer.”

The Trill greeted both the Marines as she sat down.

Woodard spoke up. “I take it you’re gonna’ be babysitting your own troops here while Commander Zeferino is out surveying the planetoid? I’m sure you’ll have some fun with that.”

“Not this time. I’m heading planetside along with the security detachment. Can’t let you Marines have all the fun. Someone else can babysit the station.”

Leona smiled at the Sgt Major as she responded to the question.

“Dammit,” Woodard grumbled just before taking a long drink. “A man with my experience schlepping around, keeping tabs on a Captain when I could be doin’ something interesting with a Colonel.”

“Suck it up, buttercup,” Travis replied, slapping Woodard on the shoulder. “I can’t think of anyone better prepared to clean up any messes she may, or may not, make.” He turned to Aliso. “So, Lieutenant, what are your thoughts on this little recon and the potential placement of an outpost there?”

"An outpost could be strategically useful as it gives us another way to expand our influence in the region. As for the recon itself I shall have to wait until we actually get there. One thing I learned from working with diplomats is the intel reports always paint an accurate picture."

Leona had a feeling security was mainly along for protection but that wouldn't stop her from analyzing their surroundings.

“To be quite honest, I see this as just being a field trip and nothing more. The Dendrians have told us that it’s an uninhabited planetoid, so we’ll be on our own. We’re just going to be hanging around while the thinkers figure out the best place to put a new base.” Travis turned to Woodard. “So you’d be bored out of your skull anyway.”

“Maybe so,” the Sergeant Major replied, “but at least it would be time away from here for a bit.”

“For fuck’s sake, Sarn’t you want some cheese to go with that whine? Damn!”

"Maybe you'll get lucky sir and you'll have a massive bar fight to break up. The station's big enough something is bound to happen."

Leona had to agree with the Sgt Major. If nothing else it would give her some time off the station.

Travis was about to speak again when his communicator sounded. =^= Admiral Wegener to Colonel Harris. =^=

“Harris here, sir,” he replied quickly.

=^= Colonel, I’m sending an advance science team to the Dendrian planetoid. I want you to take a small platoon with them on the Takei. You’ll leave in two hours. =^=

“Understood, Admiral. I’ll have them ready to go.”

=^= Thank you. Wegener out. =^=

“Lucky bastard,” Woodard grumbled.

“Folks, looks like I need to cut this little assembly a bit short. Duty calls.” He stood and put his hand on Woodard’s shoulder. “Chin up, Sarn’t Major. I’m sure it won’t be that bad.” Turning to Leona he added, “Lieutenant, I’ll see you again in a day or so. Thanks for having a drink with us.”

After he’d gone, Woodard drained another glass and gestured for another round. “May as well order more,” he said. “The bastard left without paying his tab.”

LCOL Travis Harris
3d Marines CO

Sgt. Maj. Hanley Woodard
3d Marines Sergeant Major

Lieutenant Leona Aliso
Asst. Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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