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Cadet Orders

Posted on Tue Jul 9th, 2013 @ 11:52am by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Computer Lab/Li's Office

* * * Computer Lab, Academy Classrooms * * *

Eli pushed back from the console before him and groaned aloud. The collar of his uniform was loose and his hair was in a bit of disarray from running his hand through it repeatedly. His computer instructor, in a moment of pure sadistic glee, and wanting to find something Eli couldn’t solve as easily as he did everything else, had given Eli an assignment he was sure that this time the young man couldn’t zip right through - an analysis of the Kobiyashi Maru. Specifically, he was to go through the code and close all the possible backdoors to prevent someone from doing what Kirk had done all those years ago. In this case, he was to close the potential loophole, then see if he could get around the fix. So far, Eli was still managing to ‘out-cheat’ himself. It was slow going.

He decided to stretch his legs and get something to drink. Returning to the lab a few minutes later, he found two messages waiting. One was from Admiral Wegener, the other from Commander Nalas. He opened the Admiral’s first and once he read its contents, let out a whoop of joy. Immediately, he pressed his comm badge.

“Chance, get down here now! Oh boy, do I have news!” He closed the channel before Chance could ask a single question.

* * *Outside Li Hawke’s Office* * *

Startled by the sudden announcement from Eli over his commbadge, Chance shook his head. Beside him, Iggy looked up from where she was wrestling with a ball of what looked like carpet fragments and silk webbing. Excited, he sounds, she commented and leapt away from the ball then scuttled back to it, wrapping two legs around it.

“Yeah. I’ll bet he just got a message like the one I got,” Chance didn’t seem as excited as Eli about his, though. He frowned and re-read the Admiral’s notice. “I’m going to head down there; do you want to go with or stay here?”

Pashaw! Iggy scoffed, though her mental pronunciation of the word was “pay-SHAW”, causing Chance to puzzle that one out for a moment before realizing that Iggy was mimicking one of Oralia’s frustrated outbursts. Stay here? And do what? I am already bored silly. Or do you think that I normally play soccer?

“Socc--? Is that what you’ve been doing?” Chance stifled a bray of laughter. “Come on, then,” he motioned for Iggy to take a stance on his shoulder then, once she was settled, headed out for the computer lab.

* * * Computer Lab, Academy Classrooms * * *

Eli was pacing by his console when Chance and Iggy arrived, his assignment forgotten. He’d managed to save his work thus far, at least but it was now far out of mind. What was filling his thoughts now was the idea of adventure, exploring a new, uninhabited planet. He looked up as they reached the door and waved them in.

“Did the Admiral’s orders find you Chance?”

“Yeah, they did,” Chance nodded, his manner a low note compared to Eli’s high notes. “Kind of thrilling, I suppose.”

Eli’s elation plummeted several degrees. “And yet you don’t look at all thrilled.”

He is scared, Iggy said before Chance could answer, earning her a sideways glare from the part-human. What? You would not have said so yourself.

“Didn’t we have a conversation about you eavesdropping on people’s thoughts?”

I only do so when touching someone.

The knowledge didn’t help Chance’s temper but he did manage to transfer Iggy to a computer console. “Yeah. What if I’m not ready to be away, Eli?”

“Why wouldn’t you be? Both Commander Sakkath and Robin seem to think there are no major problems.” The question perplexed Eli. Normally Chance would jump at the opportunity for some adventure.

“But that’s here, where things are normal and predictable,” Chance worried, running a hand through his short hair. “Out there, anything could happen.” Either Eli’s mood was catching or he was having a spark of excitement over that idea, though Iggy was correct: he was scared, too.

Eli stepped closer to rest his hands on Chance’s shoulders. “I think you are worrying too much. The place is uninhabited; the only people there will be the away team. And I’ll be with you. What could go wrong? It’s time you got back into the swing of things.”

What could go wrong?, Chance mused... and thought of a half-dozen different scenarios, all of which he let Eli see in his head. “See? Terrifying, isn’t it?”

Randomly, Iggy piped up: I wonder what the bugs down there taste like.

“Yup, definitely worrying too much. Besides, it’s an order. Unless you’d rather stay home and deal with all of Li’s correspondence?” A wicked smile lit Eli’s face. He knew just the right bait to dangle before Chance.

The taller of the two, Chance looked down at Eli. “Right. As thrilling as that sounds, going on the away mission is definitely the better of the two options. As Iggy said, she can play only so much soccer.”

Eli moved his attention to Iggy. “Do I even want to know?”

“No,” Chance shook his head, even as Iggy started to answer. “She has an interesting take on soccer.”

I was bored, reasoned Iggy.

“Not for long,” Eli answered her, then turned to Chance. “I need to send a message to the instructor to put this mess on hold.” he gestured to the computer console. “Then I have to go see Commander Nalas about this away mission. Want to have dinner when I’m done? The Nexus? I’m not singing tonight so we can enjoy the evening.”

“If you’re off, could we go somewhere else and have it be just the two of us?”

Who will I eat dinner with?

“Oz,” Chance muttered quickly.

“I’d really like that,” Eli answered softly. He then looked back to Iggy. “No offense Iggs but with everything that’s happened lately, Chance and I just need the time, no distractions.”

Are you calling me a distraction? The spider’s tone was a fine balance between being innocent and taking offense. Chance simply deferred the question to Eli.

“No, not exactly but Chance has has a rough time and he and I are still...getting back to normal, you know?” He smiled a moment and reached over to stroke Iggy’s back. “Besides, you’ll have us for the whole away mission.”

I will? Iggy asked, just as Chance asked, “She will?”

“Did you read the whole announcement?” Eli looked from one to the other. “Iggy’s included.”

Iggy very pointedly turned toward Chance and accused, You did not read that part to me!

“No, I stopped when I saw us on there,” Chance said, wincing. “Really? The spider goes?”

“She does. And Li trusts you to deal with her stuff?” Eli shook his head.

“This wasn’t her stuff!” Chance’s dismay morphed into irritation. “I wonder if Oz was consulted about Iggy going on this little trip.”

I get to go! Will we go faster than the speed of light? We did that in Patrick’s little ship after they rescued me, Iggy’s excitement came out as a flurry of questions.

Chance looked at Eli and rolled his eyes. “We’re requesting a separate room from her. Preferably on opposite ends of the ship.”

The image of Iggy clinging to their bedroom wall at a most inconvenient time rose in Eli’s mind and he passed it to Chance. “Agreed. Now, let me get on to see Commander Nalas, then I’ll meet you...where?”

Glancing over at the spider, Chance noticed that she leaned towards them slightly, listening. He kissed Eli and foiled Iggy’s chance of eavesdropping: The Talaxian place on 360?

Eli enjoyed the kiss for a few moments, then nodded. “Sounds good. Later Iggs!” He turned to go and tapped his comm badge to call first his instructor, then Dae to say he was on his way. A second later, he was out the door and gone.

Must I really have dinner with Oralia?

“Yes. You’ll be bored with Eli and me. And there won’t be a place for you to play soccer. You could get Oz to play with you.” Chance was sure Oz would love that. For about two minutes.

Cadet 2nd Class Eli Ziyad
Adventure Bound

Cadet 2nd Class Chance Conradi
Spider Bound

Space Bound


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