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"Diplomatic" Breakfast

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2013 @ 1:23pm by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Leroy's Quarters

Patrick regarded the plate with satisfaction.

Creamy Eecarian croissants, Jibalian seven-spice omelette backed up by Landras blend coffee, terran cherries and apricots, the most famous Chocolate soufflè from Deep Space Nine, Yigrish cream pie, crèpe with whipped cream and strawberry sauce, Delvan fluff pastries and plenty of Papalla juice and many other delicious things.

For an instant Patrick wondered if he’d exaggerated a bit with all this food load but in the end, he thought, it was for two people... For sure he had delivered a serious blow to his monthly credit with all these sophisticated food and beverages, all pertaining to Kh’ali’s Favourites, her personal list of foods and beverages (of course he had skipped any other irking food coming from her Klingon side), but surely it was worth it.

Heaving a sigh he lifted the plate and walked back into the bedroom as silently as he could. Kh’ali was there, lying in the bed still sleeping. On her back, with the right hand protectively resting on her womb. Eyes closed and lips slightly parted, her breast went slowly up and down with each breath born of deep slumber.

Kneeling to the side of the bed he resisted the urge to press his lips against hers, resorting to set the plate on the bed next to her instead.

He watched her for long moments wondering where she was... Millions of light years away, untroubled by the predicament of their real lives. For an interval...

Her nostrils quivered a little scenting the food on the plate, a stir slowly coursing through her body, her eyes opened.

“Good morning” Patrick said.

A second or two was allowed to fully awaken and then a slow smile spread over her face. “Come to spoil me, I see. It smells wonderful.” She reached out to take his hand and drew it to her lips. “What time is it?”

“Cracking dawn.” he smiled “Even if Archadia planet looming outside the portal can’t be defined a very romantic one.”

Rolling on one side Kh’ali eyed the plate with a full choice of sweet and salted food, the aroma of landras coffee lingering around them. Her lips crooked in admiration as she picked one cherry from the cup.

“Should I assume you did something that needs to be forgiven?” she joked.
“I was thinking...” Patrick started, dodging her remark. “After the dinner with Ambassador Chordata I set a small preliminary survey of the system they offered as a site for our future planetside colony in the quadrant. I’ve requisitioned a runabout and assigned Mr. Edney to the task. Also contacted Commander Zeferino to have one of Security going along. It will be a short trip gathering the first batch of data in preparation of a more deep survey mission... The one you wanted to be part of...”

“Anxious to get started are you? I have a meeting set with the Admiral to go over final details, which will likely include the upcoming away team. And yes, including me, barring any objections from Will.” In truth, the timing would be close and Kh’ali was expecting Will to have some choice words to say on this.

“He seemed positive during the dinner. There’s... another matter.” He replied looking away to the portal “The Ialnalyn government is about to undertake an important experiment and has issued invitations to partake of the event to any influent party in the Arm... Science has received this invitation some days ago. We should be honoured to be considered ‘influent’ in the Arm by the Ialnalyns...”

“Meaning..what exactly?” Kh’ali sat up, taking care not to disrupt the tray of food at her side.

“Someone from Science should attend the event at the site. It’s a trip of some days for going and coming back plus two days for the experiment proper...” He explained as he waved his hand trying to sound casual.

“And you should go.” As usual with Patrick, she got right to the point. “How far is that from this Dendrian planet?”

“Well... I’ve already accepted. Yeah I know, I could have sent anyone else from Rutheridge to the last of staff in Galileo Center but this experiment is about stellar rejuvenation, a thing never seen yet even if theories have been studied in Federation...” He responded with increasing emphasis then, noting Kh’ali’s stare, he regained countenance “Quite far indeed.”

She nodded, thinking it over. “You should go of course. Things should be fine here. Will’s keeping a close eye on me, and we’ll have a doctor along going over to the planet. You’ll be back before anything happens so...why are you worried about this?”

“Worried? I’m not worried,” He responded with evident relief. “I was just concerned about the situation, your health... But if you and Will deem it is okay then everything is fine.”

“I’m going to have to do some convincing with him, I suspect, to be on the shuttle going with the away team.” She sighed and gave him a rueful smile. On one hand, he’s right, it won’t be long. But out here, I can’t put my job on hold. Too much depends on me and my staff.” Her gaze moved over to the food and she took another cherry from the dish and popped it into her mouth.
“All will be fine. The ambassador seems to have a particular liking for you. I’m sure this diplomatic work will be a lot easier than that with the Divitians... Perhaps one day after my trip to Lalnalyn’s science station you’ll have to confront yourself with Sylphenaria, their leading ambassador. I wonder...” A smile lined Patrick’s lips as he imagined the diplomatic fencing between the two women. “In any case I’m betting on you.” He ended taking her hand in his.

Kh’ali laughed at the comment. “I’ve heard stories, let me tell you. She’s something of a legend out here but then...she’s not met me yet.” She leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Now I have a big question. Why did you wake me up at dawn? You are a brave man indeed.”

“Seemed the right thing to do. Now we have some moment more for ourselves before job...”

She cut off his words with a lingering kiss. “Good point. How soon do you leave for the conference?”

“In a day or two. Just the time to finish some pending tasks in Galileo.” Patrick answered taking a Delvan fluff pastry and bringing it close to her lips.

She took a bite, then scooped a bit of cream from inside it and held it out to him. “In that case, it’s a good thing we have some time this morning. And plenty of breakfast for...after....”

“I find this a good observation,” Patrick replied, tasting the cream she offered “Mmh... Computer lighting to twelve percent,” he stated setting the plate conveniently on the bedside table.


Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Making Good Use Of Their Time


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