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Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2013 @ 3:07pm by Camille Ross & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Timeline: Night After the Diplomatic Dinner

*****Camille’s Quarters*****

Camille walked through her door, kicked off her heels and pulled on her comfy slippers that she kept by the door. Ahhhhhhhhh, that’s far better she thought. She’d just finished another shift at the Nexus and was looking forward to her bed.

She hadn’t been able to sleep right since Liam’s appearance, and her seeming to miss Pat didn’t help matters either. The nights at work and the even longer nights lying awake at home were beginning to take it out of her.

She’d managed to arrange the next day off work as Janice had commented on how tired she looked and told her they would manage without her for one day, as long as she promised to return bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the following day.

However knowing she wouldn’t sleep much anyway, Camille changed into her pj’s, grabbed her quilt from her bed and curled herself up on the sofa, with some late 20th Century classic television entitled “Boy Meets World.” After putting on the 4th season, she began to feel her eyes get heavy and started to drift away into a long awaited deep sleep.

***** A few hours later *****

After what felt like a five minute nap, Camille’s door chime began to wake her up out of her sleep. At first she thought she was dreaming until she heard the chime go again. Realising that whoever was behind the door wouldn’t go away, she begrudgingly got up and quickly grabbed her dressing gown. However it was waking her up at this hour could deal with her dragged-through-a-hedge-backwards morning look. Walking out of her room, she managed to croak an “enter” before she headed to the replicator to get herself a glass of water.

When she turned round, she nearly dropped her glass as her visitor was the last person she expected to see. Even more shocking was their attire, which made Camille think she was having another one of the visions.

Pat looked down at himself and laughed when he seen her surprise, “Yea you and me both Camille. Diplomatic dinner and a rather important one at that.”

Camille didn’t know whether to laugh with him, or run up to him and hit him for giving her such a shock.

“Pat! What are ye doin’ ‘ere?” is what she finally decided was a decent reply.

“Well you know how random ideas come about. Well I had one and since I’m rather wide awake, there’s a few rather interesting ships docked at station and I have access to a 2 seater training fighter,” he answered grinning.

“Well yer fine and dandy bein wide awake, but some of us are only just up thanks to unexpected visitor,” she said walking across to where he was standing and poking him in the chest.

“Ach well you're up now at least and I’m pretty sure you will want to see the rarest ship in Starfleet,” Pat replied with a mischievous smile.

“And what makes you so cocky tae think I’d want tae go and see the rarest ship in starfleet this early in the mornin’ lookin’ like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards?” She replied indicating to her messy hair and puffy face.

Pat stood and thought for a moment, “‘Cause it’s the nightshift crew on and you’ll still be the best looking person down there?”

Camille stood and studied Pat for a minute. She didn’t know whether to laugh at the cheeky look on his face, or to hit him again. She choose neither and simply turned around and walked towards her bedroom.

Remembering that Pat was still stood there, she turned round to face him again. “You, sit there,” she pointed to her sofa, “and donnae move. Gimme ten minutes an’ I’ll be as fresh as daisy as the earth saying goes.” And with her commands said, she disappeared into her room.

The marine walked over to the replicator and ordered another scotch. While not as good as the stuff he had been drinking at the dinner this would have to do regardless. Sitting he waited for Camille to reappear.

Whilst in the comfort of her own room, Camille started to panic. Patrick had just seen her in the worst possible state (minus being drunk) that she could imagine. And in her mind it was another few months away before he would see ugly-in-the-morning-Camille. Instead it’d taken a matter of days and little contact.

Still, he didn’t look put off by it she thought to herself whilst also cheering herself up.

Putting on a bit of makeup to cover her puffiness, and pulling on some jeans , a cute blue butterfly patterned blouse and a pair of navy pumps, it didn’t take her long to get ready. Finally, after pulling her hair into a loose, messy bun, she appeared at her door.

“D’ya think I looked ok tae be standing next tae someone so dressed up?” she asked Patrick whilst also flashing him a flirty smile.

He looked round, his face showing he knew something she didn’t. “We will see once we get down to the flight deck,” he replied smiling. “Shall we?” he asked as he stood indicating toward the door.

Grabbing a jacket on the way, Camille lead the way through her door. Once outside she turned to Pat. “So where exactly are we headed? You’re forgettin’ I donnae know me way ‘round this place just yet.”

Patrick lead her towards the nearest turbolift, “Computer Marine Hanger 2,” he instructed. “That’d be where we are going.”

“Glad tae know we’re headed tae the ship, goodness knows where ye could take me an’ get me lost.” She said as she stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

He shrugged, “Plenty of time to be getting you lost so don’t be tempting me,” he said as they got to a pair of marines guarding a door who promptly saluted and let them in. The door opened revealing what was the training hanger for the squadron with several Valkyries lying about being worked on and others already armed and prepped.

Camille stood there for a minute taking in everything that she saw, and concluded that the only way it could be described was like a colony of ants or worker bees - that everyone knew what job they had to do and where they had to be. Realising that Patrick was now a good few strides in front of her, she walked quickly to catch up with him.

“Now this is somethin’ ye donnae see everyday in my neck of the woods,” she said a little out of breath when she finally caught up to him.

“Yea I have to admit I get chills seeing this still. Especially knowing what ‘this’ can do.” They walked further in through them before getting to one of the readied ships. “This is us and this is for you,” Pat said motioning towards a flight suit and breathing kit, the whole cover kind. “Not the most flattering but it’ll keep you warm and alive.

“You can say that again,” she replied jokily, before kicking off her shoes to pull on the flight suit and breathing kit. Once she was all set she did a quick spin and asked “How do I look?”

“Ehhhh like a drowned rat to be honest. It’s not realllly your fault though. Those things are made for people of a bit bigger build than you,” he hastily added to cover his tracks. Fitting his own mask over his suit which he had stuck on he pulled a ladder across and opened the hatch. “Front seat for you.”

“Ever the gentleman,” she said with a smile as she climbed up. And before she could stop herself she added “Doubt you’ll get much of a view from there with the suit being so baggy.” When she realised what she said she hastily clambered in and sat down, attempting to avoids Pat’s gaze.

Pat raised an eyebrow inside his mask and hopped inside, “We try to be keep this a 1 star service,” he joked as he started flicking switches. With a rumble and a hum the ship powered up. Closing the hatch he cleared the ship for launch. “Alright then. You ready Camille?”

“As I’ll ever be, Major Smith. What sights are you planning on showin’ me?”

The Major started lifting the ship off and flew it much slower than he usually did out of the hanger, “Well I’m gonna start with a little trip around the station and a stop off at the Nexus windows to begin with.”

“Prove tae everyone that I didn’t make up going out with you?” Camille joked, instantly going red - again.

Unawares of the shade of Camille’s face Pat replied chuckling, “Naaa more really I enjoy scaring people as a fighter pops up at the window they are looking out. Buuut I guess that works as well.”

“Suppose giving people a shock would be amusing...” she tailed off taking in her surroundings. On her travels to the ‘base, Camille didn’t really pay attention to the outside of the base as she was mainly asleep. With each passing minute, a new sight greeted her eyes.

As they flew past, she saw parts of the ‘base that she didn’t know even existed like the Chapel, more holodecks than what she thought were there, and she realised just how big the Galileo Centre actually was.

Deciding that sitting there in silence, taking in the view wasn’t good enough, Camille thought that this was the perfect time to get to know Pat better.

“This place is absolutely huge Pat. How on earth did you find yer way ‘round when you first got here?”

“Console maps and a personal assistant to show me around made it quite useful. That and I may or may not have abused the site to site transporter a tad. The rank gotta have some perks right?” he asked semi rhetorically.

“Awk that’s cheating!” She playfully exclaimed. “Though I’m sure with the help of Jackson, Jan and the rest of the Nexus bunch,” and maybe my own special tour guide she added in her head, “I’ll soon find my way round.”

“Sure will. Haven’t really spent much time in the Nexus. I did some intel work there and between training this squadron and that I’ve been kept busy. Do you fancy seeing this flagship I mentioned? I’ve tried to stay away from it but it’s that huge I’m sure you’ve seen it in passing,” he asked.

Hopefully you’ll be sending a lot more time there Camille caught her thought and realised Pat had asked her a question, but wasn’t quite sure what, so she nodded her head and said “Yea sure,” with a smile.

“Brilliant. Smith to USS Ptolemy, Requesting permission to fly-by,” he said over comms.

=/\= USS Ptolemy to Major Smith. We are undocking and request that you ke.... Sorry Sir. Captain Warrington sends his regards and has given for a fly-by. =/\=

“Thank you Ptolemy. Fly safe and we will try not to hit you. Smith out,” he replied. “Well this should be interesting. Rumour has it this thing turns like a barge,” he remarked as they flew in close and started sliding along it’s unusual hull. “Isn’t that just fantastic looking?”

Taking in the ship, Camille couldn’t help but let out a small gasp. “I cannae say that I’ve seen anythin’ like it before. Not tae sound girly, but she’s a beauty.”

“Naa thats about right,” he replied as the Ptolemy jolted gently backwards and started to pull away from the station. “I feel sorry for whatever poor bugger that thing opens up at. See those small domes down there?” he asked.

“I’m sure the bugger will have deserved it though,” Camille replied whilst trying to maneuver her eyeline to see the domes. “Yea, what about them?”

“Swivel Torpedo batteries. If I remember correctly there's 14 and can put out as much firepower in a minute as most starships do in a battle. Add that in with a triple shield and you have an entire fleet in one package. Rumour has it that they are being hid at remote postings like this, albeit a frontline one because the entire Alpha quadrant wants to steal them.”

“So basically they’re a “don’t mess with us” kind of thing?”

Pat nodded although she couldn’t see, as he brought their ship away from the massive 1.4km starship so it could leave. “Yea pretty much. She is the kind of ship that we hope will never see combat ideally. Nexus visit time?” he asked eager to spill a few drinks.

“Something somebody like me could only dream of ever going on,” she said aloud. “Oops, didnae mean to think out loud there. But yea, lets go spill some drinks,” almost as if she read his mind.

As Pat brought the ship closer to the nexus, Camille began to recognise bits of the ‘base that she’d spent the most time in so far and giggled with delight being able to see it all from a different perspective.

“I could get used tae flying around out here,” she said thinking aloud again.

“It’s rather peaceful at times. The station is fairly busy currently but there are quiet spots nearby,” he said as he flicked up the sensor screen to Camille’s panel. “You should be able to see people pretty clearly there. What about that group of 3 on the right?”

Will we ever get tae see those quiet spots? Camille manage to think into herself before nodding her head and agreeing “They do look like they could do with a spook. Though the mean side of me wants tae scare the couple sitting 2 tables to their right,” she said as she pointed to them.

Pat looked at the couple on the sensors, “Oh good shout. Look’s like they are staring at the Ptolemy departing,” he said as he slid the fighter just under the window. “Alright this will be a sharp up right into their view. Ready?”

“Don’t suppose I have a choice though do I?” She replied with a cheeky smile before nodding her head and saying “Ready as I’ll ever be Major.”

“That’s Patrick to you Civilian” he responded jokingly. “Up we go!”

“Not even Pat?” she replied just as jokingly, but it was clear that Pat was concentrating on steering the ship towards the couple in the far corner of the Nexus.

As they got closer and closer towards the window, Camille could clearly see that the couple still had their gaze firmly on the Ptolemy, so they wouldn’t expect another ship to appear in front of them.

As Patrick pulled the ship into position, the woman jumped 3 feet into the air out of her chair when she realised what was flying in front of them. The man however, still watching the Ptolemy, took a further 10 seconds to realise what had made his partner jump, and when he did, jumped straight out of his chair, sending their drinks flying over the table. And all over his poor partners expensive looking earthly silk dress.

“Quick Patrick! Get outta here before we watch a potential break up!” she said hitting Pat on the arm to snap him out of his trance as he watched the woman get up and storm away from her partner.

“Oh shi.... Yea good idea Camille,” he replied turning the ship around and burning back to the hanger. “Never had that happen before. I daresay I’ll be getting an angry letter from Jackson.”

“You were out on a harmless sight-seeing trip, showing the new girl what the ‘base looked like. I’m sure he’ll be fine when we say I got curious as to what the Nexus looked like from the outside. Afterall, you were only doing what you were told,” she tried to reassure him.

“Ach noooo. We were never here don’t you know? It was a reckless cadet who has been well be dealt with.... or at least thats the response from me he will get,” Patrick said. “Wouldn’t want you getting in trouble now would we?”

“Protectin’ the lady. Now that’s what I call a true gent,” she replied whilst trying not to blush.

“I do occasionally try you know,” he replied jokingly.

“And do you try in other ways?” And the Captain Obvious award for worse flirting ever goes to Camille Ross she thought to herself.

“Aye the odd one. Unfortunately walking you home isn’t one I can do tonight,” he said as he landed in the hangar. “How does a site to site transport sound instead?” He asked popping the roof open on the ship.

“Well, after you treatin’ me so well today, and with your work duties I cannie be mad at you fer not being able to walk me back now can I?” she asked rhetorically. “However, a site tae site transfer sounds excitin’ as I’ve never been on one before,” she added, whilst doing a very bad job of hiding her excitement.

Pat chuckled at her, “Well get that flying suit off and I’ll let you get back to your sleeping.”

As she started to pull off the suit and breathing gear, she let out a half sigh. “After what I’ve just experienced today, there’ll be no more sleepin’ fer me til tonight. Though thank-you for making a rare day off so enjoyable fer me,” she said as she handed Pat back the suit and gear.

“Your welcome. Hopefully we can and get out to the more peaceful sites sometime,” he suggested tapping his commbadge through his flight suit. “Computer. Site to Site transport for Camille to her quarters. Engage.”

“That sounds like a good idea Patrick. You’ll know where to find me,” she said smiling and leant in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before she was transported back to her living room, and on her own once again, with just her thoughts. About Patrick.


Camille Ross
On Her Own, Pretending He’s Beside Her

Major Patrick Smith
Breaking up Couples with his fighter since 2376


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