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Last Minute Details & Crepes

Posted on Fri Nov 8th, 2013 @ 3:01pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & El'Shar Blackhorse & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: ADM Wegener's Quarters

* * * Rick’s Quarters * * *

The last few hours for Rick and El’Shar had been quite amazing. He’d taken her horseback riding in the holodeck in a recreation of his birth home, Bremen, Germany, and she had loved learning even more about his personal history. The program was also very personal to him, shared only with her so far. Sure, many people could recreate sections of Germany from any time in history, or even make something up, but this was his home, his former life and he kept those memories close.

After the ride they went to the gymnasium on Deck 65. He’d reserved it for their personal use, but not just to work out. It had the biggest pool on base. While he thought of himself as a good swimmer, it was obvious that she was much more so. After several lap races between the two, with El’Shar beating him four out of five times, and the last only by a very slim margin, they resorted just to splashing around and having fun diving and goofing off.

But now it was time for a shower and some food. Returning to his quarters they’d shared a real shower together but his grumbling stomach cut those particular festivities short.

“I guess the bear is getting angry,” she said as she toweled off. “Want me to fix something specific?”

“I’m thinking...Mexican night,” he replied as he pulled on a robe and followed her out. “Chips and salsa, some fajitas. Sound good?”

Her answer was interrupted by the door chime. “I’ll get it,” El said. “You start on the fajitas.”

As she opened the door she was working her long hair into a ponytail. “Li! Hi!”

“Good evening El.” Li smiled at her, then noticed her hair was still wet. “Is this a bad time?”

“Not at all,” the Vulcan said as she pulled Li inside. “It’s Mexican night. Come on!” The door slid closed and El announced, “We’re having company for dinner, Rick. Li’s here.”

He stuck his head around the corner. “Shrimp, steak or chicken, Li?” he asked.

She had to laugh for a moment as she was hauled into the quarters. “Steak. And hello to you too.” She still hadn’t figured out the human fascination with those little bottom feeders they called shrimp. Steak on the other hand….she shook off the thoughts. “So what’s the occasion?”

Rick stuck his head back out from behind the kitchen divider. “We’re hungry!” he said with a laugh, “and I’m in the mood for fajitas.” As he darted back in the smell of the meat on the grill began to permeate his quarters and the sizzle made his own stomach growl more. “You two just hang out. I’ll be done in a sec--unless this can’t wait, Li?”

“No, no rush.” Even as she said it, her own stomach growled and she realized she couldn’t recall her last meal - what or when. “Just some last minute things to update you on. I’ll see to drinks.”

“El, can you just use the replicator for the chips and salsa? I don’t have everything here I need to make them and it’d take way too long.” He was busily cutting up the steak strips and grilling the shrimp and chicken pieces. “Oh, and make sure it has plenty of cilantro.”

El’Shar turned to Li. “He loves cilantro, apparently,” she said then chuckled as she went to the replicator. “And how is Commander Sakkath today? I haven’t seen him in almost a week.”

“Busy. With all the recent developments, and preparing to lead the away team...let’s just say it’s a good thing Vulcans need less sleep.” She stepped behind the bar, pulled out a pitcher and began to mix the margaritas. “He’s my next stop once I leave here, actually. And what about you? Liking retirement?”

El shrugged. “To be honest, if it weren’t for Rick I don’t know what I’d be doing. I’ve been working on some of my little hobbies, but I think I may need to just get out and stretch my legs a bit. See some more of the Delta Quadrant, you know?”

At that point Rick came in with a steaming pile of meat, onions, green and red peppers and quickly ordered up some hot fajita shells from the replicator. “She’s been working like crazy on her crafts, Li. Hang on, I want to show you what she made me.”

As he walked back to the bedroom El called out, “Rick, you don’t have to show them off to everyone!”

“But I think they’re great!” he said as he came back in holding two items. “She knew how much I liked playing drums so she made me a rawhide pow-wow drum--isn’t it great?” He slapped it a few times before handing it to Li. “I love it! And other than some of the material, she made it all herself! And look at this!” He was like a kid at Christmas as he held out a long, wooden pipe. “I haven’t gotten to use it yet but I ordered some different types of tobacco from Earth to smoke in it. I wanted the real stuff, not replicated.”

Li examined the drum, admiration clear in her expression. “This is incredible.” She ran her finger lightly over the taut skin on top. “The sound of the drum is good for meditation. You should try it Rick.” She grinned up at him. “If it’s real tobacco you want, it can be found easily below the equator. I know people.”

Rick rolled his eyes. “You and your contacts,” he said, using air quotes with the last bit. “Thanks, but I’ll stick with what I have coming from Earth for now.”

The food was on the table, the drinks were ready and it all smelled excellent. “Don’t stand on ceremony, folks,” Rick said as he pulled out a chair for El’Shar. “Dig in!”

As the plates were being filled with various mixes of meat, vegetables, cheeses and more, the room fell silent. That is until El spoke up. “So, Li, these last minute details you spoke of, would this be related to the away mission to Charu?”

“They would.” Li nodded, then reached for her drink. After a sip and a lick of the salt around the rim, she continued. “Last minute details with Sakkath. I gave orders that all telepaths on the away team should be on alert. As I said to Sakkath, while the offer is generous, I am a little suspicious. Old habits I suppose.”

Rick grunted. “Once you work in intel, those habits are hard to get rid of, but I agree. We should be checking everything on the planetoid, not just habitability for our personnel, but everything from potential threats in that part of the region to the inclement weather issues.” He swallowed a quick bite of his shrimp fajita. “Hell, we may need to have hardened walls on all buildings because of a regular monsoon season, for all we know!”

El’Shar raised an eyebrow. “That would make things interesting, that’s for sure.” Looking at Rick she asked, “I don’t guess there’s any need for a civilian scientist and former TA officer on this mission, is there?”

He was in the middle of taking a bite and stopped mid-chomp. With a quick look at Li and a silent plea of “Help?”, he finished his bite and swallowed quickly. “Uh, well, you see, since it’s an unexplored planet for us, along with the issue of the rebels being in the area, I...well, El, I can’t send a civilian on the first trip. And despite your years of experience, it would also look at bit fishy if you were to be able to go along when no other civilians would.”

She put her hand on his. “Rick, it’s okay. I figured that would have to be the answer, but it was worth a shot.”

“I tell you what,” he said, putting his other hand on hers, “as long as Li doesn’t mind, how about you and I take a week somewhere off station? You’ve been wanting to wander around a bit. Once the team leaves for Charu we can head out on our own little adventure. Aside from their mission, there isn’t really anything scheduled that I’m needed for, and they’ll be gone for several weeks.” He turned to Li. “Would that be an issue? I’ve been needing a vacation for a while anyway, and to be honest, I haven’t seen much of the Delta Quadrant either.”

“I don’t see why not. I’m talking a couple of days to do nothing besides relax. Oz owes me dinner. But I’ll be on station so go ahead. You two should get away for a few days.” She reached for the pitcher of margaritas and refilled their glasses. “I can keep you updated if you like?”

“Oh, please, no,” Rick said as he waved his hands. “Unless the station blows up, that is.” After a sip of the margarita he asked, “So, any other last minute items? Anything of concern?”
“I am sending one additional person - Major Smith. He’ll take his own craft. I am hoping it won’t be needed, but with rebel activity in the area, he might come in handy.” Li pushed away her empty plate with a satisfied sigh. “Other than that, Sakkath has it all under control.”

“Kind of a long range recon while the rest of the group is focused in a more confined area,” Rick said of Major Smith. “I like it. And I have the utmost faith in Sakkath.”

El’Shar stood and walked to the replicator. “Do you have room for dessert, Li? I was going to have pineapple-banana crepas de cajeta.”

“Ooh! One for me, El,” Rick blurted out. “Li, you must try it! Crepes with pineapple and banana, a little chocolate and caramel drizzle and rum.” He turned to El’Shar. “Don’t let it forget the rum.”

“Just one.” The smile she gave to El was indulgent. “Then I have to be on my way. Things to do, people to see.” And a husband whose last few minutes here I intend to soak up. The last was a silent thought, sent to El alone. “I also will see to reserving a ship for you two.”

El blushed a bit at the thought of what might be planned for Li and Sakkath, but she said nothing and soon placed the desserts on the tables. “Extra rum in yours,” she said to Rick as she sat.

“You know me all too well, my dear.” He squeezed her hand, albeit gently, and started on the dessert.

Unlike during the meal, the trio were silent through the dessert course. With such richness and myriad of flavors, it was all one could do to concentrate on eating much less have a successful conversation.

“Remind me, Li,” Rick said, pushing his plate away, “when does the team depart? I want to be in C&C to give them a proper send off.”

Li glanced at the clock and frowned. “Two hours. It’s later than I expected.” She took the last bite of her dessert, finished it off and rose. “I need to go. I want to see the boys before the team leaves and speak to Lt. Marcinko as well. Time is short. If you two will excuse me, I’ll be off. See you in the docking bay Rick.”

“I’ll be there,” he said, standing as she left. As the door closed he returned to the table. “Damn.”

“What is it?”

“My foolish head,” he said, looking to El’Shar. “Sakkath is about to leave for, well, for who knows how long and I kept her here and away from him. Now she has to rush around doing last minute stuff and likely won’t have much time with him before he heads out.”

This time she squeezed his hand. “She’ll be okay. I haven’t known her long but Li is tough. She’ll find a little time with Sakkath before he leaves.”

He began clearing the table. “I hope so. That girl means the world to me, like family.” As the replicator recycled the plates, he turned to El’Shar. “Did I ever tell you how she and I met?” Not waiting for her to reply, he took her hand and led her to the bedroom to get his uniform on. “Let’s see. It seems like it was forever ago when I first met her father, Lucius. He was with his first wife then, a lovely lady. We were working together on a little project….”

A joint post by:

Capt. El’Shar Blackhorse (ret.)


Capt. Li Hawke


ADM Ricky Wegener


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