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Nick & Company

Posted on Sat Nov 9th, 2013 @ 6:50pm by Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Wormhole

* * The Wormhole * *

With just under two hours before departure, Nick already had everything he’d need packed and on the Hammond along with all of Leto’s equipment. Leto needed to finish up a few things on the Intel deck so Nick decided to grab a few drinks before heading out. They wouldn’t be allowed real alcohol on the away mission and this would be his last chance to imbibe the real thing for a while.

He’d had two shots of a very nice tequila to start but was now nursing a whiskey neat and watching the people in the bar. Seated in his regular, dark corner he had a good view of the goings-on of The Wormhole and who entered and exited. When he saw Li walk in, he wondered why she was there. That is, until she locked eyes with him and strode his way.

“Captain,” he said, lifting his glass. “Fancy meeting you here.”

“Nick.” Li slip onto a stool at his side and turned to face him. “Why so formal?” She waved to Jono behind the bar and his big smile lit up his face like a beacon.

“Oh, you know, just trying to keep up appearances,” he said as he smoothed the front of his uniform. “I figure I can’t be the complete and total ass I normally was as an NCO now that I’m in officer land.” He sipped his drink. “So, were you looking for me or just decided to relax a bit before the big send off?”

“Both actually.” Li paused as Jono placed a glass of deep blue liquid before her. “And relax. How’re things going since the promotion?” She had another question she’d rather ask but decided to wait a bit on that one.

He shifted in his seat. “Not much different. Just more reports and more people to look after.” He kept his eyes on her as he drank again. “That’s what you came down here for? To ask about my promotion?”

“No, not really. I wanted to go over something before you go. I’ve given orders to all the telepaths to be on alert. I don’t know that anything will happen but it never hurts to be sure. I want you and Leto to be also. I have no idea what’s there on that planet but see what you can find. Between you two and them, if there’s anything to see, you’ll find it.”

She was right. Nick had a reputation for being able to suss out almost anything, but even he knew that Leto was better. With the two of them snooping around, if there was something amiss it would be found soon.

“Yeah, well, just you make sure to tell your buddies to keep their feelers outta’ my head and we’ll be fine. I have too many dangerous, and not to mention dirty, thoughts running around in there. I don’t need Ensign So-and-So knowing that I’m thinking.”

That got a laugh from Li. “I think most would be afraid to peek in there Nick.” She sipped her drink, then lowered the glass. “I hope nothing gets stirred up but I want to know exactly what we’re getting...and getting into.”

He nodded. “So, anything else?” Another sip. “And why aren’t you off boning Mr. Pointy Ears or something? It’s gonna’ be a while before you two are together again. I know I would be--well, not boning him, but…” He rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”

She popped him in the arm and smiled. “You know I never discuss that.”

“Maybe not, but you’re still a woman with ‘needs’. And despite his heritage, he still loves you.” He drained his glass and looked a bit sorrowful. “It’s hard to be without the one you love, Li. Someone you’ve known forever.” After a beat he snapped back to reality and signalled for another drink. “Don’t waste time chatting me up. Go see him before you leave.”

“He’s already onboard. We said our ‘see you soon’s’ already. Don’t worry.” She studied his face a moment and decided to dive in. “So how’re things with Leto?”

“Getting better every day,” he replied stoically. With a sniff, he drained the entire glass and waved off the waiter. “We should probably get going. Last minute details and all that.”

Li nodded, then rested her hand on his arm. “Try to have a little fun while you’re out there, huh?”

With a hint of a smile he said, “You know what they say. All work and no fun makes Nick a dull boy. And quite a bastard, if I’m honest.” He stood. “And try to keep the old man from blowing up this hunk of junk. I’d kinda’ like to have somewhere to come back to once this expedition is over.”

“No worries. He’s going on vacation for a few days so it will just be me and Oz, since Sakkath’s going to be away as well. Have fun. dae and I will be looking forward to your reports.”

“Oh shit. Oz will be helping run things?” he laughed. “Well, now I know I’m soon to be homeless!”

“Get out of here and get to the ship.” Li laughed once more and nudged him towards the door. “Oz can kick your ass once you get home.”

“Uh-huh… That’ll be the day.” With a nod he strode off. Checking the chronometer he still had an hour and a few minutes before departure. Seeing Leto was headed to the ship he decided to meet her there and get settled for the ride.

As Nick departed, Li turned back to the bar and her drink. Slowly she raised the glass to have a sip, unaware that a pair of eyes in the back of the room followed her every move.
Captain Li Hawke
Giving One More Send-Off

Lieutenant Nick Marcinko
Always In the Shadows


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