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A Better Day

Posted on Sun Dec 1st, 2013 @ 3:59am by Ensign Aleksandra Levkova

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Aleksa's Quarters & Turbolift
Timeline: Right Before "Adm. Send Off" Post
Tags: Aleksa, Edney,

A soft music started pervading the room followed by the computer usual statement =^=Five thirty.=^=

“I know, I know… I’m awake.”

Aleksa exited the bathroom vigorously drying her hair with a towel, walked straight to the bed sitting on its edge and,once the towel had been truly used up, she threw it across the room right on the couch.

Taking a glance to the portal she saw the starlight beckoning from outside, deep space had always the same effect: to seem the darkest of nights, no dawn, no sunset. No matter at which hour you looked at it.

Heaving a small sigh she went to the mirror and started combing her still wet hair. Three or four brush strokes went down all the length of her golden hair before she noticed something on the top of the chest of drawers… A picture.
The kind of things that quickly become part of the furniture going mostly unnoticed for weeks or maybe years at a time.

In the picture Norman was helding her tightly and they were both smiling against the Archadian landscape, That had been one of their first trips to the planet.
Her left hand reached to take the picture while the other one still held the brush idle half-way down the hair.

A wave of thoughts passed through her mind. Putting the brush down she opened the drawer, sniffed, and the picture quickly found its way inside. Two other pictures were looming from the bottom of the drawer. The first one of her and Patrick and the other one of her and Kh’ali. For an instant her eyes passed over her ex-partner and her former friend, hesitating. Then the drawer slammed shut on them all.

O O O A half-hour later O O O

Gliding cat-smooth through the corridor Aleksandra reached the turbolift bay closer to her quarters. It didn’t take long before the doors opened to let her enter.


She stopped at mid-sentence in surprise seeing that another one shared the run with her, kind of blue uniform covered by numerous strange devices.

“Ensign Levkova! Is that so?” An equine smile shined greeting her. “I-I remember you. We saved Commander Kh’ali once. Together.” He stated as the turbolift resumed its run.

Aleksa regarded him top-down, narrowing her eyes: “Yes, I remember. It was when the Commander was phased out of reality due to chronitons and all that kind of stuff… And prisoner in the hands of that assassin. And you are Mr. …”

“Yes! Right that. And Edney is the name.” The scientist replied nodding his head strongly. All the equipment he was wearing clattering with the enphatic movement.

“Yes… Mr. Edney,” She remarked slowly.

“I’m going to the transporter room forty-one to embark on the Hammond for this new planetary exploration mission. Have you heard about that?” Edney told her.

“Yes I have. And it happens I’m bound the same way as I’m part of the crew too.” She responded calmly.

“Is that so? What good news.” Edney smiled again “We’ll be together again in a mission. I’m eager to see the system and set foot on the planetoid the Dendrians have offered us. An opportunity to have a stronger foothold in the quadrant…”

“Yes, yes… Whatever.” Aleksa cut him short “What about all that?” She added waving to the tools and devices strapped to Edney.

“Oh… These? Particular instrumentation I’ve developed in Galileo Center.” Edney replied looking proudly at the tools. “With permission of Commander Leroy, that is.” He quickly added.

“I mean, you could have them transported right onto the ship without encumbering yourself.” She explained crossing her arms and leaning on the wall of the turbolift.

“Is that so? Well… This devices are so delicate I prefer to have them under my expert hands rather than relinquish them to some less then dedicated transporter operator.” Edney responded solemnly as a strap slid off his shoulder sending the ‘precious’ tool bouncing on the floor with a noisy clatter.

“I see,” She commented perking an eyebrow.

She almost expected a loud neigh here as she watched a worried Edney fumbling with one hand to recover his tool while with the other one he struggled to keep all the others from falling… He seemed a kind of weird X-mas tree tilting and about to go straight down to the floor.

Aleksa smiled inwardly as she watched him, remembering the comment Oz had made about him at the time they recovered Kh’ali: that he’d been so nice that she wanted to give him a carrot.

“Perhaps we’ll have the opportunity to go on mission together again.” Edney said with evident happiness in his tone getting back to his feet tool in hand.


“Yes perhaps…” Aleksa replied remaining deliberately vague.

Edney took a pensive look for an instant before reprising: “We’re part of the same crew now could we exchange first names?”

If we have to…

Aleksa wanted to shake her head in disbelief but refrained from indulging in the desire “Of course we can. I’m Aleksandra” She granted in the end.

“Is that so?.. Oh yes of course it is.” Edney replied offering his hand “Name’s Eugene. Eugene Edney.”

Eugene. Ugh!

“A pleasure… Eugene,” Aleksa responded taking his hand.

“”May this be the first of many a better day.” He said with his great equine smile.

=^= Deck 138. =^= the familiar voice of the computer interrupted them as the doors of the turbolift opened.

Aleksandra Levkova
Caught By Surprise


Eugene Edney
Enthusiast Explorer


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