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Posted on Mon Jul 11th, 2011 @ 10:58am by

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: USS Takei
Timeline: 30 prior to launch of USS Takei


Lorenz got his hand-picked company of ground Marines swiftly aboard the Takei, each man in the company quickly secured his personal gear and weapon, then racked out for the flight to Divitia Prime. Lorenz called together the platoon commanders. "I have our orders for this trip. We are the security component for the Divitian/Federation scientific effort on the planet. We will set up base camp at the main site, followed by a defensive perimeter and checkpoints at the usual spaces. Recon, you guys will spend seventy-two hours exploring the area, mapping every possible nook, cranny, hidey-hole and space to store bad guys. 1st Platoon will deploy along the northern perimeter, 2nd Platoon will take the south. 3rd Platoon will take the east, and the west will be handled by Recon when they return from their scout mission. Questions?"

"Whats SIOP for natives, sir?" asked a platoon leader.

"Identify them as bad guys before you shoot. ALL weapons will be on stun unless the situation warrants a higher setting. I don't want a fucking diplomat crawling up my ass with inquiries, because if that happens, ladies and gents, I will make your lives a living hell! No incidents on this one!"

"Understood, sir!" the platoon leader smiled.

"While we are in transit, we will do our level best to get along with our Starfleet brethren, and that's an order! This trip will go smoother with no disciplinary write-ups."

"HOO-AH!" the Marine officers replied.

"Secure your gear, and rack out, gentlemen. I want you all well rested when we get to Divitia. And Box, leave the women alone!" Corporal Teran Rogriss was a known skirt chaser who had been dubbed "Box" by his brother officers during his Academy days. Box Rogriss went on to set a record for the most paternity tests ever filed on one cadet in a year and four years as well. But in addition to being a pussy hound, Rogriss and his partner, LCPL Darius Shelton were the best demolitions team Lorenz had ever seen.

"I will, sir. I dunno enough about Divitian physiology to try one. They might make my dick itch, sir!" Box smiled impudently, knowing Lorenz was joking.

"Your gun jumps out of your pants, boy, you'll fucking well get left in the can they throw you in!" Lorenz warned. "I shit you not, I'll melt the fucking key myself!"

"Understood, sir!" Box replied.

David nodded to his men, then left the cargo bay. "Computer, tell me the location of my quarters."

=^=All Marines are to be quartered in Cargo Bay 2=^= the computer answered.

"Quarters for Captain David Lorenz?" Dave asked, arching an eyebrow.

=^=Captain Lorenz, Commanding Officer, Marine Detachment, USS Takei, your quarters are located in Cargo Bay Two.=^=

"We'll see about that. Notify the XO I'm on my way to see him!"


Teran "Box" Rogriss and Darius Shelton calmly replaced the cover to the isolinear relay. "How pissed will he be this time?"

"Better hope he don't find out we did it!" Shelton replied.

Gunnery Sergeant Ed Wilkes stared hard at the pair, then chuckled. "The captain's gonna eat you boys alive!"

A post by

MCPT Dave Lorenz
Battalion CO/MARDET CO Divitia Prime


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