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Late Night Conference

Posted on Thu Jan 2nd, 2014 @ 8:20am by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: XO's Office

* * * XO’s Office * * *

Given the discovery in Suresh’s old quarters, Li had chosen to return to her office instead of going home. Reports were expected from Oz, Ray, and Darwin and if they chose to make them in person, it would be easiest here. So she settled in with a mug of raktajino and sat behind her desk. That lasted all of a minute and she was on her feet again, moving over to the portal to look down on Archadia, which was visible from her office this time of night.

That’s where Oz found her when she entered. “Am I interrupting the pacing or just coming in during a break?” She knew Li was, more than likely, antagonized by the idea of a Suresh on the Starbase, even if he wasn’t the Li-obsessed Suresh that had been sent to Elba II.

The question made Li smile. “I was just about to begin.” She turned away from the portal. “Have some coffee, and tell me the news.”

“Not much to tell, Li.” Oz bypassed the coffee and went for a jigger of the Admiral’s scotch. “The computer hasn’t located the Suresh that’s on board; he’s off just enough from Suresh that biometric scans aren’t working and he must be using a mask or otherwise hiding his face as facial recognition isn’t working either.” She sipped the scotch and spent a moment appreciating it.

“One good thing, Elba II got back to me: the Suresh they have is the correct Suresh.”

“Well, there’s that at least. “ Li returned to her desk and perched on the corner of it. “And this one has no record here so we can’t touch him. Yes, he stowed away, but given the circumstances, it’s not like we can send him back.”

“No, but there are other places we could send him,” Oz grumbled into her glass.

“Like an airlock?” Li’s smile was chilly. “As much as I’d like to…” She shrugged before continuing. “I have no doubt, however, that given the current power vacuum down below that he’ll slip in and pick up where the old one left off.”

“Then we’ll pick up right where we were: chasing him and prosecuting his ass. At least we’ve weeded out his contact in the prosecutor’s office. Ray will be more aware going forward.”

“I need to address him as well, but I’d prefer if Darwin is present at that time. Just so we are clear as to our expectations and intentions, given the fact we’re stuck with him. I have to admit, though, to a certain perverse pleasure at the idea of both of them sharing a cell on Elba II.”

“We could arrange that. Not legally, but...,” Oralia shrugged then frowned and shook her head. Even she couldn’t keep up that line of thinking; it lacked the requisite ethics. “Okay, so we can’t do that. Once we locate him, how about we convince him to rename himself?” This was going to be a running theme with her. The name ‘Suresh’ carried too many negative connotations.

“I doubt he’d be willing, given he’s been that person his whole life.” Li moved over to the replicator to refill her mug.

“Perhaps he just needs the right motivation,” Oz countered. She stared into her nearly empty drink and tried to bring her anger under control. She hadn’t been expecting this, but, then, she hadn’t been expecting that a doppelganger for the man who’d killed Connor would surface.

“It’s a strange situation and the Admiral won’t be thrilled to get this news either.” LI didn’t look forward to telling him upon his return, that was certain. “But we’ll deal with it like we do any other situation. People think Intel is rough but I wouldn’t have your job for anything.”

Oz gave Li an unintentionally fierce look. “Intel is all about secrets and hiding; we’re about revealing things and dragging the unwilling into the light.” She wasn’t poetic often, but could be when riled.

“It is and you have it much tougher than us any day. Without your crew, this place would be a floating hell.” Li sighed as the considered the situation. “As soon as you locate him, let me know and we’ll go from there. Not much we can do till then.”

Oz quietly regarded Li a moment, wondering whether Li realized she’d referred to Intel as ‘us’. “We’ll find him, Li. I’m relying heavily on Darwin with Aliso and Gilroy on the Hammond, but he has good people under him. He’ll get it done.” She emptied her drink and set the glass aside. “Let us know if this Suresh contacts you.”

“I will. Now go relax, do something besides work. You went off duty some time ago.” Li smiled finally. “This is a case of do as I say, not as I do.”

Oralia broke into a sly grin. “Yes, ma’am! I’m going to go find Jackson,” she said and headed for the door.

“He’ll be far easier to track down than Suresh. Go. Have fun.”

“That’s a plan I can live with,” Oz laughed and left Li to her sanctuary.

Once Oz was gone, Li returned to her terminal. After opening an anonymous channel, she sent a message to Lazan.

Holiday Special! Two for one drinks at Palaxia’s Playground. Join us for Happy Hour tomorrow at 1900 hours!

Captain Li Hawke
Pondering A Twin

Commander Oralia Zeferino
Hoping He’ll Give Her a Reason


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