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Stormy Weather Warning

Posted on Fri Jan 3rd, 2014 @ 7:18pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Marla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Arboretum

* * * The Arboretum * * *

Dae paced on a path leading through the back side of the arboretum, more than a little impatient. He’d sent a cryptic message to Marla over an hour ago and still she hadn’t appeared. She must be with a client, he knew, and he just hoped that he’d get to her before Seyla did. A large purple flower shifted and drew back as he passed, not liking his mood. He resisted the urge to snap the stem and continued on along the path.

Approaching from the other entrance, Marla looked behind her to see if she was followed then slipped through a garden bed onto a different path. A short distance later, she saw Dae. His look worried her. “Dae?”, she whispered.

“Hey.” Relief flooded his face and he took her hand, drawing her into a secluded alcove. This time of night, they were unlikely to be overheard. He’d chosen the Arboretum on purpose. Seyla almost never set foot in it. Once they were seated on a bench, he turned to face her. “I had a visitor after you left.”

“Did you?” She angled away from him slightly, creating distance between them. “What sort of visitor?”

“Care to guess?”

Her shoulders slumped and she answered, “Seyla. How did she know?”

“I’m not so sure she really does.” Dae shrugged. “There was a lot of posturing, a good bit of fishing for information and I, of course, admitted nothing. I think she was hoping that I’d be intimidated and spill it but didn’t happen.”

She chuckled and touched his cheek. “She underestimates you. I doubt she knows; it’s more her style to come after the girl, not the client.”

“And I am a client, as I reminded her. She just has to check Marabeth’s records. What Marabeth and I do or don’t do is our own affair. Seyla blustered a lot, then stormed out with a warning that she’d get to the bottom of this, she didn’t like being lied get the idea. I should think by now she’d be used to being lied to.”

“Hmm... well, she does employ a few Betazoids to test the truthfulness of her clients and employees,” Marla said, worrying about how she’d pass such a test, if it came to that.

“What’s the worst she can do, Marla? Really?”

She put on a brave front and smiled, “Nothing, really. Fire me, I suppose, but we have a contract, so there’d be a payout.” Really, she knew of rumors about another girl who was first hurt as a warning and then ‘disappeared’ as a final consequence.

“You’re talking to one of those Betazoid types, remember?” Dae’s tone was gentle. “How much?”

“I don’t know. It’s a calculation that I’d have to sit and figure out.” She paused and realized what he really meant. “Oh, right. She could have me hurt, I suppose.”

“Which would be stupid. You’re worth much less that way. Not to sound callous, but you know what I mean.” Dae frowned. “Have you given any thought to retirement?”

“Retirement? No. What would I do in retirement? I like my work, Dae, though...,” she paused and realized that she liked it less now, with him in the picture, than she used to.

“Though what?” He knew what was coming. “I’ve complicated life tremendously.”

“Yeah, you have,” she acknowledged, chuckling. “But it’s all good, Dae.”

He smiled in response. “I just want you to be aware. She’s gunning for you Marla. If you get in a tight spot, you know how to reach me. In the meantime, maybe you should do that calculation. Just in case.”

"Maybe, okay." Marla leaned close to him and brushed her lips against his cheek.

“You have anything more tonight? Or shall I show you the back way to my deck?”

"My night is over. How about showing me the way and then letting me take a long, hot shower?"

“You have a deal.” He rose from the bench and offered his hand. Taking a moment to mentally scan the area, and detecting no one, he led her away.

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Forecasting The Weather

Denying it'll be Bad


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