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A Little Uproar

Posted on Sun Jan 5th, 2014 @ 4:32pm by Vic & Camille Ross
Edited on on Sun Jan 5th, 2014 @ 4:55pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Wormhole Bar

Vic walked along beside Camille after they left the Chief Of Intel’s quarters. They wound their way through the station to the promenade, Vic’s offer of dessert having tempted her to come alone. The crowd was thick, but then the station never really slept. They set a slow pace as they strolled along. “What did you think of dinner?”

“Besides the away team getting brought up, and finding out there’s a spider on board that can talk? I guess it was like any normal dinner between friends. Everything alright with you during dinner?” Camille replied with concern in her voice.

Vic nodded. “It was nice to be somewhere besides work and quarters, you know?” They entered the Wormhole and Vic held on to her arm as he led her through the after hours crowd to a table just being vacated.

Sitting down, Camille give the waitress her order, “Just a regular cola for me thanks.” Seeing the quizzical look Vic gave her at ordering just a plain drink she explained “far too much alcohol has passed these lips over the past few days, and thats comin’ from a Scots lass” she added with a chuckle, more to herself than out loud.

“It happens in this business.” Vic ordered a single malt scotch, then relaxed back in his chair once the waitress was gone. “I will say this though - Dae’s playing with fire. If Seyla finds out, she will skin him alive. Or try to.” The image of that brought a laugh from him. “That might be entertaining to see at that.”

Camille laughed with him, a similar image coming to her mind. “She must be worth it though tae want tae chance facing Seyla. I ain’t been here very long, but know that Seyla isnae one tae be messed with.”

“She’s not so bad, at least in my experience. Then again, I’ve never crossed her.” Their drinks arrived and he took a sip. “No one wants to piss off the bartender. Or the hostess. LIno Jono over there.” He waved to the Wormhole’s owner behind the bar. “Never piss him off.”

“Duly noted into my mental notebook of ‘who not tae piss off on the ‘base’,” she said with a matter of fact nod. “Rather glad we got outta there when we did. The sexual tension between the two of ‘em was getting tae much. He’s certainly crazy enough about her tae want tae challenge Seyla.”

“It was. Be glad you’re not telepathic.” He grinned at her. “It can be a curse you know.”

“For once I think I’m glad I cannae read minds. I wouldnae like to know what they were thinking, even if their faces did give it away,” she said taking a drink.

“Such as in a place like this,” Vic continued. “”I have to completely close it off or it will drive me --” He stopped short as his gaze swept over the bar.
“Everthin’ alright Vic?” Camille asked with concern in her voice, as she tried to follow his gaze across the bar.

“Saw someone I thought I knew is all. See that fellow there? In the heavy grey clothing?”

“The Cardassian?”

“That would be the one.” Vic’s gaze continued to move along the bar, not wanting to focus on the Cardassian. “He’s a rather unusual sight out here.”

“I’ve never met one. And from what I’ve heard, I should be thankful fer it.”

“Yes, you should.” Vic frowned as he looked back to Camille. “It makes me curious though. I want to know why he’s here. And you need to stay far away.”

“I can head home if you wanna go find out why he’s here?”

“You think I want to spend the last of my evening with a spoonhead?” Vic smiled finally. “Just be careful. Where they go trouble usually follows.”

“Non-telepath remember. I dunnae know what you’re thinking about doin’ about ‘im,” Camille teased.

“Doing about who?” A shadow fell over the table and the voice that spoke was deep and rough. The Cardassian was looking at Camille and pointedly ignoring Vic.

“Troublesome customer causin’ bother at work,” Camille replied to him rather quickly. “Was givin’ me jip all night and was a bit touchy for my likin’, so Vic stepped in tae help me.” Camille then gave Vic a pleading look, hoping he could read her thoughts of What the hell are we meant tae do now?

“However, now that you ask, I need to figure out what to do about you too. This is a private conversation after all.” Vic looked up at the Cardassian, his expression hard.

“That so?” The man rested his hands on the table. “I see you still have no manners.”

“It’s been a long day, so dunnae mind us if we’re not on top our manners,” Camille said dryly. “I’m Camille, hostess at the Nexus. And you are?” She asked, directing her question to the Cardassian.

“Daro,” Vic answered for him. “And trust me, that’s as much as you want to know. Get lost, Daro.”

Before Camille could answer, Daro roared and flipped over the table away from them. There was a moment of silence, then complete chaos broke out as Rio, the bouncer, appeared and wrapped his arm around Daro’s neck. The other patrons began to throw mugs and from behind the bar, Jono’s voice could be heard.

“Here we go again!”

Vic grabbed Camille’s hand. “Let’s get the hell out of here. Stay low.”

Before Camille’s sleepy brain could even process the situation, she could feel Vic’s hand pulling her through the bar, and safely outside. “Well that escalated quickly. Though from the stories I’ve been told about them doesnae surprise me. Do I even want tae know how you know him?” Camille inquired a little out of breath from being dragged out.

“No, not really.” Once they were a little distance away, Vic slowed down and they watched as Security rushed into the Wormhole. “I’ve met a lot in my time, that’s all. Are you okay?”

Camille stood in a stunned silence as she watched the Cardassian put up a fight with the Wormhole bouncers. She’d seen fights in bars back home, but with five minutes the drunken men were usually buying each other pints again.

Realising Vic had asked her a question, she came to and checked for ten fingers and ten toes. After wiggling them about she said “Aye. All limbs and digits are still there in one piece. Just turns out I need to work on me fitness levels,” she joked trying to lighten the tense mood in the air.

“And watch your back. If he so much as darkens the door of the Nexus, call security immediately, got it?”

“I’ll make sure all the waitin’ staff are aware tae let me know if he makes an appearance. Though I doubt he’d even try and make an appearance at the Nexus, surely he’d know that people wouldnae be happy at his presence?”

“We can hope.” Vic smiled finally. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

“Sounds good tae me,” Camille smiled at Vic, and off they set to the turbolift to the civilian quarters.

Camille Ross
A Brief First Encounter

Not The Starter Of The Fight


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