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All Our Tomorrows (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Jan 15th, 2014 @ 11:30am by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Odissey Runabout

A speckle of starlight shone on the runabout hull as it glided out of warp speed, the quietness of deep space around Volara system suddenly interrupted by this stranger from afar.

The runabout engines pulsed bright blue decreasing to full impulse and the stars view changed again from one of unnatural long brilliant strips of warped space to the loved shiny dots that peppered the universe.

* * * SB900 Runabout USS Odissey - en route to Ialnalyn Science Station 439 * * *

Lt. Commander Leroy’s log. Stardate 65132.9 - The Ialnalyns are on the verge of a very important experiment involving star rejuvenation theory and requested presence of Federation “newcomers” in the quadrant to assist to their epochal scientific breakthrough. Starbase 900 is on a flurry of activity but I, for once, decided to commit myself personally to this task. Now that matters about the alternate universe are settled, I felt the need of a vacation by dedicating myself to normal job.

Patrick relaxed leaning back on the seat, the humming of the runabout cradling him as the autopilot flashed on the console the estimated time of arrival in one hour more.
He’d never encountered the Ialnalyns but rumor had it they were creatures of exquisite grace. Almost ethereal in appearance and behaviour. This sensation, on behalf of observers, greatly augmented by their raiment composed of hundreds diaphanous layers literally floating around them.

Peaceful and well-mannered, Ialnalyns were another founder race, one bestowed with veto power in of the Perenalthorias Union of Commonwealths, whose council governed most of the Jathlin Arm.

Extending an arm Patrick took the Padd from the console and browsed its contents again. The complex project the Ialnalyns had devised deeply fascinated him: an array had been built in safe orbit around a red star and the largest Tachyonic flux generator ever known had been installed on it by their own craft and skill.

The basic theory spoke of a single powerful pulse shot through sub-space directly into the star core starting a chain reaction able to revitalize the star. Virtually setting its clock back several million years maybe billions.
More easily said than done, he thought furrowing his brows, still an attempt worth to be made. Should it have proven successful it would have opened endless possibilities. Dying worlds condemned to eternal ice ages would have become feasible for colonization. Or better, endangered civilizations under a dwindling sun, could have been saved from extinction preserving their habitats instead to have them forcibly relocated somewhere else.

Like breathing on the smoldering embers to stir the fire anew.

The thought brought a soft smile to his lips as his mind lingered on a very small part of the accomplishments that would have been rendered possible by such a discovery.

=^= Incoming transmission.=^= the computer advised, bringing him back to the here and now. =^= From Prime Researcher Thalassar of Station 439 =^=

“On screen.”

Patrick assumed a formal posture and straightened his uniform as the face of the Ialnalyn Chief Scientist became visible.

“Commander Leroy, on behalf of all Ialnalyns I bid you welcome to our station to partake of what we deem a great change in present and future history.”

“I’m glad that your government has chosen to involve Federation as spectator of this important experiment, Prime Researcher. Entire cultures have only to gain from a success in this field.” Patrick acknowledged to the Prime Researcher.

“That is quite true Commander, we all look forward to the coronation of such an effort. Upon your arrival you will be received by my assistant Researcher Jinn. I’ll come to you as soon as I can.”

“Take your time Prime Researcher. I don’t want my presence to be a distraction from your work in this critical moment.” Patrick replied with a slight nod.

“Ah, I see that fellow scientists can quickly understand each other.” Thalassar smiled “But don’t worry you’re not a distraction. Agreed then... I’ll meet you shortly after your arrival to the station.”

The screen returned to the vision of the stars leaving Patrick with many questions and curiosity about the experiment and this clearly foreign culture that Ialnalyns represented. He wondered if should have been better ask Kh’ali some advice before setting himself on this trip.

* * * Science Station 439 * * *

The shimmering faded leaving Leroy on a pad of the transporter room aboard the station, a lone figure was there waiting for his arrival, welcoming him with a bow of the head.

“Welcome Commander Leroy. I am Jinn, assistant to Prime Researcher Thalassar” she greeted him with melodious feminine voice.

Aside from the alabaster tone of her skin, Patrick couldn’t help noting the strange dress she wore. As expected it was composed of numerous layers of the lightest cloth made in finely woven fringes and they seemed to float slowly around her as algae in the water...

“Are you amazed by our traditional clothes?” She asked noting his stare.

“Well, yes. I’ve never seen a fabric like that,” He responded, slightly embarrassed for having been caught staring.

“It is a matter of pride for us. It is light yet resilient, comfortable yet warm... And the effect of the fringes reacting to body warmth... Is always appreciated.” She explained coming closer to let him see better. Her movement being full of grace and completely silent.

“I’m sure it is. A marvel indeed.” he agreed.

“Please, if you want to come with me I will see you to your accommodation. Prime researcher Thalassar will wait for you in the main laboratory once you have refreshed yourself”.

Turning with a fluid movement she gestured the door which opened silently revealing a long corridor inundated by the reddish light coming from the star through its many portals.

“With pleasure.” Patrick responded following her out of the transporter room but after a few steps he stopped watching out of the portal, engulfed by the reddish light of the ancient giant, he wondered.

“Are you coming?” Jinn’s voice brought him back as she waited on the door to the other end of the corridor.

He nodded slowly and, casting a last glance to the star, resumed his walk.

Patrick F. Leroy
SB900 CSO Abroad

Ialnalyn Welcoming Committee


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