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Back In The Saddle

Posted on Thu Jan 16th, 2014 @ 6:38pm by Jackson Banning V & James Holbridge & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

It had been a rather quiet shift for Jim. His work consisted of updating the information he had on the current situations, getting Ghost Team cleared for protective detail status for his wife and kids, plus other adventures in the realm of classified spaces. At 1200 hours Jim gladly left. Tricia had told him to leave his work at the office and if that meant having a couple cocktails at a watering hole then go for it; but if the drinking became an issue again she would leave again.

Jim walked into the Nexus club and found a small table. After ordering a drink from the Orion waitress, Jim sat back in his chair and surveyed the crowd, his training taking over. A few people in here who aren't what they appear to be, he noted mentally. Three guys carrying pieces, two Klingon's with serious attitude and BO problems...

"Hope I am not intruding upon ye, Jimmy-boy!" said Quentin Harrison, fresh off his shift with HMC.

"Not at all, Irish! Pull up a chair. How was guarding my wife and kids?"

The Orion waitress returned with Jim's drink and a pint of stout for Quentin. "Long time, handsome!" she smiled

"Indeed, it has been, lass," Quentin grinned at the woman, then returned his attention to Jim. "To be honest, I'd rather face a pack of horny Nausicaan's in rut than guard yer wife when she doesnae want the attention!"

Jim openly grinned at the big Scotsman as he sipped his synth-ale. "I have a feeling!"

"Ye have no idea, lad! The woman dosnae want us around! She kept tellin me to 'find something useful to do!'. I told her that watching over her was me job. Huh! Fat lot o' good it did me!"

Jim was about to reply when he noticed a man making a beeline towards his table. "Who is that?" he asked Quentin

"I think it's Jack, but I cannae be sure in this light!"

"Who is Jack?' Jim asked, but realized his query was directed at an empty chair.

"By all the saints above! Tis Good to see ye again, Jack!" The big Scot explaimed as he wrapped hugged the other man.

"Welcome back ya big lug!" Jackson was enveloped in a massive bear hug and after some male-type back slapping, he stepped back and grinned at Quentin. "An' there goes the neighborhood. Damn good to see ya."

Quentin sat Jackson down and beamed at his friend. "Ah, well, I was bored after the last eighteen months chasing after Jimmy-Boy's brother in the Gamma Quadrant, so I decided to come here with the rest of me team and hang out a shingle. Speaking of which, this is the man who organized us.

Jackson offered his hand. "Welcome back, Jim. It's been a while."

Jim looked up at Banning and simply nodded. "I remember you, Mr. Banning." Jim said neutrally, keeping his voice level.

"Yeah, most folks around here do in one way or another." Jackson's smile lingered. "You back with the flyers?"

Jim's face remained neutral. "No, I haven't flown with the Fighter Corps for nearly three years. I'm with Commander Nalas' bunch."

Quentin looked at his boss, wondering what was wrong. "You okay, Jimmy?

Holbridge nodded. "Just trying not to let the old ghosts haunt me." Jim stared down at his synth-ale, wishing he had something stronger....feeling the old cravings creep up on him.

Jackson regarded Jim for a few seconds, then nodded. "I get that, Jim. It still happens to me, especially when one of those 'ghosts' suddenly appears. The best thing for 'em is the light o' day, if you get my drift."

Jim looked at both men, realizing that Jackson was right. He sighed, "It's my brother, or I should say the guilt I feel because of his death. It tears me up knowing that I could have saved him if I hadn't been screwing around burning holes in space, trying to show the world that I was the best flier out there. Even during that extraction, I should have stayed there and waited for him and the rest of the squad."

Quentin sat down across from Jim, laying a huge hand on his friends shoulder. "I was there, Jimmy, and believe me when I tell ye there wasnae time to be waiting. You saved the lives o' thirty-eight men who would hae' died in that inferno the Cardies put down in the valley."

Jackson nodded. "You think Wyatt woulda wanted you to sacrifice those men for him? He did what we're all trained to do in that situation - dig in and stay alive till backup arrives. We all know the risks goin' in but that doesn't help those of us waitin' on the outside. You did all you could and proved to the Fleet just what you're made of while you were at it. Maybe it would help to remember that he'd be proud of ya, Jim."

Jim rose to face Jackson. "Maybe you're right, Jackson. Wyatt would be proud of me, no matter what. Plus, Tricia and the kids came back after I got all that bullshit back on Earth straightened out."

"Not to mention ye have a cadre of wacko and nut-jobs guarding your family after participating in some of the most daring raids in the Gamma Quadrant! Talk about a bloody incentive program! I would hae been happy with a cheap watch!" Harrison grumped. The big Scotsman was a warrior through and through, and while he was enjoying his respite with HMC, it was obvious to anyone who looked at him that he aching to get back into action.

"I'd have been happy with the watch too, Quentin." Jackson grinned at the two men. "In the meantime, welcome back. Drinks are on the house tonight, but don't tell Janice."

"The man's gone daft!" Quentin chuckled. "If that's the case, We better get some Harrison's '29 here..."

Jim held up his hand. "I appreciate the offer, Jackson, but I'll stick with my synth-ale. I can't afford to lose my wife and kids again because I turned into a raving drunk. And thank you for the welcome."

"Speak for yerself, Jimmy-Boy!" Quentin smiled as he reached for his mug of dark lager. "Tis been too long since I got unwound!"

Jackson smiled broadly at him. "You boys have some fun, but don't go bustin' up the place, ya hear? I'll have to sic Oz on you an' I don't wanna do that. I promised her a quiet night."

Jackson departed, leaving the two men - Quentin to his scotch and Jim to his distant thoughts.


Jackson Banning V
Owner and Re-Welcoming Committee
The Nexus Club

MWO James Holbridge
Infiltration Specialist

Quentin Harrison (NPC)


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