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Not Mr. Enthusiastic

Posted on Fri Jan 17th, 2014 @ 6:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Seyla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club / The Promenade

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Following Janice’s departure, Nico sat sipping his drink, watching the people around him. They all seemed so happy - talking, sharing drinks and jokes, dancing. He’d enjoyed dancing once but it seemed so long ago. Now, he did his level best to avoid physical contact with people. It was just as well. He couldn’t afford to get involved with anyone, given his current situation. There was just too much of his life that he couldn’t reveal or talk about. A harsh laugh escaped him. None of his life was anything to be talked about. Better to be left alone. Loneliness was far easier than avoiding questions after all. Wasn’t it?

A quick mental nudge had a waiter bringing a fresh drink. He reached for it as Janice took to the stage and began her first song. She still had the same rich, velvety voice he remembered from other, better times. He took a sip, watching her and letting the song wash over him.

Breaking the rules, a woman in a slinky dress sidled up to Nico's table and eased into the seat next to him. She smiled and said, "I hope you don't mind, but I was hoping I could sit with you for a bit." She glanced over a shoulder and added, "There are some folks over there I need to avoid." It wasn't the complete truth.

He moved aside a bit to avoid being touched, then gave her a stern look. “That all depends.”

"Really?" She giggled and grinned brightly. "My name's Bella."

“Bella.” He studied her a moment. “Really. It depends on the truth from you. Why do you need to avoid them?”

"Because I don't want to go with them," she explained, as if he were a first grader.

“Wrong answer.” He sipped from his drink, watching her over the glass. “You skipped the part about solicitation being off limits in here. Trust me when I say I am not the one you want to hide behind.”

Her grin turned into a pout in a flash. "Who said anything about solicitation, sweetheart? What if I just want some company? Company that's not them?"

“Then, again, I’ll say that I’m not what you’re looking for. Bella isn’t it?” He set his glass down and eyed her intently. “Trust me when I say that you may be better off with them.”

She looked him up and down. "Why? You look normal."

Her comment actually got a laugh from Nico. “You think so? What if I told you I was exiled here on psychiatric leave? Do I still look normal to you?”

"Yeah," she said it as if that were obvious. "Who cares what your brain is doing? So long as the rest works... The rest does work, right?"

“That is none of your business.” Nor will you ever find out. He placed the thought into her mind with remarkable ease. Interesting.

A hard frown wrinkled Bella's forehead. "That's not nice!", she snapped. "You betazoids aren't supposed to be doing stuff like that!"

“I am not Betazoid. And right now, I’m not Fleet so deal with it. I did not ask you to interrupt my evening, so you take your chances sitting down with me.”

"And you... you...," she didn't have a threat, "just wait till Seyla hears about this!"

“And just who is Seyla?” Not that Nico was truly curious but he felt he had to ask.

"One of the Station's most powerful women," she didn't lie.

“That so. I don’t think I have much to worry about.” Nico took another drink. “Now run away and stop bothering me.” He set down his drink and waved her away.

"And if I don't?" She crossed her arms in front of her and glared at him.

“I can let Jackson know in an instant what you are up to. Good enough for you?” Nico’s threat was delivered in a soft, calm tone.

"Oh, pish," she scoffed. "Jackson can't do anything."

“You really want to test that theory?” Nico had grown tired of the verbal sparring and so, he gave her a mental nudge. She seemed pretty simple, it likely wouldn’t take much. “Go away.”

Miffed, she harrumphed, stood and stalked off. She'd leave this one to Seyla.

Finally alone again, Nico turned his attention back to the stage where Janice had segued into ‘I’ve Got The World On A String’. Nico found the choice ironic as he certainly wasn’t one who would be sitting on a rainbow anytime soon. At least he was sitting alone and that was just fine with him.

* * * The Promenade * * *

Nico had escaped the scene at the Nexus, though he’d enjoyed the music and the chance to relax. And, Bella aside, no one had bothered him. Now he strolled along the Promenade, ignoring the fact that most of the people he passed gave him room to move freely. It had grown late and the crowd was much thinner than it had been previously. He went up to another level, taking a seat across from Palaxia’s and watching the lights.

"It's a simulation of Earth's aurora Borealis. Beautiful, though I imagine the real thing is even more stunning," a woman said from just behind Nico. She stepped to where he could see her. "Wouldn't you agree?"

He looked her up and down, wondering about the mix of green skin and red hair. Stunning. The word rose to mind immediately but wariness came with it. “It is.”

"You've seen it, then?" She smiled and took a seat near him, angling so that she could cross her legs, letting her skirt fall to either side, and keep him fully in her sight.

Nico nodded briefly. “I was on Earth for a time.” He didn’t mention that it had been the bright idea of his counselor at the time to backpack across part of Montana and move north into Canada. The man had been right though, the trip had brought a measure of peace he thought he’d never see again. “Lovely.” He didn’t clarify if he meant the northern lights or her legs.

Her curiosity welled up, even as her pheromones kicked in, scenting the air. "An Enaran? And you went all the way to Earth? So you're a Fleety."

“Yes. No. Sort of.” His nose twitched and a flare of anger rose within him. He drove it back just as fast, not wanting to affect this woman before him. “I still am I suppose in a persona non grata way.”

"Really? Is that because you tend to mess with other people's heads?" Her tone sharpened. She didn't need his anger, she already had a mild irritation.

“Not at all. It’s a personal thing of mine to stay out of people’s heads. I don’t need the clutter in mine.” He pulled his gaze from Palaxia’s and back to the woman before him.

Her gaze hadn't left him. She was blandly staring at him. "All the more reason to take Bella up on her offer. She's a pretty thing, and there's not much going on upstairs to distract you."

At the mention of Bella, it came together. “So, you are Seyla.” He smiled for only an instant. “As for Bella, that is an apt description, but perhaps that is part of the problem. Sometimes, a man may want to be distracted.”

"Wouldn't that just increase your clutter?"

“On the contrary, for some, it takes them away from it. For some.” He shrugged. “You should teach Bella how to take no for an answer.”

She laughed. "None of my girls take no easily. They push for yes, just as I've taught them."

“So the apples don’t fall far from the tree as the Terrans say. I’ll keep that in mind next time but perhaps you could inform her that she needn’t bother with me again?”

"So noted. Perhaps you'd rather have Marabeth? She's a thinker. Or Marla?"

“Or no one?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “And I notice you are not on that list.”

Smiling, Seyla shook her head. "I am out of your league. The men I take on are," she hedged, seemingly looking for the correct word, "Above you." Her smile chilled slightly. "I do have others on the menu. Perhaps you'd rather see what sex with an Andorian can be like? Or would you rather have a male approach you?"

“If I cared, I’d be offended by your comment. What I need, Seyla, I don’t think you have, nor am I missing it.” He shifted in his seat, preparing to stand. “Besides, I'd hate to keep you away from the doctor.”

"By the time you are missing it, there will be no one on this Station who will give it to you," she hissed. She hated having telepaths intrude on her memories. "Don't bother getting up, I'm leaving." She stood, readying herself to storm off.

“Enjoy your evening then.” Amusement lit Nico’s parting words. “Wherever it takes you.”

She shot him a glare as she walked away.

Nico watched her for a moment then turned his attention back to the lights of Palaxia’s. A few seconds later Seyla was gone from his mind as he let his thoughts drift along with the play of the lights.

Meeting The Local Wildlife

Nearly Tame

Dangerous When Riled


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