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Catching Up

Posted on Mon Feb 10th, 2014 @ 8:53am by Jackson Banning V & James Holbridge

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Promenade

Jackson sat at cafe situated in the middle of the Promenade level that held the Nexus Club and just a few doors down. A large mug of coffee sat on the table before him and he lifted it, taking a sip as he watched the people stream past. He had some time before he needed to get to his office to start the day and with Oz up to her eyeballs in XO duties, he chose to do a little people watching. It wasn't long before a familiar figure strolled into view just down the way. Jackson waited till he was closer, then gave a whistle.

"Quentin, git yer ass over here!"

The big Scotsman had been hustling towards the Holbridge Mining Consortium offices, and the big man moved with startling speed for someone of his size. The sound of Jackson's voice caused him to slow to a stop. He spied the older man sitting at a café table and went over to chat him up.

"To what do I owe the honor of your summons, ya bloody heathen?" Quentin grinned as he eased into a chair.

"A little catching up." Jackson looked up as the waitress passed by. "Alys, another cup for my friend here."

Alys gave Quentin the once-over, much like a mother would inspect to see if his face was clean. He seemed to meet her approval and she nodded.

"Coming up."

Once she was gone, Jackson smiled at Quentin. "First up, a question. How's Holbridge doing really?"

Quentin stared at Jackson, knowing his friend and what he was after. "The man is doing well, considering what he's done. He knows he's nae going to get the straight of it from the fools in Starfleet Intelligence, and he keeps on playing the game because he can have his family with him again." Quentin's expression darkened for a moment as the memory of a hard fought battle raced through his mind., then he shook his head and smiled back at Jackson. "If it had nae been for his mother and father, he would hae died inside after we came back from lookin' for Wyatt."

Jackson gave a slow nod and reached for his coffee. Alys appeared with a mug for Quentin and once she was gone he picked up the conversation.

"Intel's a rough playground if going through the motions is all you want to do."

"Aye, tis true," Quentin agreed, taking a huge swig from his mug. "Me personally I dinnae think the lad is quite over his brother's demise. I think he came back to the Fleet for the wrong reasons. Before he agreed to Commander Kieren's terms, he was talking to me and Dave about forming a bigger version of Ghost Team, complete with land attack, aerial, and seaborne units. After Kieren, Jimmy scaled back his idea to just us and the ship we have." Quentin looked right at Jackson. "Somethin' isnae right with that bargain, Jack."

Jackson considered Quentin's words for a moment. "Somethin's not right with Kieren either, but that's neither here nor there. Why didn't Jim go back to flying?"

"Jimmy was all set to go back to the squadron he came from, and a week before he ships out he gets orders to Deep Space Four for eighteen months of 'special duty training.'" Quentin snorted. "Again, that bastard Kieren. I tried to find him and have a friendly chat with him but he had vanished like a bloody beer fart in a black hole!" Quentin's eyes were narrow with a long-smoldering fire.

"Kieren did?" Jackson frowned at the news. "Interestin', and not in a good way." He filed that away to tel Dae later. "So now we've got Jim, an' he hasn't let it go yet has he?"

"Nay, and it is a troublin' thing, sure," Quentin murmured. "When we go out on Ghost missions, the man changes. He's still a top gun flier, but he's more bloody minded. The sad thing is, I think his wife knows, too. I am almost certain she's staying with him to keep him from going off the deep end."

Jackson leaned forwards, clasping his hand together. "Ya think she'd see me?"

"I dunno for sure. I suppose I could ask her." Quentin said, a slight hesitation in his voice. "Uh, Jack, I think I may have messed up in a big way. While Jim was at DS4 doing his intel training, me and Tricia....well, we had a hot time of it, to be sure." Quentin slumped his shoulders and kept going. "She loves her husband with all her heart, but she wants more and I was there and was getting over Callinda...there was a lot O'Bannon's involved."

"An' a damn sight less sense than whiskey, seems like," Jackson grumbled. "You gonna sit still while I kick yer ass on his behalf?" The words were strong but there was no rancor in his tone. It was really none of his business.

"We put a stop to it before Jimmy got back." Quentin said quickly. "It was a mutual decision on our part; we both wanted Bouncer back to normal. Besides, I like being 'Uncle Quentin' and nae their bloody father. Less upkeep!"

Jackson considered this for a minute or two. "You ever gonna tell 'im?"

Quentin looked up from the mug of hot coffee. "Tricia said she would handle it herself. I suppose once that's done I'll be out on me arse lookin for a new job!"

"Yeah, well good luck with that." Jackson drained his mug adn set it back on the table. "Things seem to be changin' all around. Li's the XO here now you know." He grinned for a moment. "An' I got married."

"That is bloody marvelous!" Quentin beamed, smiling a genuine smile. "Now Li as the XO, I can see that one! It's just amazing that some wee lass would consent to marry an ol' pirate like yerself!"

"Yeah, I finally wore Oz down." Jackson's smile widened. "She puts up with me an' it's good to settle down, at least a little." He paused as Alys refilled their cups and moved on. "So, about Tricia. Arrange a time for us?"

"She said she would handle it, but I surely will. What else is rattling around that brain of yours?" Quentin took a long slurp of the now hot coffee, staring hard at his friend.

"Someone you know's here, but it's a fella you haven't seen in a long time, Q." Jackson's tone was thoughtful. "I"ve not seen him yet, just heard through the grapevine. "You recall Outpost 23?"

"Sure I be remembering the place. A lot of back ops types running round like headless chickens, too much stress, and generally a haven for shadowy types like you!" Harrison grinned and slurped his coffee loudly, giving a warning glare to a nearby patron who wore a look of disgust on his face. "Tell yer boy behind ye to watch his manners lest he piss off someone he cannae defend himself against. Oh, he might want to see a tailor about making a shirt to cover his holster, too." Quentin was speaking to Jackson, but his eyes were locked onto the man at the next table.

Jackson glanced to the person at the next table, shrugged, then leaned into the table. He motioned Quentin closer. "Someone from those days has landed on 900. Remember Ghost?"

"Aye, I do. His haggis was not altogether, was it?" The man at the next table had ceased his staring, but Quentin was still annoyed.

"It was, but then...things happened, or so I heard." He gave Quentin a knowing look and leaned back in his chair. "He's come out to visit our lovely neighborhood for a while, according to Jan."

Quentin returned his gaze to Jackson, his eyes narrow with concern. "This is nae a good thing yer tellin' me, Jack. That man belongs in an asylum where ye ne'er can get out except in a body bag. What the bloody hell is he doing on any Starfleet facility? Ye'd think Intelligence would have red-flagged him after some o' the shit he's pulled."

"Code 99." Jackson took another drink of his coffee. "I wanna find out what I can so I'm gonna see Dae, see what's in the wind. That's all I can tell ya for now."

"Thank ye kindly for that, Jack. I think I'll drop a hint to Jimmy and Tricia and be keepin' an eye on him meself. If I see or hear anything I will send ye word. In the meantime, I have to go see to the children. Little Kimmy's first piano recital is today and I dinnae want to miss it."

"Let me know when Tricia can see me." With an impatient air Jackson ran his hand through his hair. "As for Ghost, keep that to yourself for now. He did us both a good turn, so I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes things go south and it's not always our faults, ya know?"

Quentin nodded slowly. "I think you are right, Jack. But something isnae right with him being here. Guess the old instincts ne'er leave. I'll be seeing you later!" Quentin rose tow his full two-meter height. "You have to send me the replicator code for this brew of yours. It's especially good! Later on!"

As Quentin left, Jackson's thoughts returned to Outpost 23. The thoughts, as the place had been were dark.



Quentin D. Harrison
Large Man Walking

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Observer
The Nexus Club


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