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Some Secrets Revealed

Posted on Wed Feb 19th, 2014 @ 9:41am by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Seyla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Will's Quarters

* * * Harding’s Quarters * * *

Will made it home dragging, so tired was he after the surgery on the unknown pilot. It took two tries to unlock his door, but finally he entered. After ordering his lights to fifty percent, he peeled off his uniform tunic, leaving him in t-shirt and pants, and crossed to the bar. His favorite port was calling his name and he filled a small crystal glass. One sip, then two...and it really hit the spot. It was only as he was refilling the glass that he recalled it was his usual scheduled night with Seyla. A glance at the time told him that she would arrive any minute now. He crossed to the sofa and settled heavily into it, then shed his shoes and propped his feet on the table. It had been one hell of a day.

Arrive, Seyla did. She swept in, dripping with gems - every jeweled item her secret admirer had gifted her with recently, and immediately sat in Will's lap. "My dear William," she said breathily and kissed him.

“Well, well.” He enjoyed the kiss for a moment, then smiled. “Someone’s in a good mood tonight. What’s up?”

"Nothing," she smiled, withholding a secret. Holding out an arm, she turned her wrist and hand, letting the light sparkle on the gems. "Lovely, aren't they? I'm considering having all my clients pay tribute to me in this manner."

He raised his eyebrows as he regarded the bracelet. “Oh? Someone must think a lot of you. Or have credits to burn.” He managed to keep a straight face, wondering if she’d somehow figured it out. As tired as he was, the straight face part was easy enough.

She eyed him, lips pursed, and debated whether what Suresh-yet-not-Suresh had told her was the truth. William was awfully straight-faced. "Anyone who sees me has credits to burn. Don't you, my dear?"

“You could say so, I suppose. Then again, what else do I spend them on, hmm?”

"Hmm, yes, what?" Again, she eyed him then stood and went to his bar. "One thing: real alcohol. Aren't you Fleeters supposed to have only synthetic stuff?"

“I’m off duty….finally. Besides, I drink because I appreciate the finer beverages, not for the effect. Though after today, the effect may not be so bad.” He reached for the glass of port, then held it out to Seyla. “Refill please?”

Ever the gracious servant, Seyla poured a hefty two-fingers into his glass and a smaller amount for herself. "Tell me about your day, then, William."

“Well, it wasn’t bad until the emergency call came in. Thank you.” He took the glass and sipped from it. “A shuttle crash planetside ended up with me removing part of the console from the pilot’s chest and rebuilding what had been there. In his chest I mean, not in the console.”

His stumble was understandable, considering that Seyla had partially disrobed and sat next to him, facing him. She took his hand, the one not holding his drink, and put it on her breast. "That's awful. Those pilots need to be more careful."

“I suspect he was. It was the explosion that did it.” He smiled, then pulled her onto his lap. “It was fortunate that two visiting doctors were here to handle the rest of the crew, and it’s fortunate that tonight is one of your nights. I need the distraction.”

"Let me distract you more thoroughly," she smiled and moved to fulfill her promise.

* * *

Will lay awake, Seyla by his side, and eyed the pile of jewelry on the dresser. Had he really sent that much? The thought brought a smile as he contemplated it. He wondered how long she’d dance around before admitting she knew, as he was sure she did. He found life’s little twists and turns amusing and laughed softly inspite of himself.

His chuckle lightly nudged Seyla towards wakefulness. She stretched and murmured, “Suresh?” before coming fully awake and looking at William. “Will. Is it morning already?”

Will lay unmoving, not liking the name that came from Seyla’s lips. It was stupid, he griped mentally. She was what she was and she had a business to see to that included many more than Will himself. Perhaps it was his own fault for not keeping himself emotionally distant with her.

“Yes, it is,” he answered, then rose and reached for his robe.

Seyla had seen this before: the sudden surliness in a lover. Keeping her frustration to herself, she said something that seemed a non-sequitur: “I saw him. Suresh, I mean.”

“Where? In your dreams?” He tied the sash of his robe around his waist and leaned back against the built-in dresser. “He’s long gone as I understand it.”

“No, on the Station, yesterday,” she saw how his face changed ever so slightly, “Okay, so it isn’t Suresh, it’s Suresh-but-not-Suresh. Suresh from that other world Darwin and the others went to. He looks nearly the same.”

It was a good save, he thought, and smiled a little. “I see. That’s an interesting development, and not exactly expected. I suppose Li and Oz have the matter well in hand, though you might be able to be of some help there.” He was glad Seyla wasn’t telepathic, given he already knew of this other Suresh. He’d already seen the bioscans done by the computer, but that was his own business.

Glaring at him, she snapped, “Oh, sure, like the high-and-mighty Oralia Zeferino would listen to me.” Belatedly, she recalled just why Oz was unlikely to listen to her: she’d done her best to disrobe the officer the last time she’d had her in her quarters. “And Li,” she scoffed, rolling to sit up and pull on a ...sheet. She didn’t have a robe here. “Neither of them would be interested in what I have to say. Besides, do I really want to turn Suresh in? He already gave me useful information,” she cast a glance at the pile of jewels on Will’s dresser and then faced him.

“And what might that be?” Will shifted just a little as he watched Seyla. “And do I really want to know?”

“You already know,” she stood, leaving the sheet behind, and approached him. Her features softened, “What’s behind the jewelry and gifts, Will? You already have my time, my services.”

He sighed softly and reached for her, pulling her close. “This is different. Perhaps it’s the foolish notions of someone who wishes things were different. I’m glad you like them, however.”

Comfort. Safety. Security. They were all right there in front of her, in the form of William Harding, Chief Medical Officer of the only Federation Starbase in the Delta Quadrant. All she needed to do was accept, to take him at face value. “I do like them, Will. Just as I like you,” she left her words vague, opened the door to let him form his own meaning in them.

He studied her for several seconds, debating just how to take that. He decided not to let her off the hook that easily. “Where does that leave us then?”

“Where do you want it to leave us?” She turned it back on him.

“That’s easier for me to answer than you. You have your business, your me. It won’t affect me either way, professionally or personally. It’s a big step for you, however.”

Still unsure what he was offering, or even what she’d accept, Seyla shrugged and made placating noises. “We shall see. For now, shall we stay as we are?”

Will’s eyes narrowed for an instant. He wasn’t so sure he liked the sound of that but upon further consideration, it had its merits. No ties on Seyla meant no ties on him as well, at least in his mind.

“For now, until you realize you can’t live without me.” He grinned at her.

She returned his grin. “Indeed.” Of course... he was one among many she didn’t want to live without. Suresh and Darwin were on that list. “Are you off to work right this moment?”

“As soon as I get dressed. I need to check in on the surgery patient from yesterday, and meet with the two doctors who helped with that rescue.” He laughed softly and shook his head. “Ever seen a Vulcan laugh? Or tell a joke? Or wear earrings?”

“Earrings, yes. Laugh or tell a joke? No,” she hesitated. “Are you sure it isn’t a Romulan?”

“It..he is not. And his hair is longer than yours.” Will kissed her cheek. “It’s something to see, that’s for sure. Now how about breakfast?”

She caught a lock of her hair in a hand and raised a brow at the idea of a Vulcan having hair that long. “Breakfast would be a good idea. I’ll go put on your coffee,” she headed, still naked, towards the door.

“Thanks. I’ll be out in a few after I run through the shower.”

He watched her go and turned to the bathroom door. This morning was sonic shower time, it was more effective at removing the traces of Seyla’s natural pheromones. It didn’t take long and he emerged from the bedroom, dressed and ready for the day. With a smile he took his coffee from Seyla.


“Anything for you, Will,” she answered.

He sipped his coffee and nodded. Almost anything, he thought.


Local Madame... Possible Girlfriend?

Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.


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