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Posted on Mon Feb 17th, 2014 @ 7:21am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Ha'Dara - The Promenade

* * * The Promenade * * *

It had been a long and interesting night for Nico. He’d spent much of it prowling the station, with one brief stop at Drusilla’s in the wee hours, which he suspected might come to light before long. Now, however, he was hungry and a sign up ahead caught his eye: Ha’dara. Bajoran. His stomach gave an approving growl in response, so he crossed the walkway and stepped inside.

This early, it wasn’t crowded and so he was shown to a circular booth in the back, the seat plush and comfortable with a clear view of the door. Just the way he liked it. The waitress offered a menu but he waved it aside, instead asking for some specific dishes, which she said they could do and hurried off. Moments later, he had a warm drink before him and was left to his thoughts.

It didn’t take Robin long to find him. He woke, had some breakfast and checked on Drusilla who was still sleeping soundly. He slipped out of his quarters without waking her and found himself on the Promenade. After asking the waitress for Nicolao, she pointed him in the right direction.

“Good morning, Nicolao,” he said as he stood at the table. He knew Nicolao had seen him as soon as he stepped over the threshold of the restaurant, but it didn’t matter. They had to have their talk to get to the bottom of the mystery of the stone. “Mind if I sit?”

Nico motioned to the chair opposite him. “Of course. Good morning Counselor. what brings you out to my table so early?”

“I think you may already suspect the reason for this meeting,” he said, leaning onto the table. “Drusilla had an...episode last night. I believe it has something to do with the stone you left in my office. To say she was not in good spirits when she came to my quarters last night is an understatement.”

“I see.” NIco paused for a moment, debating how to address this. “She should have left it alone. What about you? You touched it I assume? Any adverse effects?”

“I did, but only very briefly. But, no, I did not suffer the same effects as Dru.” Robin studied Nicolao’s emotionless face for a moment trying to get some sort of read on him. He assumed, rightly so, that Nico’s years of intelligence work would make him one of the best poker players in the known galaxy. “It is my assumption that the stone is not ordinary by any means and have sent it to the Galileo Center for our scientists to look into it. But that’s not the strangest part of it.”

“And what is?”

“You were speaking to her in the dream--nightmare, really,” Robin replied. “I’m wondering if some of your abilities aren’t possibly influencing the stone somehow. Is that possible?”

“No.” Nico’s tone was flat as he answered. “Your science team won’t find anything. To be honest, I don’t know what it is, but I know what it did. As for Dru’s nightmare, I suspect that spending the better part of a day with me is the cause. Some humanoids are more susceptible than others.” He fell silent as his food arrived, then looked to Robin. “Mind if I eat?”

“Not at all. I’m the one intruding.” He sat a moment as Nicolao took a few bites. Interrupting someone’s meal was not something Robin was comfortable with. But he’d come here looking for answers. “So the stone has done the same to you, I take it? Where did you come across it?”

“Before I tell you that part, can you tell me what she saw?” He took another bite, pleased that the food was in fact very good. He didn’t really want to frustrate Robin with verbal jousting, but this was something he needed to know.

“I promise I’m not trying to sound crass, but does it matter? Would the stone affect one different than another?”

Nico shook his head. “It only echoes with things from my own head, Counselor. It has no power on its own beyond echoes of another that I was strong enough to sense. You see it was given to me at a time when I barely knew who I was. There were days when I was nothing at all. So what did she see?”

“It sounded like a grey desert,” Robin replied. “Cracked ground, something about a tree. She said she yelled into the sky for help and a voice, your voice, told her it wasn’t safe and that she needed to leave.” After a beat he asked, “Does that sound familiar?”

Silence hung heavy between them for several seconds and finally, Nico nodded. “Yes. That is the place I often my head...when I knew nothing else. An escape, perhaps? Even if it was a terrible one. Sometimes it seemed like years in there for me.”

Robin thought about this for a moment. “You denied it, but somehow you’ve left an impression upon this stone. Then again, it may be the stone itself and not you who has influenced it. For her to see the same exact place that you’ve seen so many times, there has to be some sort of connection.”

“And that would be me,” Nico answered. “That stone was given to me by someone in a very dark place who was determined I would live and would survive my circumstances. Those circumstances were the sort of horror most can never fathom. That kind soul was a lifeline.”

It seemed like they were delving more into a topic that Robin would rather have discussed in the safety of his office, so he took a small curve back to Dru’s welfare. “How long will the stone have an effect on her? It was hell just trying to get her back to sleep last night. I can’t imagine having a go at another evening like that.”

“As long as she has no contact with it, she will be fine.” He hoped. “I think perhaps that being with me all day, then picking up on the impressions I left in it was too much for her. I regret that it happened. She’s a good kid.”

“She is. And she doesn’t blame you, we are just curious about it and its powers, whatever they may be.” Robin saw the food still on Nicolao’s plate and decided to leave. “I’ll go now,” he said, standing. “I was just curious about the stone and if it would be a lingering issue for Dru. All of the other items are left better for our sessions later, if you’re inclined to discuss them.” He smiled. “I apologize for interrupting your meal. Have a good day, Nicolao.”

“I believe I will see you at 1400 hours, yes?”

“I hope so,” Robin said with a smile as he turned to leave. “See you then.”

Nico sat watching as the Counselor left. At least now he knew why the stone hadn’t been in Dru’s quarters. He dig into his breakfast, eating faster now. It seemed he had to make a quick trip to main Science before his appointment this afternoon. And some explaining to ado to Dru as well.


A Man On A Mission


Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Breakfast Interruptus


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