View Awards - Suresh

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Fri Nov 16th, 2012 @ 8:06pm
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
"Fall On Me" (With Seyla and Darwin)

This post turned out to be pivotal in the storyline when a seemingly innocent question from Suresh led to a discovery that would affect the station at the highest levels. A good example of how actions by even those in the lowest level of station society can have far-reaching consequences.
Drama Award - OOC Drama Award - OOC
Awarded Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For Anger Management Required, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener, Suresh, Commander Li Hawke

The interaction between Wegener and Suresh in this post was well worth receiving the Drama Award. They are, essentially, mortal enemies. They both hold the same person near and dear to their hearts, but in different ways, and would do absolutely anything for her. They then find themselves in a very strange situation where they need to work together but are having a momentous time getting past how much they hate each other.
Antagonist Award - OOC Antagonist Award - OOC
Awarded Tue Feb 5th, 2013 @ 8:05pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
In the world of the Federation it sometimes seems like everything is always wine and roses, that the people who dwell in that universe are in a wonderland where all their hopes and dreams can come true. Well, that's all well and good but stories like that suck--at least to me they do. And to be the yin to that particular yang you need a great antagonist. This month, that great antagonist, is Suresh. He is the current criminal mastermind-slash-puppet master on SB900 and does one hell of a job with it. Of course, his most recent foray into the criminal side got him stuck in an alternate universe with no real idea if he, or anyone else that went with him, would make it back. He has a one track mind and knows what, or who, he wants and will stop at nothing to obtain it...or her. Congratulations to Peach for creating such a wonderfully evil character and bringing him into our group!
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:45pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For "Oz Has the Last Word" -- For Oz, she finally did have the last word and the satisfaction of locking away a man who has been a constant source of danger for her and those she holds dear. Sometimes, however, what seems to be an end is only a beginning...
Character Development Ribbon - OOC Character Development Ribbon - OOC
Awarded Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:46pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
This month’s award will be given to three characters. The first two, Suresh and Seyla, have storylines that intertwine quite often. The emotional interaction is highly prevalent but it seems that there is always a hint of “it’s just business” from Seyla’s point of view. However, once Suresh went missing, Seyla seemed to put on her big girl panties and grow quite a bit in his absence. Even now, with his return, things aren’t the same as they were. She knows that he will be going away for a long time and has seemingly changed her business skills to suit a station with Suresh. He, on the other hand, seems to have lost his super-villain persona--just a touch, and has been worn down by his love for Captain Hawke, realizing that he doesn’t think he can go on without her and not really focusing at all on his former business dealings.
Superior Civilian Service Award - IC Superior Civilian Service Award - IC
Awarded Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:49am
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
"Awarded to civilians rendering assistance to any member of Starfleet or the Federation. This is the highest civilian award given by Starfleet for actions by a civilian." For his actions in assisting Starfleet personnel in their pursuit and recovery of the fugitive Suresh, escapee from Elba II. (And I bet it's gonna' be real confusing to Starfleet Command when they get this -- Suresh catching Suresh and then getting an award for it?)
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:50am
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
The homecoming of the quartet sent to retrieve evil Suresh after his escape from Elba II was a great end to an amazing story. Not only did we actually manage a somewhat-happy ending, albeit marred with some scrapes and incarcerations, we got to see some very happy reunions in the docking bay. Oh, and the one not-so-happy reunion of Lazan with noveau-Suresh and Darwin.
Medal of the Rose - OOC Medal of the Rose - OOC
Awarded Fri Oct 9th, 2015 @ 11:59pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Medal of the Rose - OOC: Suresh & Ensign Six of Ten

When Six and Suresh met, no one would have predicted the direction their relationship would take. When they became involved, no one seemed to approve and they definitely didn’t understand. Many tried to change her mind (we’re looking at you, Tess!). Even now, most don’t know the true depth of their union, or the real story behind Six’s apparent departure from the Fleet to be with the man she loves. Sometimes, you have to do what you have to do and they are determined to make it work, despite the difficulties they face.
Character Development Ribbon - OOC Character Development Ribbon - OOC
Awarded Wed Nov 11th, 2015 @ 2:19am
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke

Suresh (II) - The new Suresh jumped into the action with both feet. Following the hunt for the escaped (old) Suresh, he returned to 900 to step into the shoes left by the former crime lord’s absence. He’s given up his ‘real’ life to play the part and assist Intel and Security in maintaining the peace below the equator. Since then, he’s married and is having to keep it under wraps, as well as facing the plotting of the Old Suresh’s wife who almost caused him to lose Six. He’s become a force in his own right and continues to tread a fine line every day down in the Pit.
Drama Award - OOC Drama Award - OOC
Awarded Wed Nov 11th, 2015 @ 2:20am
Nominated by Commander Patrick Leroy
For the post "Retracing Old Steps"

Flashbacks... The staple of drama.
Especially those lying shadowy hues on the future. This post is a glimpse of Suresh (the original) ferocity and the troubles that Suresh 2.0 is going to face...